6 research outputs found


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    Technological advances in electronics have led to highly efficient, low powered, integrated communication devices and sensors. Sensors can be spread throughout a region to build a network for many applications such as environmental observations, habitat monitoring, protecting a region from intruders, military applications and so on. Sensor networks have become a very active topic of research due to its emerging importance in many personal, home, industry, agriculture, and medical applications. This report demonstrates a wide survey of sensor networks research. The report identifies the research areas of sensor networks, presents the past researches in these areas also draws some conclusions about future and further research directions.

    Dynamic Task Migration in Home-based Software DSM Systems

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    this paper is supported by the CLIMBING Program, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 69896250-1 and No. 69703002

    JIAJIA: An SVM System Based on a New Cache Coherence Protocol

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    This paper describes design and evaluation of a Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) system called JIAJIA. The objective of JIAJIA is two-fold: extending memory space and improving performance. Based on the observation that system overhead of a complex SVM system may effectively offset performance gains caused by the additional complexity, JIAJIA is designed as simple as possible. Compared to recent SVM systems such as TreadMarks, CVM, and Quarks, JIAJIA characterizes itself in the following aspects: ffl Physical memories of multiple computers are combined to form a larger shared space. In other recent SVM systems such as TreadMarks, CVM, and Quarks, the shared address space is limited by the size of the memory of a computer. In JIAJIA, the size of shared space can be as large as the sum of each machine's local memories. ffl A lock-based cache coherence protocol for scope consistency is proposed to simplify the design. Our protocol is lock-based because it totally eliminates directory and all ..