2,088 research outputs found
El fre magnètic : experimentant amb els corrents de Foucault
En aquest treball pràctic es proposa el fenomen de la caiguda d'un imant de neodimi per un tub metàl·lic vertical (no ferromagnètic).També es proposa investigar com afecta el gruix del tub al temps de caiguda de l'imant; per a això fem servir un rotlle de paper d'alumini. Per mesurar el temps de caiguda podem fer servir sensors Hall i l'oscil·loscopi o bé un cronòmetre
Knowledge management in the voluntary sector: A focus on sharing project know-how and expertise
Voluntary sector organisations are operated principally by volunteers who are not obliged to share their knowledge, as might be expected in a for profit company, with a greater consequent loss of knowledge should individuals leave. This research examines how a volunteer-led organisation, the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), acquires, stores and shares its project knowledge in the context of event management. Three annual CAMRA festivals of different sizes and maturity were selected to see how volunteers' knowledge is managed in the process of organising their festivals. Key festival officers were interviewed and focus groups, comprising of festival volunteers, were conducted. While the maturity of a festival and its size seemed to influence the ways in which knowledge was managed there were some commonalities between festivals. Evident was a strong master-apprentice model of learning with little formal training or record keeping except, that is, where legislation and accountability in treasury and health and safety functions were necessary. Trust between volunteers and their need to know and to share information appeared to be dependent, in part, on their perception and confidence in the success of the overarching project organisation, and this helped shape volunteers' knowledge sharing practices. Whilst there was evidence of a laissez-faire approach to codification and the sharing of knowledge, this was less so when volunteers recognised a genuine lack of knowledge which would hinder the success of their festival. The analysis also highlighted factors related to the sharing of knowledge that, it is suggested, have not been identified in the for-profit sector
Història, narrativitat i gir lingüístic. Algunes consideracions
En aquest article s'intenta discutir quines han estat les aportacions de la narrativitat i del gir lingüístic a la historiografia i a la teoria de la història, en el context de la crisi de les ciències socials en el darrer quart de segle, presidit a Occident per la globalització capitalista i per l'eclosió identitària.An attempt to discuss what have been the contributions of narrative and of linguistic turn to historiography and the theory of history in the context of the crisis within social science in the last quarter of a century, dominated in the West by capitalist globalisation and an emerging sense of identity
La revista il·lustrada "El Loro"
La Biblioteca d'Humanitats de la UAB va adquirir la col·lecció completa del setmanari gràfic barceloní "El Loro" (1879-1885
De la Solidaritat Catalana a la Setmana Tràgica : la premsa il·lustrada barcelonina
Durant el període 1905-1909, a cavall dels esdeveniments político-socials, es produeixen dos fenòmens essencials en la premsa il·lustrada catalana. El primer seria l'amplitud de la seva difusió i de la seva influència sobre els propis esdeveniments; el segon, el pas decisiu i massiu del dibuix gravat a la fotografia i, per a aquesta, la identificació de la seva autoria.Durante el período 1905-1909, a caballo de los acontecimientos político-sociales, se producen dos fenómenos esenciales en la prensa ilustrada catalana. El primero sería la amplitud de su difusión y de su influencia sobre los propios acontecimientos, el segundo, el paso decisivo y masivo del dibujo grabado en la fotografía y, para ésta, la identificación de su autoría.During the period 1905-1909, half of the political and social events, there are two essential features in the illustrated press Catalan. The first is the extent of its spread and its influence on the events themselves, the second step and the mass recorded in the drawing and photography, for the latter, the identification of his own
Index de les obres ressenyades: Rosa FRANQUET, Radio Barcelona. 70 anys d'història. 1924-197
The Support Needed for Spouses of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Survivors: An Exploration into Resources and Reference Materials
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is, indeed, an equal opportunity perpetrator. Of the millions of Americans who sustain a TBI each year, at least 230,000 people are hospitalized and survive, and more than 80,000 to 90,000 people experience the onset of long-term disability (“Report to Congress”). However, it would appear that the reference materials and resources available to those needing life guidance post-TBI are not at all commensurate with the incidence of its occurrence. More specifically, it seems the population most overlooked within the world of those affected by TBI is the partners of adult TBI victims
El cinema (i altres mitjans audiovisuals) sobre el geneocidi armeni
Estudio del cine (y de otros medios audiovisuales) que ha tratado el tema del genocidio de los armenios perpetrado por el Imperio Otomano durante la primera guerra mundial (1914-1918). Se contemplan los films realizados en cualquier parte del mundo, pero se observa la gran importancia de la diáspora armenia en su producción. No fue hasta los años sesenta del siglo XX cuando esta cinematografía empezó a adquirir un grueso considerable, debido a la constante actuación de Turquía en contra de él. Se distingue entre los films documentales y los argumentales y de ensayo cinematográfico. Cronología y bibliografía.Estudi del cinema (i d'altres mitjans audiovisuals) que ha tractat el tema del genocidi dels armenis perpetrat per l'Imperi Otomà durant la primera guerra mundial (1914-1918). Es contemplen els films realitzats arreu del món, però s'observa la gran importància de la diàspora armènia en la seva producció. No fou fins els anys seixanta del segle XX quan aquesta cinematografia començà a adquirir un gruix considerable, a causa de la constant actuació de Turquia en contra d'ell. Es distingeix entre els films documentals i els argumentals i d'assaig cinematogràfic. Cronologia i bibliografia.Study of the cinema (and of other audio-visual means) that has treated the topic of the genocide of the Armenians perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire during the first world war (1914-1918). There are contemplated the films realized in any part of the world, but is observed the great importance of the Armenian diaspora in her production. It was not until the sixties of the 20th century when this cinematography started acquiring a considerable thickness, due to the constant action of Turkey in opposition to it. It differs between the documentary films and the plot ones and of cinematographic essay. Chronology and bibliography
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