1,119 research outputs found

    Uncertainty effect on leak localisation in a DMA

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    The leak localisation methodologies based on data and models are affected by both uncertainties in the model and in the measurements. This uncertainty should be quantified so that its effect on the localisation methods performance can be estimated. In this paper, a model-based leak localisation methodology is applied to a real District Metered Area using synthetic data. In the generation process of the data, uncertainty in demands is taken into account. This uncertainty was estimated so that it can justify the uncertainty observed in the real measurements. The leak localisation methodology consists, first, in generating the set of possible measurements, obtained by Monte Carlo Simulation under a certain leak assumption and considering uncertainty, and second, in falsifying sets of nodes using the correlation with a leak residual model in order to signal a set of possible leaky nodes. The assessment is done by means of generating the confusion matrix with a Monte Carlo approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The activity-based costing model trajectory: A path of lights and shadows

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    Purpose: To present a literature review showing the trajectory of the ABC model. Design/methodology: Literature review. Findings: This paper analyzes the history of the ABC model and its dissemination process, in the form of articles published in the specialized press. Research limitations/implications: The bibliometric study has been carried out based on specialized journals. Practical implications: Before a new strategic management tool is adopted, its strategic or operational contribution to the organization should be analyzed. The adoption of new tools based on current trends or as part of mimetic processes, could imply financial investments that do not produce the desired effects. Originality/value: This work is an analysis of the trajectory of the ABC model from its appearance to the present time.Peer Reviewe

    Restriccions d'integritat temporals en bases de dades deductives bitemporals

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    The aim of this report is to introduce a taxonomy of temporal integrity constraints, focused on the bitemporal deductive database area, to get a better understanding of why they are required, their behavior and the best way to define them using first order logic. To meet these goals, we have analyzed temporal integrity constraints taxonomies existing on the temporal database area and deeply related areas as multiversion databases. Thus, the mentioned legacy work has been adapted and developed to cover the scope of the bitemporal deductive databases.Postprint (published version

    La ciutadania moral

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    Extracting weather features from outdoor scene images using convolutional neural networks

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    En aquesta tesi construïm un nou conjunt de dades amb imatges extretes de webcams situades arreu del món utilitzant EarthCam, una web pública on tenen diverses càmeres en directe que mostren escenes exteriors i on qualsevol usuari pot realitzar una captura de pantalla en qualsevol moment i es publica a la web, ho anomenen Saló de la Fama. Aleshores associem les imatges amb les seves condicions meteorològiques, obtingudes a través de l'API d'OpenWeather, com la descripció de la condició meteorològica principal i la temperatura. També desenvolupem diferents xarxes neuronals convolucionals per predir la condició meteorològica per una imatge i proposem noves arquitectures per predir la temperatura d'imatges d'escenes en les quals el model no ha estat entrenat.En esta tesis construimos un nuevo conjunto de datos con imágenes extraídas de webcams situadas alrededor del mundo usando EarthCam, una web pública donde tienen múltiples cámaras en directo que muestran escenas exteriores y donde cualquier usuario puede realizar una captura de pantalla en cualquier momento y se publica en la web, lo llaman Salón de la Fama. Entonces asociamos las imágenes con sus condiciones meteorológicas, obtenidas mediante la API de OpenWeather, como la descripción de la condición meteorológica principal y su temperatura. También desarrollamos diferentes redes neuronales convolucionales para predecir la condición meteorológica principal de una imagen y proponemos nuevas arquitecturas para predecir la temperatura de imágenes de escenas donde el modelo no ha sido entrenado.In this thesis we construct a new dataset with images extracted from webcams around the world using EarthCam, a public website where they have multiple live cameras showing outdoor scenes and any user can take a screenshot of the camera at any time and it becomes publicly available, they call this the Hall of Fame. We associate the images with their weather conditions, obtained via the OpenWeather API, such as the main weather description and the temperature. We also develop convolutional neural networks to predict a weather condition for an image and we propose some new model architectures for being able to predict the temperature from images from places the model has not been trained on.Outgoin

    Estimada escola de poble

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    En aquest article coneixem l’evolució de l’escola rural d’aquest país a través de les vivències professionals i personals d’una mestra de poble que fa més de vint anys que exerceix en una escola de poble. Una mestra participativa, preocupada pels seus nens i nenes, pel seu poble... Una mestra que encara avui continua treballant i lluitant per tal que l’escola rural sigui un model d’escola. Ens explica el pas d’escola unitària i/o cíclica a ZER, els seus inconvenients i els seus avantatges, justificant el perquè de cadascuna de les decisions preses, sense gaire suport per part de l’Administració però amb el suport incondicional dels pares i les mares del poble. L’escola rural continua caminant per millorar la qualitat pedagògica i ampliar la capacitat de compartir.This article allows us to understand the rural school evolution in Spain through the professional and personal experiences of a teacher who has been working in rural schools for over twenty years. She is a participative teacher, who cares for her students and her village, a teacher who even today keeps working and fighting so that rural schools become a model for the rest of schools. She tells the changing process from unitary or cyclical school to RSA, its advantages and drawbacks, and justifies every decision taken, without much help from the Administration but with great support from the children’s parents. Rural schools keep on working to improve their pedagogical quality and to broaden their capacity of sharing.En este artículo conoceremos la evolución de la escuela rural en este país a través de las vivencias profesionales y personales de una maestra de pueblo que ejerce su profesión hace más de veinte años. Una maestra participativa, preocupada por sus alumnos, por su pueblo... Una maestra que todavía hoy sigue trabajando y luchando para que la escuela rural sea un modelo de escuela. Nos explica el paso de la escuela unitaria y/o cíclica a ZER, sus inconvenientes y sus ventajas, justificando cada una de las decisiones tomadas, sin demasiada ayuda por parte de la Administración pero con un gran apoyo de los padres y madres del pueblo. La escuela rural sigue adelante para mejorar la calidad pedagógica y para ampliar su capacidad de compartir

    The digital gap: gender and computer games

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    The purpose of this article is to consider a specific aspect which has become an obvious source of social inequality in the digital era: computer games from a gender perspective. To this end, the existing literature is reviewed to show that despite the positive educational aspects of play, educational use of computer games is minimal. Details are also given of various research which shows the gender bias in different aspects related to multimedia games. The results of the research carried out by the authors (which received a subsidy from the Catalan Autonomous Government Catalan Women's Institute), dealing with the prevailing sexism in multimedia games, is also listed. Finally, the need for safeguarding the quality of multimedia games is highlighted, without forgetting new technologies' socialising importance in today's society.The purpose of this article is to consider a specific aspect which has become an obvious source of social inequality in the digital era: computer games from a gender perspective. To this end, the existing literature is reviewed to show that despite the positive educational aspects of play, educational use of computer games is minimal. Details are also given of various research which shows the gender bias in different aspects related to multimedia games. The results of the research carried out by the authors (which received a subsidy from the Catalan Autonomous Government Catalan Women's Institute), dealing with the prevailing sexism in multimedia games, is also listed. Finally, the need for safeguarding the quality of multimedia games is highlighted, without forgetting new technologies' socialising importance in today's society

    Un pagès "Honoris Causa"

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