13 research outputs found

    Pig virus imperils food security in Borneo

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    Korelasi plak, CIMT, dan skor kalsium dengan derajat stenosis arteri koroner pada pasien dislipidemia

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    Tujuan: Mengetahui korelasi plak, ketebalan tunika intima-media arteri karotis berdasarkan ultrasonografi dan skor kalsium total dengan derajat stenosis arteri koroner berdasarkan MSCT-scan kardiak pada pasien dislipidemia. Metode: Cross-sectional, dilakukan di instalasi radiologi sentral RSUP dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar mulai bulan Juli 2018 sampai Juli 2019. Sampel sebanyak 32 orang dengan usia >18 tahun dan memiliki riwayat dislipidemia. Metode statistik yang digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Terdapat korelasi antara kejadian plak, ketebalan tunika intima-media arteri karotis dan total calcium score dengan derajat stenosis arteri koroner, dimana nilai p masing-masing secara berurutan yaitu 0,017 (<0,05), <0,0001, dan <0,0001 dan nilai r masing-masing yaitu 0,418, 0,65, dan 0,882. Simpulan: Skor kalsium total merupakan suatu penanda independen risiko kejadian kardiovaskular, lebih superior dibandingkan evaluasi arteri karotis. Terdapatnya nilai skor kalsium total menunjukkan adanya suatu penyakit arteri koroner namun tidak memprediksi obstruksi luminal. Di samping itu, keadaan dinding arteri karotis juga dapat mencerminkan keadaan dinding arteri koroner sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai penanda terjadinya aterosklerosis pada pembuluh darah jantung pada daerah yang belum memiliki fasilitas skor kalsium total

    Understanding the impacts of land-use policies on a threatened species: is there a future for the Bornean orang-utan?

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    The geographic distribution of Bornean orang-utans and its overlap with existing land-use categories (protected areas, logging and plantation concessions) is a necessary foundation to prioritize conservation planning. Based on an extensive orang-utan survey dataset and a number of environmental variables, we modelled an orang-utan distribution map. The modelled orang-utan distribution map covers 155,106 km(2) (21% of Borneo's landmass) and reveals four distinct distribution areas. The most important environmental predictors are annual rainfall and land cover. The overlap of the orang-utan distribution with land-use categories reveals that only 22% of the distribution lies in protected areas, but that 29% lies in natural forest concessions. A further 19% and 6% occurs in largely undeveloped oil palm and tree plantation concessions, respectively. The remaining 24% of the orang-utan distribution range occurs outside of protected areas and outside of concessions. An estimated 49% of the orang-utan distribution will be lost if all forest outside of protected areas and logging concessions is lost. To avoid this potential decline plantation development in orang-utan habitats must be halted because it infringes on national laws of species protection. Further growth of the plantation sector should be achieved through increasing yields in existing plantations and expansion of new plantations into areas that have already been deforested. To reach this goal a large scale island-wide land-use masterplan is needed that clarifies which possible land uses and managements are allowed in the landscape and provides new standardized strategic conservation policies. Such a process should make much better use of non-market values of ecosystem services of forests such as water provision, flood control, carbon sequestration, and sources of livelihood for rural communities. Presently land use planning is more driven by vested interests and direct and immediate economic gains, rather than by approaches that take into consideration social equity and environmental sustainability

    Global demand for natural resources eliminated more than 100,000 Bornean orangutans

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    Unsustainable exploitation of natural resources is increasingly affecting the highly biodiverse tropics. Although rapid developments in remote sensing technology have permitted more precise estimates of land-cover change over large spatial scales, our knowledge about the effects of these changes on wildlife is much more sparse. Here we use field survey data, predictive density distribution modeling, and remote sensing to investigate the impact of resource use and land-use changes on the density distribution of Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus). Our models indicate that between 1999 and 2015, half of the orangutan population was affected by logging, deforestation, or industrialized plantations. Although land clearance caused the most dramatic rates of decline, it accounted for only a small proportion of the total loss. A much larger number of orangutans were lost in selectively logged and primary forests, where rates of decline were less precipitous, but where far more orangutans are found. This suggests that further drivers, independent of land-use change, contribute to orangutan loss. This finding is consistent with studies reporting hunting as a major cause in orangutan decline. Our predictions of orangutan abundance loss across Borneo suggest that the population decreased by more than 100,000 individuals, corroborating recent estimates of decline. Practical solutions to prevent future orangutan decline can only be realized by addressing its complex causes in a holistic manner across political and societal sectors, such as in land-use planning, resource exploitation, infrastructure development, and education, and by increasing long-term sustainability