15 research outputs found

    In-fiber production of polymeric particles for biosensing and encapsulation

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    Polymeric micro- and nanoparticles are becoming a mainstay in biomedicine, medical diagnostics, and therapeutics, where they are used in implementing sensing mechanisms, as imaging contrast agents, and in drug delivery. Current approaches to the fabrication of such particles are typically finely tuned to specific monomer or polymer species, size ranges, and structures. We present a general scalable methodology for fabricating uniformly sized spherical polymeric particles from a wide range of polymers produced with complex internal architectures and continuously tunable diameters extending from the millimeter scale down to 50 nm. Controllable access to such a wide range of sizes enables broad applications in cancer treatment, immunology, and vaccines. Our approach harnesses thermally induced, predictable fluid instabilities in composite core/cladding polymer fibers drawn from a macroscopic scaled-up model called a preform. Through a stack-and-draw process, we produce fibers containing a multiplicity of identical cylindrical cores made of the polymers of choice embedded in a polymer cladding. The instability leads to the breakup of the initially intact cores, independent of the polymer chemistry, into necklaces of spherical particles held in isolation within the cladding matrix along the entire fiber length. We demonstrate here surface functionalization of the extracted particles for biodetection through specific protein-protein interactions, volumetric encapsulation of a biomaterial in spherical polymeric shells, and the combination of both surface and volumetric functionalities in the same particle. These particles used in distinct modalities may be produced from the desired biocompatible polymer by changing only the geometry of the macroscopic preform from which the fiber is drawn

    Design Of A Polymer Optical Fiber Luminescent Solar Concentrator

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    The design of a new polymeric optical fiber luminescent solar concentrator (FLSC) for two-stage light concentration is reported using low-loss submillimeter-thick polymer optical fiber with judiciously localized luminescent materials. Multiple FLSCs may be arranged on a surface to form a low-weight and mechanically flexible solar concentrating fabric for mobile energy needs. The overall optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency of the FLSC rivals that of reported flat slab luminescent solar concentrators while increasing the geometric gain, thereby potentially reducing the cost. We present the design and optimization of a polymeric optical fiber luminescent solar concentrator (FLSC) and systematically investigate the impact of the geometrical and physical parameters of the fiber and active luminescent dopants on the FLSC performance. A multiplicity of individual FLSCs may be arranged on a surface to form a low-weight and mechanically flexible solar concentrating fabric. In addition to these unique structural properties, we find that the overall optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency of the FLSC rivals that of reported flat slab LSCs while increasing the geometric gain, thereby potentially reducing the cost

    Fiber Luminescent Solar Concentrator With 5.7% Conversion Efficiency

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    Luminescent Solar Concentrators (LSC\u27\u27s) are a promising alternative for reducing the cost of solar power. Exploiting the advantages of optical fiber production, we present here a Fiber LSC (FLSC) in which the waveguide is a polymer optical fiber. We present modeling, fabrication and optical characterization of FLSC (conversion efficiency ∼ 5.7%) with a hybrid fiber structure for two-stage concentration of incident light. Directional guiding in fiber allows for at least twofold geometrical gain improvement compared to conventional LSC. It also alleviates the size limitation of conventional LSC\u27\u27s in one direction. Light-weight, flexible solar sheets assembled from such fibers can provide a means for mobile energy needs. © 2013 SPIE

    Design And Fabrication Of Polymer-Fiber-Based Luminescent Solar Concentrator Fabrics

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    We present the design and fabrication of all-polymer optical fiber luminescent solar concentrators. Large-area, lightweight, and flexible fabrics constructed of such fibers are a low-cost solar-energy alternative useful for mobile applications. © 2012 OSA

    Inscription Of Photonic Devices On The Tip Of A Chalcogenide Glass Fiber

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    We demonstrate a method for lithographic inscription of photonic devices on the tip of a multi-material chalcogenide glass fiber. A modified photolithography approach is used to etch a Fresnel lens on an As2Se3 core. © 2012 OSA

    In-Fiber Fabrication Of Size-Controllable Structured Particles

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    We present an approach for fabricating single-material and multi-material structured spherical particles in the size range 1 millimeter to 50 nanometers that makes use of the Plateau-Rayleigh capillary instability in a multi-material fiber. © 2012 OSA

    One-step Multi-material Preform Extrusion for Robust Chalcogenide Glass Optical Fibers and Tapers

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    We demonstrate a novel process of one-step extrusion of multi-material fiber preforms containing chalcogenide glasses and polymers. The polymer lends mechanical robustness to the drawn chalcogenide infrared fibers and tapers. © OSA 2012

    Multimaterial Fibers For Generating Structured Nanoparticles

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    An integrating sphere is used to measure the absorptance of P3HT:PCBM layers with 700 nm period gratings on the reverse side of the substrate. Gratings that do not exploit TIR adversely affect the absorptance. © 2012 OSA

    In-Fiber Fabrication Of Size-Controllable Structured Particles

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    We present an approach for fabricating single-material and multi-material structured spherical particles in the size range 1 millimeter to 50 nanometers that makes use of the Plateau- Rayleigh capillary instability in a multi-material fiber. © OSA 2012

    Multimaterial Preform Coextrusion For Robust Chalcogenide Optical Fibers And Tapers

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    The development of robust infrared fibers is crucial for harnessing the capabilities of new mid-infrared lasers. We present a novel approach to the fabrication of chalcogenide glass fiber preforms: one-step multimaterial extrusion. The preform consists of a glass core and cladding surrounded by a built-in, thermally compatible, polymer jacket for mechanical support. Using this approach we extrude several preform structures and draw them into robust composite fibers. Furthermore, the polymer cladding allows us to produce robust tapers with submicrometer core diameter. © 2012 Optical Society of America