1 research outputs found
ACT-Enhanced Behavior Therapy in Group Format for Trichotillomania: An Effectiveness Study
Background This study sought to investigate the effectiveness of group treatment for trichotillomania (TTM) in ordinary clinical settings. Treatment consisted of a combination of habit reversal training (HRT) and acceptance and commitment treatment (ACT). Both short- and long-term effects were explored, as well as individual change trajectories. Methods The sample consist of fifty-three patients with TTM. Treatment outcomes were evaluated at post-treatment and at one-year follow-up using self-report questionnaires (Massachusetts General Hospital Hair Pulling Scale, MGH-HS), structured clinical interviews (National Institute of Mental Health Trichotillomania Severity Scale, NIMH-TSS), and the Clinical Global Impression scale for TTM (CGI-TTM). Results
Analyses by mixed models for repeated measurements yielded a statistically significant effect of time (p Conclusions ACT-enhanced behavior therapy in a group format seems efficient for reducing symptoms of trichotillomania