56 research outputs found

    Almost Lossless Analog Compression without Phase Information

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    We propose an information-theoretic framework for phase retrieval. Specifically, we consider the problem of recovering an unknown n-dimensional vector x up to an overall sign factor from m=Rn phaseless measurements with compression rate R and derive a general achievability bound for R. Surprisingly, it turns out that this bound on the compression rate is the same as the one for almost lossless analog compression obtained by Wu and Verd\'u (2010): Phaseless linear measurements are as good as linear measurements with full phase information in the sense that ignoring the sign of m measurements only leaves us with an ambiguity with respect to an overall sign factor of x

    Almost Lossless Analog Signal Separation

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    We propose an information-theoretic framework for analog signal separation. Specifically, we consider the problem of recovering two analog signals from a noiseless sum of linear measurements of the signals. Our framework is inspired by the groundbreaking work of Wu and Verd\'u (2010) on almost lossless analog compression. The main results of the present paper are a general achievability bound for the compression rate in the analog signal separation problem, an exact expression for the optimal compression rate in the case of signals that have mixed discrete-continuous distributions, and a new technique for showing that the intersection of generic subspaces with subsets of sufficiently small Minkowski dimension is empty. This technique can also be applied to obtain a simplified proof of a key result in Wu and Verd\'u (2010).Comment: To be presented at IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory 2013, Istanbul, Turke

    Simultaneous Distributed Sensor Self-Localization and Target Tracking Using Belief Propagation and Likelihood Consensus

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    We introduce the framework of cooperative simultaneous localization and tracking (CoSLAT), which provides a consistent combination of cooperative self-localization (CSL) and distributed target tracking (DTT) in sensor networks without a fusion center. CoSLAT extends simultaneous localization and tracking (SLAT) in that it uses also intersensor measurements. Starting from a factor graph formulation of the CoSLAT problem, we develop a particle-based, distributed message passing algorithm for CoSLAT that combines nonparametric belief propagation with the likelihood consensus scheme. The proposed CoSLAT algorithm improves on state-of-the-art CSL and DTT algorithms by exchanging probabilistic information between CSL and DTT. Simulation results demonstrate substantial improvements in both self-localization and tracking performance.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Generic Correlation Increases Noncoherent MIMO Capacity

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    We study the high-SNR capacity of MIMO Rayleigh block-fading channels in the noncoherent setting where neither transmitter nor receiver has a priori channel state information. We show that when the number of receive antennas is sufficiently large and the temporal correlation within each block is "generic" (in the sense used in the interference-alignment literature), the capacity pre-log is given by T(1-1/N) for T<N, where T denotes the number of transmit antennas and N denotes the block length. A comparison with the widely used constant block-fading channel (where the fading is constant within each block) shows that for a large block length, generic correlation increases the capacity pre-log by a factor of about four.Comment: To be presented at IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory (ISIT) 2013, Istanbul, Turke

    Oversampling Increases the Pre-Log of Noncoherent Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    We analyze the capacity of a continuous-time, time-selective, Rayleigh block-fading channel in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. The fading process is assumed stationary within each block and to change independently from block to block; furthermore, its realizations are not known a priori to the transmitter and the receiver (noncoherent setting). A common approach to analyzing the capacity of this channel is to assume that the receiver performs matched filtering followed by sampling at symbol rate (symbol matched filtering). This yields a discrete-time channel in which each transmitted symbol corresponds to one output sample. Liang & Veeravalli (2004) showed that the capacity of this discrete-time channel grows logarithmically with the SNR, with a capacity pre-log equal to 1−Q/N1-{Q}/{N}. Here, NN is the number of symbols transmitted within one fading block, and QQ is the rank of the covariance matrix of the discrete-time channel gains within each fading block. In this paper, we show that symbol matched filtering is not a capacity-achieving strategy for the underlying continuous-time channel. Specifically, we analyze the capacity pre-log of the discrete-time channel obtained by oversampling the continuous-time channel output, i.e., by sampling it faster than at symbol rate. We prove that by oversampling by a factor two one gets a capacity pre-log that is at least as large as 1−1/N1-1/N. Since the capacity pre-log corresponding to symbol-rate sampling is 1−Q/N1-Q/N, our result implies indeed that symbol matched filtering is not capacity achieving at high SNR.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor
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