37 research outputs found

    Chronic Renal Failure And Changes In Laboratory Performance

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    Хроничната бъбречна недостатъчност е състояние, което настъпва в резултат от необратима загуба на основните бъбречни функции. При напреднало хронично бъбречно заболяване терапевтичните възможности са ограничени и са насочени към ограничаване на прогресията на бъбречната недостатъчност, намаляване на сърдечно-съдовите усложнения, своевременно започване на бъбречно заместващо лечение, подобряване на преживяемостта и качеството на живот на болните. Тъй като честотата на хронично бъбречните заболявания е с нарастваща тенденция през последните години, от съществено значение е поставянето на ранната диагноза и насочване към нефролог за допълнително диагностично уточняване и провеждане на лечение.Chronic kidney failure is a condition that occurs as a result of irreversible loss of essential kidney function. In the case of progressive chronic kidney disease, therapeutic options are limited and are aimed at limiting the progression of renal failure, reducing cardiovascular complications, initiation of renal replacement therapy, improving survival and quality of life of the patients. The incidence of chronic kidney disease has been increasing in recent years, therefore early diagnosis as well as timely treatment by a nephrologist are very important

    Trends In Chronic Kidney Disease In Bulgaria

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    Хроничните бъбречни заболявания са едни от най-разпространените медицински състояния на зрялата и напредналата възраст, особено в развитите страни, където застаряването на населението им отрежда едно от първите места сред причините за смъртност. Те много често не се диагностицират преди развитието на крайната фаза на бъбречната недостатъчност поради липса на съществени клинични оплаквания от страна на пациентите, което обуславя нуждата от скрининг с определени лабораторни показатели. Както у нас, така и в световен мащаб, е налице тенденция за прогресивно нарастване на бъбречните заболявания, водещи до хронична бъбречна недостатъчност.Chronic kidney disease is one of the most widespread medical conditions of adults and elderly people. In developed countries where the aging population is increasing, kidney disease is the first among the causes of mortality. It is difficult to diagnose due to lack of complaints, indicating the need for screening through laboratory tests. In Bulgaria and in the world there is a tendency for a progressive increase of the kidney diseases leading to chronic kidney failure

    Vitamin B12: Could It Be a Promising Immunotherapy?

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    Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin and an important micronutrient with critical role in DNA, protein, and lipid synthesis. It is responsible for one-carbon metabolism and cell division of nervous and hematopoietic cells. Among its various functions, the role as immunomodulator in cellular immunity, especially in elevating the number of CD8+ cells and NK cells, attracts scientific interest. Many alternative anticancer and anti-inflammatory treatments involve the use of B12 together with other vitamins and nutrients, but still the scientific information is too obscure and insufficient. Controversial data link tumorigenesis with either increased or decreased B12 blood levels in different types of cancer. Dietary intake and additional supplement with the vitamin do not protect against cancer risk, but the dominant opinion is to integrate B12 as part of rational and healthy nutrition to ensure proper function of the immune system. This chapter will review in brief the most important facts for vitamin B12 functions and properties. We will try also to present in concise way the human immune system and the exact role of B12 in immune activity with emphasis on the questionable participation of vitamin B12 in the process of carcinogenesis and its significance as anticancer immunotherapy

    Ketogenic diet - biochemical aspects and anticonvulsant mechanisms

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    Въведение: Кетогенна диета представлява нисковъглехидратна диета с повишен прием на мазнини. Още от създаването си се прилага за целите на медицината, за терапия с антиконвулсивен ефект при деца с епилепсия. Последните научни доклади дават данни за благоприятното й въздействие върху няколко мета-болитни, невродегенеративни разстройства, увеличава се и интересът към използването й в психиатрията. Цел: Целта на настоящата разработка е да представи характеристика на биохимичните аспекти на кетогенната диета, както и механизмите на антиконвулсивната й ефективност. Материали и методи: За целите на литературния обзор е направена справка с 28 научни статии на английски език. Резултати и обсъждане: Въпреки почти 100-годишното си приложение в клиничната практика причината за антиконвулсивния и другите терапевтични ефекти на кетогенната диета не са напълно изяснени. Основните метаболитни и биохимични изменения, които се на блюдават по време на кетогенното хранене, са формиране на високи нива на кетони, полиненаситени мастни киселини и γ-аминомаслената киселина GABA, която е основният инхибиторен невротрансмитер в мозъка на бозайниците. В същото време поради нисковъглехидратното хранене нивата на глюкозата в организма значително се понижават. Голям брой научни доклади от създаването на диетата до днес активно проучват биохимичните аспекти на тези изменения, както и ролята им в наблюдавания терапевтичен ефект от кетогенното хранене. Заключение: Кетогенната диета се прилага като успешна алтернативна или помощна терапия при голям брой пациенти по света. Механизмите на нейната ефективност предизвикват голям научен интерес, както и оптимизирането й за повече пациенти и техните семействата.Introduction: The ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate diet with increased fat intake. Since its inception, it has been applied for medical purposes for anticonvulsant therapy among children with epilepsy. Recent scientific reports provide evidence of its beneficial effects on several metabolic, neurodegenerative disorders, resulting in increased interest in its use in psychiatry. Aim: The aim of the article is to present the biochemical aspects of the ketogenic diet as well as the mechanisms of its anticonvulsant efficacy. Materials and Methods: For the purposes of the literature review, 28 scientific papers were reviewed. Results and Discussion: The cause of the anticonvulsant and other therapeutic effects of the ketogenic diet has not been fully elucidated, despite it being applied for almost 100 years. The major metabolic and biochemical changes observed during ketogenic feeding are the formation of high levels of ketones, polyunsaturated fatty acids and γ-aminobutyric acid GABA, which is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain. At the same time, glucose levels in the body significantly decrease as a result of the low-carbohydrate nutrition. A large number of scientific reports from the creation of the diet to today have been actively studying the biochemical aspects of these changes as well as their role in the observed therapeutic effect as a result of ketogenic nutrition. Conclusion: Ketogenic diet has being applied as a successful alternative or adjunct therapy among large number of patients worldwide. Its effective mechanisms provoke great interest, as well as its optimization for more patients and families

    А possible case of a newborn premature baby with Listeria monocytogenes infection

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    Listeria monocytogenes may cross and proliferate in the placenta and cause severe infections during pregnancy. In pregnant women, listeriosis usually occurs during the third trimester, when cell-mediated immunity is reduced. Common results are abortion, stillbirth, intrauterine and/or neonatal infections. The patient described here was a newborn male, delivered by urgent cesarean section after chorioamnionitis in 33 weeks' gestation. Soon after the birth, the baby became high oxygen doze dependent with signs of pulmonary insufficiency. The blood tests have shown decreased level of lung perfusion and ventilation, significant hypoxemia and hypercarbia. Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from ear secretion, while blood culture and other peripheral samples were negative. The baby was discharged on the 20-th day of his birth with weight of 2000 g and normal lung and heart function. On follow-up visits at the clinic, he showed normal neurological status, cognitive function and vital signs

    In vitro study of antimicrobial activity of essential oils of Origanum vulgare against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922

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    INTRODUCTION: Essential oils are aromatic and volatile liquids, extracted from different plant parts with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, and biological properties. For example, the essential oil of oregano presents antioxidant and antimicrobial activities.AIM: The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential antimicrobial activity of two (for external and internal use) commercial essential oils of Origanum vulgare against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted in Medical College, Varna, Bulgaria. The antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oils was determined by the use of the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion susceptibility test.RESULTS: Antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oils (for external and internal use) was efficient in the control of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213 and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. This inhibitory effect was observed by the inhibitory diameters above 21 mm.CONCLUSION: The future evaluation of natural essential oils with a relatively high in vitro activity could be researched in the treatment of various infectious diseases.

    Antibacterial activity of 4-isopropyl-phenyl-methylidene-4- [1- (3,5,5,8,8-pentamethyl-6,7-dihydronaphthal-2-yl) ethenyl] benzohydrazyde

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    The increase in antibiotic resistance of microorganisms encourages the constant search for new compounds. Studies on the activity of hydrazones identify them as promising compounds for further microbiological research. The aim of the present study is to determine the antibacterial activity of newly synthesized 4-isopropyl-phenyl-methylidene-4- [1- (3,5,5,8,8-pentamethyl-6,7-dihydronaphthalen-2-yl) ethe- nyl] benzohydrazide, an analog of the antineoplastic preparation bexarotene. The assay was performed against clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

    Microbial flora of the oral cavity in patients with orthodontic fixed appliances - A systematic review

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    Устната микрофлора е сложна система, в която резидентната микрофлора се намира в динамично равновесие с постъпващите отвън патогенни и хранителни елементи. Това равновесие може да бъде нарушено от редица фактори, сред които и наличието на фиксирани ортодонтски апарати, затрудняващи поддържането на добра хигиена на устната кухина и натрупване на зъбна плака.Целта на настоящия обзор е да се обобщят литературните данни относно влиянието на фиксираните ортодонтски апарати върху микрофлората на устната кухина. Някои проучвания съобщават за промяна в качеството и количеството на оралната микрофлора след ортодонтско лечение, например увеличено количество на Streptococcus mutans, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, участващи в развитието на пародонтит.Това налага при пациенти с продължително носене на фиксирани ортодонтски апарати да се провежда микробиологично изследване на оралната микрофлора с цел превенция на развитие на възпалителни процеси в устната кухина.The oral cavity is a complicated ecosystem with dynamic balance between the residential microflora and the incoming outside pathogens and food elements. Good oral hygiene plays a key role in preserving this fine balance. The presence of fixed orthodontic appliances requires the maintenance of good oral hygiene as plaque may often accumulate.The aim of our literature review is to summarize the scientific data about the influence of fixed orthodontic appliances on the composition of the microflora of the oral cavity. Some studies report that there are changes in the quality and quantity of the oral microflora after orthodontic treatment - an increase in the quantity of oral streptococci and anaerobic bacteria such as S. mutans, A. actinomycecomitans, P.gingivalis, which have a role in the development of periodontitis.In order to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity, microbiological diagnostics of the oral microflora of the patients, undergoing prolonged orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances should be performed

    Results of a Survey on the Aspects of Menopausal Symptoms and Medication Therapy

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    Introduction The period of menopause is accompanied by termination of the menstrual cycle. It is assumed to start from the 12th consecutive month of missing menstruation. In most cases, menopause occurs in the period between 40 and 50 years of age.AimThe objective of this present work is to present and analyze certain aspects of the menopausal symptomatic and the medication therapy in the menopause period.Materials and Methods A study using a direct anonymous survey was conducted on the territory of Varna Municipality during the period January – March 2018. The data collected from the survey was processed using the SPSS statistical software.SymptomsThe transition to menopause plays an important role in the etiology of symptoms described as hot flashes, nighttime sweating, mood changes, sleep disturbance, and sexual dysfunction. Therapy Approaches Hormone substitution therapy is an approach, which includes taking of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) for treatment of the symptoms of menopause and aging. Pharmacies offer a wide range of estrogen therapy medicinal products in the form of pills, plasters, suppositories, etc.Natural products therapy for menopausal symptoms includes herbs and other plant and non-plant additives.Conclusion Menopause is a natural stage in the aging process of the female organism. We are of the opinion that successful identification of the symptoms in the transitional period to menopause, and increased awareness of mature women as regards the therapy approaches available to apply, would have a significant positive impact on women’s health and social well-being

    Synthesis and in vitro antimicrobial evaluation of a new metronidazole derivative

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    INTRODUCTION: For decades there has been active work on the synthesis, identification, and exploration of heterocyclic compounds. However, the imidazole nucleus is the main scaffold in molecules with various pharmacological properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antineoplastic, antiviral, antidiabetic, etc. This work describes a synthesis of new metronidazole amide derivative by condensation of -(2-methyl-5-nitro-1Н-imidazole-1-yl)acetic acid with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (procaine). The chemical structure of the new compound was confirmed by its IR and UV-VIS spectral data and was evaluated for in vitro potential antimicrobial activity against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231.AIM: The present study aimed to synthesize, characterize, and evaluate the potential antimicrobial activity of a new metronidazole amide compound against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans 10231. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The new amide metronidazole derivative 2-(diethylamine) ethyl 4-(2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazole-1-yl)acetamide)benzoate was tested for in vitro antibacterial activity by the following described methods: cup-plate technique, minimum inhibitory concentration determination (MIC), and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) determination.RESULTS: A synthesis of a new metronidazole amide derivative was made by condensation of -(2-methyl-5-nitro-1Н-imidazole-1-yl)acetic acid with 2-(diethylamino)ethyl 4-aminobenzoate (procaine). The chemical structure of the new compound was confirmed by its IR and UV-VIS spectral data and was evaluated for in vitro potential antimicrobial activity against standard bacterial strains of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. CONCLUSION: The obtained data assess the same antimicrobial activity of the new compound and metronidazole against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The highest sensitivity was observed against Candida albicans