173 research outputs found

    Mídia e Democracia na América Latina. Notas preliminares

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    This article, exploratory, aims to present the first results of the audiovisual research Media and democracy in Latin America. This research, which will have as a feature length film and a TV series, intends to draw a map of the media in Latin America, in each country, presenting what the structure of the communications sector, how acts to mainstream media, which recent changes in legislation and the spaces occupied by the community and alternative media. The article presents some of these points for ten countries - Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Chile - and makes a brief comparative analysis. From the perception that the phenomenon of concentration of information affects all of these countries, the purpose of the work as a whole is to contribute to the debate about the democratization of media in the region, checking what is in common and what are the particularities of each case. Este artigo, de caráter exploratório, tem como objetivo apresentar os primeiros resultados da pesquisa audiovisual Mídia e Democracia na América Latina. Essa pesquisa, que terá como produtos um filme de longa metragem e uma série para TV, pretende traçar um mapa da mídia na América Latina, verificando, em cada país, qual a estrutura do setor de comunicações, como atua a grande mídia, quais as transformações recentes nas legislações e os espaços ocupados pelas mídias comunitárias e alternativas. O artigo apresenta alguns destes pontos para dez países - Venezuela, Argentina, Bolívia, Uruguai, Equador, México, Peru, Colômbia, Brasil e Chile - e faz uma breve análise comparativa. A partir da percepção de que o fenômeno da concentração da informação afeta a todos esses países, o objetivo do trabalho como um todo é contribuir para o debate sobre a democratização da mídia na região, verificando o há em comum e quais são particularidades de cada caso.

    Caring for migrants and refugees with end-stage kidney disease in Europe

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    With the number of migrants and refugees increasing globally, the nephrology community is increasingly confronted with issues relating to the management of end-stage kidney disease in this population, including medical, logistical, financial, and moral-ethical questions. Beginning with data for the state of affairs regarding refugees in Europe and grounded in moral reasoning theory, this Policy Forum Perspective contends that to improve care for this specific population, there is a need for: (1) clear demarcations of responsibilities across the societal (macro), local (meso), and individual (micro) levels, such that individual providers are aware of available resources and able to provide essential medical care while societies and local communities determine the general approach to dialysis care for refugees; (2) additional data and evidence to facilitate decision making based on facts rather than emotions; and (3) better information and education in a broad sense (cultural sensitivity, legal rights and obligations, and medical knowledge) to address specific needs in this population. Although the nephrology community cannot leverage a change in the geopolitical framework, we are in a position to generate accurate data describing the dimensions of care of refugee or migrant patients with end-stage kidney disease to advocate for a holistic approach to treatment for this unique patient population


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    Diferente do jornalismo tradicional, o midiativismo reivindica um novo paradigma de comunicação que se distancia de uma verdade absoluta, assumindo, portanto, suas ideologias a favor de movimentos que lutam por melhores condições de vida e igualdade social. Este artigo tem como objetivo discorrer sobre as ideologias que influenciam os grupos midiativistas do Rio de Janeiro e as disputas entre eles. Os métodos utilizados para desenvolver este trabalho foram as pesquisas de campo e as entrevistas realizadas pelo Laboratório de Comunicação Dialógica da UERJ (LCD/UERJ) junto a esses grupos no decorrer da realização do documentário de longa metragem Mídia em Movimento, do final de 2013 a meados de 2015. Na primeira parte do texto fazemos uma breve abordagem sobre os conceitos de ideologia e a trajetória das disputas ideológicas de esquerda no Brasil e, em seguida, analisamos as ideologias dos movimentos midiativistas do Rio de Janeiro e os conflitos observados entre esses grupos


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    4. RESUMEN La OMS clasifica la obesidad como una pandemia. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad es mayor en mujeres, representando un 63% de mujeres por grupo de edad, así como el 50% de las mujeres embarazadas presentan obesidad o sobrepeso. En mujeres gestantes el sobrepeso y la obesidad se han asociado a un mayor número de complicaciones durante el embarazo, como son la diabetes gestacional, la enfermedad hipertensiva del embarazo, la preeclampsia, las infecciones maternas (urinarias o endometritis) la enfermedad tromboembólica, el asma y la apnea del sueño. OBJETIVO: Conocer la asociación existente en pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso con las complicaciones maternas en el embarazo y puerperio en el Hospital General de Cuautitlán “General José Vicente Villada” Se realizó un estudio: Descriptivo, Observacional, Retrospectivo, Transversal. Se analizaron expedientes, de las pacientes con obesidad y sobrepeso durante el embarazo, las cuales fueron captadas a su ingreso a la unidad toco quirúrgica de esta unidad, para analizar la evolución así como la resolución del embarazo en un periodo de 01 Julio 2016 al 31 de Diciembre 2016

    As condições de sustentabilidade, a organização e os efeitos do midiativismo no Rio de Janeiro

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    This article is the second of a trilogy about “midiativismo” (media activism). In the first one, recently published, the origins and the social conditions for the formation of its collectives are approached; in the third one, their ideology will be portrayed. Here, the focus is on the functioning of such groups, how they face the challenges of activism and the struggle for human rights, the weakening of popular manifestations, as well as the hegemony of corporate media. The networks of cooperation formed among “midiativistas”, the search for resources for sustainability and the disputes between groups are central aspects to understand the phenomenon of “midiativismo”, showing its influence in transforming the hegemonic means of audiovisual creation.Este artigo é o segundo de uma trilogia sobre midiativismo. No primeiro, recentemente publicado, são abordadas as origens e as condições sociais para formação de seus coletivos; no terceiro, será retratada a ideologia dos mesmos. Neste, o foco está centrado no funcionamento de tais grupos e em como enfrentam as dificuldades do ativismo e da luta pelos direitos humanos, o enfraquecimento das manifestações populares e a hegemonia da mídia corporativa. As redes de cooperação formadas entre os midiativistas, a busca por recursos para sustentabilidade e as disputas entre os grupos são considerados aspectos centrais para a compreensão do fenômeno do midiativismo e evidenciam sua influência na transformação nos modos hegemônicos de fazer audiovisual.Este artículo es el segundo de una trilogía sobre midiativismo. En el primera, recientemente publicado, abordamos los orígenes y condiciones sociales para la formación de los colectivos; en la tercera, trataremos la ideología de los grupos . En este sentido, el enfoque en este artículo se centra en el funcionamiento de tales grupos, como enfrentan las dificultades de activismo y la lucha por los derechos humanos, el debilitamiento de las manifestaciones populares, así como la hegemonía de los medios corporativos. Como forman redes de cooperación entre la midiativistas, la búsqueda de recursos para la sostenibilidad y las disputas entre los grupos aparecem como aspectos centrales para comprender el fenómeno de la midiativismo, assim como sus evidentes efectos en la transformación de los modos de hacer audiovisual hegemónico

    Impact of potassium citrate on urinary risk profile, glucose and lipid metabolism of kidney stone formers in Switzerland

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    Background Hypocitraturia and hypercalciuria are the most prevalent risk factors in kidney stone formers (KSFs). Citrate supplementation has been introduced for metaphylaxis in KSFs. However, beyond its effects on urinary parameters and stone recurrence, only a few studies have investigated the impact of citrate on other metabolic pathways such as glucose or lipid metabolism. Methods We performed an observational study using data from the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort. Patients were subdivided into two groups based on treatment with potassium citrate or not. The outcomes were changes of urinary risk parameters, haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting glucose, cholesterol and body mass index (BMI). Results Hypocitraturia was present in 19.3% of 428 KSFs and potassium citrate was administered to 43 patients (10.0%) at a mean dosage of 3819 ± 1796 mg/day (corresponding to 12.5 ± 5.9 mmol/ day). Treatment with potassium citrate was associated with a significantly higher mean change in urinary citrate (P = 0.010) and urinary magnesium (P = 0.020) compared with no potassium citrate treatment. Exogenous citrate administration had no effect on cholesterol, fasting glucose, HbA1c and BMI. Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated no significant association of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2 D3] levels with urinary citrate excretion. Conclusion Potassium citrate supplementation in KSFs in Switzerland resulted in a beneficial change of the urinary risk profile by particularly increasing anti-lithogenic factors. Fasting glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol levels and BMI were unaffected by potassium citrate therapy after 3 months, suggesting that potassium citrate is safe and not associated with unfavourable metabolic side effects. Lastly, 1,25(OH)2 D3 levels were not associated with urinary citrate excretion

    Métodos participativos - etnografia de um processo de pesquisa

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    This article aims to make an analysis of participatory methods of research in communication and other social sciences. His leitmotif is the own research process experienced by the authors, who, throughout the development of the difficulties encountered and your, gives rise to the methodological issues discussed and the search of theoretical references to treat them. The main references used are the texts organized by Brandão (1981 and 1984) and the typology of participatory research developed by Peruzzo (2003). In addition to the types of participatory methods discussed, the authors point to ethical issues in the research process, such as the relationship between respondents and researchers on conflict situations between collectives searched.Esse artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma análise dos métodos participativos de pesquisa na comunicação e demais ciências sociais. Seu fio condutor é o próprio processo de pesquisa vivenciado pelos autores, que ao longo do seu desenvolvimento e das dificuldades encontradas suscita as questões metodológicas discutidas e a busca de referências teóricas para trata-las. As principais referências utilizadas são os textos organizados por Brandão (1981 e 1984) e a tipologia de pesquisa participativa desenvolvida por Peruzzo (2003). Além dos tipos de métodos participativos discutidos, os autores apontam para questões éticas do processo de pesquisa, tais como as relações entre pesquisados e pesquisadores diante de situações de conflito entre coletivos pesquisados.

    The Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort (SKSC), a longitudinal, multi-centric, observational cohort to study course and causes of kidney stone disease in Switzerland

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    Kidney stone disease has a high prevalence worldwide of approximately 10 % of the population and is characterized by a high recurrence rate Kidney stone disease results from a combination of genetic, environmental, and life-style risk factors, and the dissection of these factors is complex. The Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort (SKSC) is an investigator-initiated prospective, multi-centric longitudinal, observational study in patients with kidney stones followed with regular visits over a period of 3 years after inclusion. Ongoing follow-ups by biannual telephone interviews will provide long-term outcome data up to 10 years. SKSC comprises 782 adult patients (age > 18 yrs) with either recurrent stones or a single stone event with at least one risk factor for recurrence. In addition, a control cohort of 207 individuals without kidney stone history and absence of kidney stones on a low-dose CT-scan at enrolment has also been recruited. SKSC includes extensive collections of clinical data, biochemical data in blood and 24 hr urine samples, and genetic data. Biosamples are stored at a dedicated biobank. Information on diet and dietary habits were collected through food frequency questionnaires and standardized recall interviews by trained dieticians with the Globodiet software. SKSC provides an unique opportunity and resource to further study cause and course of kidney disease in a large population with data and samples collected of a homogenous collective of patients throughout the whole Swiss population

    Differences in the food consumption between kidney stone formers and non-formers in the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort.

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    OBJECTIVE Diet has a major influence on the formation and management of kidney stones. However, kidney stone formers' diet is difficult to capture in a large population. Our objective was to describe the dietary intake of kidney stone formers in Switzerland and to compare it to non-stone formers. METHODS We used data from the Swiss Kidney Stone Cohort (n=261), a multicentric cohort of recurrent or incident kidney stone formers with additional risk factors, and a control group of CT-scan proven non-stone formers (n=197). Dieticians conducted two consecutive 24-h dietary recalls, using structured interviews and validated software (GloboDiet). We took the mean consumption per participant of the two 24-h dietary recalls to describe the dietary intake and used two-part models to compare the two groups. RESULTS The dietary intake was overall similar between stone and non-stone formers. However, we identified that kidney stone formers had a higher probability of consuming cakes and biscuits (odds ratio, OR[95% CI] =1.56[1.03; 2.37]) and soft drinks (OR=1.66[1.08; 2.55]). Kidney stone formers had a lower probability of consuming nuts and seeds (OR =0.53[0.35; 0.82]), fresh cheese (OR=0.54[0.30; 0.96]), teas (OR=0.50[0.3; 0.84]), and alcoholic beverages (OR=0.35[0.23; 0.54]), especially wine (OR=0.42[0.27; 0.65]). Furthermore, among consumers, stone formers reported smaller quantities of vegetables (β coeff[95% CI]= - 0.23[- 0.41; - 0.06]), coffee (β coeff= - 0.21[- 0.37; - 0.05]), teas (β coeff= - 0.52[- 0.92; - 0.11]) and alcoholic beverages (β coeff= - 0.34[- 0.63; - 0.06]). CONCLUSION Stone formers reported lower intakes of vegetables, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages, more specifically wine, but reported drinking more frequently soft drinks than non-stone formers. For the other food groups, stone formers and non-formers reported similar dietary intakes. Further research is needed to better understand the links between diet and kidney stone formation and develop dietary recommendations adapted to the local settings and cultural habits