1 research outputs found

    Repercusion psicosocial del embarazo en la adolescencia : Psychosocial impact of pregnancy in adolescence

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    Introducci贸n: Cerca de 16 millones de adolescentes entre 15 y 19 a帽os de edad, tienen un parto cada a帽o, lo que representan el 11 % de todos los nacimientos en el mundo; por lo que se ha constituido en un problema de salud, representando elevados riesgos psicol贸gicos y sociales. Objetivo: Caracterizar las repercusiones psicosociales del embarazo en la adolescencia del centro de salud Guasmo Oeste Manglar en el a帽o 2021. Materiales y M茅todos: Se realiz贸 un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, con un dise帽o de estudio de prevalencia o de corte transversal, la poblaci贸n de estudio fueron 95 adolescentes embarazadas, atendidas en la consulta del Centro de Salud Guasmo Oeste Manglar, mediante una prueba psicom茅trica. Resultados: Se identific贸 que el 69.4 % se encontraban en edades entre 18 y 19 a帽os, 79 % estado civil uni贸n libre, el 88.4% se autoidentific贸 como mestiza, el 57.9% terminaron el bachillerato. Con respecto a las repercusiones psicol贸gicas, se identific贸 que presentaban ansiedad el 18.5%, depresi贸n 12.6 % y autoestima baja el 7.4 %. Para las repercusiones sociales, podemos observar 35.8 % tuvieron deserci贸n escolar; al analizar la reacci贸n familiar el 61% tienen aceptaci贸n familiar, el 78% cuenta con apoyo de parte del conyugue y no se presentaron casos de rechazo social. Conclusi贸n: Se identificaron en las embarazadas adolescentes un aumento de casos de deserci贸n escolar, quedando la adolescente con un nivel de escolaridad muy bajo que no le permite acceder a un trabajo digno que le permita satisfacer, al menos, sus necesidades b谩sicas. Adem谩s, una peque帽a parte experimentaron ansiedad, depresi贸n y baja autoestima; es de importancia tener en cuenta, ya que las convierte en un grupo de atenci贸n prioritaria. SUMMARY Introduction: About 16 million adolescents between 15 and 19 years of age have a birth every year, representing 11% of all births in the world; so it has become a health problem, representing high psychological and social risks. Goals: Characterize the psychosocial repercussions of pregnancy in adolescence in the health center Guasmo west Mangrove in the year 2021. Materials and Methods: An observational study was carried out, cross-sectional descriptive study, with a prevalence or cross-sectional study design, the The study population consisted of 95 pregnant adolescents, attended in the consultation of the Center for Guasmo west Mangrove Health, through a psychometric test. Results: It was identified that the 69.4% were between the ages of 18 and 19, 79% marital status free union, 88.4% were self-identified as half blood, 57.9% finished high school. Regarding the repercussions psychological, it was identified that they presented anxiety 18.5%, depression 12.6% and low self-esteem the 7.4%. For the social repercussions, we can observe 35.8% had dropped out of school; to the analyze the family reaction 61% have family acceptance, 78% have support from the spouse and there were no cases of social rejection. Conclusion: They were identified in the pregnant adolescents an increase in cases of school dropout, leaving the adolescent with a very low level of schooling that does not allow him to access a decent job that allows him meet at least their basic needs. In addition, a small part experienced anxiety, depression and low self-esteem; is of importance to take into account, since it turns them into a group of priority attention