103 research outputs found

    Laser cooling with electromagnetically induced transparency: Application to trapped samples of ions or neutral atoms

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    A novel method of ground state laser cooling of trapped atoms utilizes the absorption profile of a three (or multi-) level system which is tailored by a quantum interference. With cooling rates comparable to conventional sideband cooling, lower final temperatures may be achieved. The method was experimentally implemented to cool a single Ca+^+ ion to its vibrational ground state. Since a broad band of vibrational frequencies can be cooled simultaneously, the technique will be particularly useful for the cooling of larger ion strings, thereby being of great practical importance for initializing a quantum register based on trapped ions. We also discuss its application to different level schemes and for ground state cooling of neutral atoms trapped by a far detuned standing wave laser field.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Appl Phys B 200

    Vacuum-field level shifts in a single trapped ion mediated by a single distant mirror

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    A distant mirror leads to a vacuum-induced level shift in a laser-excited atom. This effect has been measured with a single mirror 25 cm away from a single, trapped barium ion. This dispersive action is the counterpart to the mirror's dissipative effect, which has been shown earlier to effect a change in the ion's spontaneous decay [J. Eschner et al., Nature 413, 495-498 (2001)]. The experimental data are well described by 8-level optical Bloch equations which are amended to take into account the presence of the mirror according to the model in [U. Dorner and P. Zoller, Phys. Rev. A 66, 023816 (2002)]. Observed deviations from simple dispersive behavior are attributed to multi-level effects.Comment: version accepted by PR

    Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions

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    Ground state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions in an rf-(Paul) trap is the prerequisite for quantum information experiments with trapped ions. With resolved sideband cooling on the optical S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition we have cooled one and two 40Ca+ ions to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. With a novel cooling scheme utilizing electromagnetically induced transparency on the S1/2 - P1/2 manifold we have achieved simultaneous ground state cooling of two motional sidebands 1.7 MHz apart. Starting from the motional ground state we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on the S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition at 729 nm. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed in the motional ground state and in the n=1 Fock state. In the linear quadrupole rf-trap with 700 kHz trap frequency along the symmetry axis (2 MHz in radial direction) the minimum ion spacing is more than 5 micron for up to 4 ions. We are able to cool two ions to the ground state in the trap and individually address the ions with laser pulses through a special optical addressing channel.Comment: Proceedings of the ICAP 2000, Firenz

    Shot-noise limited monitoring and phase locking of the motion of a single trapped ion

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    We perform high-resolution real-time read-out of the motion of a single trapped and laser-cooled Ba ion. By using an interferometric setup we demonstrate shot-noise limited measurement of thermal oscillations with resolution of 4 times the standard quantum limit. We apply the real-time monitoring for phase control of the ion motion through a feedback loop, suppressing the photon recoil-induced phase diffusion. Due to the spectral narrowing in phase-locked mode, the coherent ion oscillation is measured with resolution of about 0.3 times the standard quantum limit

    Coupling a single atomic quantum bit to a high finesse optical cavity

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    The quadrupole S1/2_{1/2} -- D5/2_{5/2} optical transition of a single trapped Ca+^+ ion, well suited for encoding a quantum bit of information, is coherently coupled to the standing wave field of a high finesse cavity. The coupling is verified by observing the ion's response to both spatial and temporal variations of the intracavity field. We also achieve deterministic coupling of the cavity mode to the ion's vibrational state by selectively exciting vibrational state-changing transitions and by controlling the position of the ion in the standing wave field with nanometer-precision

    Precision measurement and compensation of optical Stark shifts for an ion-trap quantum processor

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    Using optical Ramsey interferometry, we precisely measure the laser-induced AC-stark shift on the S1/2S_{1/2} -- D5/2D_{5/2} "quantum bit" transition near 729 nm in a single trapped 40^{40}Ca+^+ ion. We cancel this shift using an additional laser field. This technique is of particular importance for the implementation of quantum information processing with cold trapped ions. As a simple application we measure the atomic phase evolution during a n×2πn \times 2\pi rotation of the quantum bit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Deterministic single-photon source from a single ion

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    We realize a deterministic single-photon source from one and the same calcium ion interacting with a high-finesse optical cavity. Photons are created in the cavity with efficiency (88 +- 17)%, a tenfold improvement over previous cavity-ion sources. Results of the second-order correlation function are presented, demonstrating a high suppression of two-photon events limited only by background counts. The cavity photon pulse shape is obtained, with good agreement between experiment and simulation. Moreover, theoretical analysis of the temporal evolution of the atomic populations provides relevant information about the dynamics of the process and opens the way to future investigations of a coherent atom-photon interface

    Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps

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    We investigate single ions of 40Ca+^{40}Ca^+ in Paul traps for quantum information processing. Superpositions of the S1/2_{1/2} electronic ground state and the metastable D5/2_{5/2} state are used to implement a qubit. Laser light on the S1/2_{1/2} \leftrightarrow D5/2_{5/2} transition is used for the manipulation of the ion's quantum state. We apply sideband cooling to the ion and reach the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. Starting from this Fock state n=0>|n=0>, we demonstrate coherent quantum state manipulation. A large number of Rabi oscillations and a ms-coherence time is observed. Motional heating is measured to be as low as one vibrational quantum in 190 ms. We also report on ground state cooling of two ions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. submitted to Journal of Modern Optics, Special Issue on Quantum Optics: Kuehtai 200

    Cavity Assisted Nondestructive Laser Cooling of Atomic Qubits

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    We analyze two configurations for laser cooling of neutral atoms whose internal states store qubits. The atoms are trapped in an optical lattice which is placed inside a cavity. We show that the coupling of the atoms to the damped cavity mode can provide a mechanism which leads to cooling of the motion without destroying the quantum information.Comment: 12 page

    Raman spectroscopy of a single ion coupled to a high-finesse cavity

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    We describe an ion-based cavity-QED system in which the internal dynamics of an atom is coupled to the modes of an optical cavity by vacuum-stimulated Raman transitions. We observe Raman spectra for different excitation polarizations and find quantitative agreement with theoretical simulations. Residual motion of the ion introduces motional sidebands in the Raman spectrum and leads to ion delocalization. The system offers prospects for cavity-assisted resolved-sideband ground-state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions and photons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure