10 research outputs found

    Solid-state damper for reducing vibration activity of an electromechanical device of a life support system of oil and gas stations

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    Relevance. Mechanical vibrations are a common and technically important process that has a negative acoustic effect on human health and in some cases is a harmful production factor. In devices, the presence of vibration is caused by exciting influences of various physical nature: mechanical, electromagnetic, aerodynamic. The reason for their occurrence are defects in parts and assemblies, the technical principle of the ball bearing device, as well as the coincidence of the operating frequency of the device with natural frequency of the structural elements. Since it is technically impossible to completely eliminate the vibration activity of an electromechanical device, the actual topic of scientific research is the technical task of developing a damping device with determining its effectiveness to reduce the vibration activity of an electromechanical device, thereby minimizing the effects of concomitant harmful production factors on humans. To study this problem, a 3D model of the construction of a solid-state damper based on aluminum foam has been developed, according to which two layouts are made with different depths of cylindrical ducts used to install screws. The results of measuring vibration characteristics showed that the material used as a vibration dampener has damping properties and can be used to reduce the level of vibration activity of an electromechanical device. A comparison of the test results of the solid-state damper layouts showed that using layout No. 1 reduces the vibration amplitude up to 3 times compared with layout No. 2. Object. Fragment of the damping element of the vibration damper of a solid-state damper based on aluminum foam. Aim. To develop a design for a solid-state damper based on aluminum foam and determine the effectiveness of its use to reduce the level of vibration activity of an electromechanical device of the life support system of oil and gas stations. Methods. Modern approaches of vibration diagnostics, computational mathematics and measuring instruments. Results. There is a possibility of creating a solid-state damper based on aluminum foam to solve the problems of reducing the amplitude of vibration in the operating frequency range of the rotor of an electromechanical device compared with the corresponding vibration characteristics without damping elements

    Reduction of a fan vibration activity in a life support system of oil and gas stations

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    Relevance. Electromechanical fans are widely used in life support systems of oil and gas stations, operate in conditions of vibration, high rotational speeds and loads. Design, technological and operational reasons influence vibration activity of an electromechanical device. The greatest "contribution" to the existing vibrations, according to the frequency spectrum, is made by the imperfection of the design elements of the ball bearing. They are: separator movement, variable stiffness under the action of radial load, interaction of micro-dimensions of working surfaces, facet and waviness of working surfaces of rings and balls. In addition, the resulting vibrations negatively affect both the reliability and durability of the fan. Since it is technically impossible to completely eliminate the vibration activity of an electromechanical device, it is advisable to reduce it with the help of a technical solution by introducing a damping element into a kinematic circuit of the vibration source. In this regard, the development of a damping device is an integral technical task that helps to reduce the vibration activity of technical life support systems of oil and gas stations, as well as to improve the quality of environmental conditions of human life. To reduce vibration activity, a damper design is proposed that takes into account various types of energy dissipation. However, given the dense spectrum of vibration frequencies from ball bearings, a viscous friction element is introduced into the damper design. To determine the effectiveness of reducing vibration activity, a model of the damper in question was made based on the developed 3D model. For tests in determining the effectiveness of applying a viscous friction element, two variants of the damper design were used. In the first version of the damper design, there was no viscous friction element, and in the second version there was one. According to the test results of the damper layouts, it can be seen that the developed technical solution to reduce the vibration activity of the electromechanical device has practical confirmation. The studies underlying the developed design of the damper with a viscous friction element allows for reduction in the vibration amplitude. Object. Electromechanical device in operating mode. Aim. To describe the vibration activity in the operating mode of an electromechanical device in the entire spectrum of disturbing effects acting along the axes, taking into account the imperfect geometry of ball bearing parts; to develop a damper for reducing the vibration activity level in the electromechanical device. Methods. Vibration diagnostics, computational mathematics, measuring instruments, software "Vibration recorder-F", "Vibration Recorder-M2", "Logger"-recorder and "Bearing". Results. The paper demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed technical solution to reduce the vibration amplitude in the operating frequency range of the electromechanical device rotor up to 4 times compared with the corresponding maximum amplitude value without its use

    Comparative analysis of the application of educational technologies for sustainable development

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    It must be admitted that education is the necessary requirement, and educational technologies are the important tools of implementation for sustainable development. This study is based on a comparative and pedagogical approach. Having used the content analysis method we have considered the data of national reports (2018) from 31 countries on implementing the Strategy of education for sustainable development (ESD) of UNECE (sub-indicator 2.1.3) and defined pedagogical technologies applied at different levels of formal, non-formal and informal education. Besides, the rating of technologies according to the frequency of their usage for 0–8 levels has been made. The revealed differences we explain by age-related psychological features of students and pupils, as well as the national peculiarities of educational systems. Moreover, a brief overview about additional educational technologies and methods that are outside the framework of the current ones (non-formal and informal education in particular) has been prepared. The results of experts’ survey in Russian Federation carried out in 2019 have been introduced. The general evaluation of progress in the field of ESD with the 3-point scale (0.7; in progress) and estimation of indicator 2.1 (0.9; in progress) has been defined. We also characterised the revealed educational-methodical achievements

    Технологии наставничества в психотерапии, образовании, управлении и межкультурных отношениях: итоги Международного психологического форума в Российско-Армянском университете

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    On May 16-17, 2023, the Russian-Armenian University (RAU; Yerevan, Republic of Armenia) hosted the International Psychological Forum “The Phenomenon of Mentoring: an Existential-Humanistic Paradigm and Implementation Technologies in Education, Management, Psychotherapy and Intercultural Relations”. The objectives of the Forum included (1) finding solutions to urgent problems of personal development through mentoring in the field of psychology, education, management, production, research, creative activities, etc.; (2) discussing scientific results and innovative technologies in the field of mentoring; (3) exchanging experience; and (4) establishing creative contacts. The forum brought together more than 100 participants (heads of scientific and educational organizations, scientific and pedagogical workers, practical psychologists, postgraduate and graduate students) from Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, the Czech Republic, Israel, etc. The article presents the main events that included plenary and breakout sessions, roundtable discussions, interactive lectures, master classes, and a teleconference.Международный психологический форум «Феномен наставничества: экзистенциально-гуманистическая парадигма и технологии реализации в образовании, управлении, психотерапии и межкультурных отношениях» состоялся 16-17 мая 2023 г. в Ереване на базе Российско-Армянского университета. Цели мероприятия - поиск решений актуальных проблем личностного развития посредством наставничества в сфере психологии, образования, управления, производства, научно-исследовательской, творческой деятельности и т. п., обсуждение научных результатов, инновационных технологий в области наставничества, обмен опытом, установление творческих контактов. Форум объединил более 100 участников (руководители научных и образовательных организаций, научно-педагогические работники, практические психологи, аспиранты и студенты) из Армении, Беларуси, Германии, Казахстана, Кыргызстана, России, Чехии, Израиля и др. Репортаж освещает краткую хронику основных мероприятий форума (пленарное и секционные заседания, круглые столы, интерактивные лекции, мастер-классы, а также телемост)

    Retinoblastoma: Magnetic Isotope Effects Might Make a Difference in the Current Anti-Cancer Research Strategy

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    Human retinoblastoma cells were proven to possess some very unusual DNApolβ species. Being 23.5 kDa monomers, which itself is not common for the DNApolβ superfamily members, these chromatin associated proteins manifests most of the DNApolβ-specifc functional peculiarities making them legitimate targets for DNA repair cytostatic inhibitors. Particularly, these tumor specific enzymes were found to be very sensitive to 25Mg2+-, 43Ca2+- and 67Zn2+-promoted magnetic isotope effects (MIE) caused a marked DNA sequence growth limitation as well as a formation of the size-invalid, i.e. too short in length, DNA fragments, totally inappropriate for the DNA repair purpose. This MIE-DNApolβ match may serve a starting point for further move towards the paramagnetic path in current developments of anti-cancer strategies

    Повышение активности фермеров в области охраны почв: за пределами знаний в области почвоведения

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    Attaining sustainable agriculture requires acknowledging the impact of human behavior. Despite the pivotal role of soils in agriculture, our understanding of the psychological drivers that motivate farmers to adopt soil conservation practices remains limited. Our objective was to explore the influence of soil science knowledge and connection to soil on farmers’ soil conservation behavior. To achieve this goal, we developed scales capable of measuring farmers’ soil knowledge, connection to soil, and soil conservation behavior. Our sample comprised 196 individuals from geographically and culturally distinct regions of Chile (the south, center, and north), highlighting the generalizability of our findings. Our target population consisted of farmers who were responsible for making soil management decisions on their farms. Farmers’ soil conservation behavior was determined by the combination of their connection to soil (r = 0.37, p < 0.001) and their knowledge of soil science (r = 0.37, p < 0.001). The farmers who utilized ecological management practices exhibited better soil conservation behavior, a stronger connection to land, and a greater level of soil science knowledge (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Therefore, both motivational and cognitive factors are crucial in enacting effective soil conservation behavior. Furthermore, female farmers demonstrated a higher level of soil science knowledge, better soil conservation behavior, and stronger connection to soil than their male counterparts. Finally, pursuing professional studies in agriculture and formal education on soil management do not lead to the development of a stronger motivational connection to soil. This is a concerning outcome that calls for improvements in soil science education. Our study represents a significant contribution to the development of a comprehensive theory of soil conservation behavior, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that acknowledges the multidimensional nature of farmers' motivational connection to soil and their knowledge of soil science.Достижение устойчивого развития сельского хозяйства требует признания влияния человеческого поведения. Несмотря на ключевую роль почв в сельском хозяйстве, наше понимание психологических факторов, побуждающих фермеров применять методы сохранения почв, остаётся ограниченным. Нашей целью было изучить влияние знаний в области почвоведения и связи с почвой на поведение фермеров в области охраны почв. Для достижения этой цели мы разработали шкалы, способные измерять знания фермеров о почве, их связь с почвой и поведение в области сохранения почвы. Наша выборка включала 196 человек из географически и культурно различных регионов Чили (юг, центр и север), что подчеркивает обобщаемость наших результатов. Наша целевая аудитория состояла из фермеров, которые отвечали за принятие решений по управлению почвой на своих фермах. Поведение фермеров по сохранению почвы определялось сочетанием их связи с почвой (r = 0,37, p < 0,001) и их знаний в области почвоведения (r = 0,37, p < 0,001). Фермеры, которые использовали методы экологического менеджмента, продемонстрировали лучшее поведение в области охраны почв, более сильную связь с землей и более высокий уровень знаний в области почвоведения (ANOVA, p < 0,05). Таким образом, как мотивационные, так и когнитивные факторы имеют решающее значение для принятия эффективных мер по сохранению почв. Кроме того, женщины-фермеры продемонстрировали более высокий уровень знаний в области почвоведения, лучшее поведение в области охраны почв и более сильную связь с почвой, чем их коллеги-мужчины. Наконец, профессиональное обучение в области сельского хозяйства и формальное образование по управлению почвами не приводят к развитию более сильной мотивационной связи с почвой. Это тревожный результат, который требует улучшения образования в области почвоведения. Наше исследование представляет собой значительный вклад в разработку всеобъемлющей теории поведения, связанного с охраной почв, подчеркивая необходимость целостного подхода, который признает многомерную природу мотивационной связи фермеров с почвой и их знания в области почвоведения

    Unleashing the Power of Connection: How Adolescents’ Prosocial Propensity Drives Ecological and Altruistic Behaviours

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    Both altruistic and ecological behaviours are considered prosocially driven behaviours, but our understanding of what motivates action in either the human or ecological domain is still in its infancy. Our goal was to assess connection to nature, connection to people, and connection to country as mediators of the relationship between prosocial propensity and prosocial behaviours in both the ecological and human domains. This study used honesty-humility as an indicator of prosocial propensity. Data for the study were collected through online surveys in Spanish. The survey was answered by 438 adolescent participants aged 11–19 years. The present study demonstrates that personal prosocial propensity can be directed to a particular domain of prosocial behaviour (ecological or altruistic) through the individual’s connection to the relevant domain. Specifically, the effect of prosocial propensity on ecological behaviour was positively mediated by connection to people and connection to nature, but negatively mediated by connection to country. For altruistic behaviour, the effect of prosocial propensity was positive via connection to people, nature, and country. Future research is called for, in particular, to examine the role of connection to country in ecological behaviour

    The Prosocial Driver of Ecological Behavior: The Need for an Integrated Approach to Prosocial and Environmental Education

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    Although both altruistic and ecological behaviors can be considered prosocially driven behaviors, our psychological understanding of what motivates action in either the human or ecological domains is still in its infancy. We aimed to assess connection to nature and connection to humans as mediators of the relationship between prosocial propensity and prosocial behaviors in both the ecological and human domains. This study used empathy as an indicator of an individual&rsquo;s prosocial propensity. The data for the study was collected through surveys in Russian (841 participants) and Spanish (418 participants). The study demonstrated that an individual&rsquo;s prosocial propensity can be actioned into ecological (nature-related) behavior through connection to nature. Similarly, an individual&rsquo;s prosocial propensity can be actioned into altruistic (human-related) behavior through connection to humans. However, the present study also demonstrates that an individual&rsquo;s prosocial propensity can be directed to humans through a connection to nature. Thus, altruistic and ecological behaviors are two related classes of behavior, driven by the same prosocial propensity of the individual. This study is an important step towards generating scientific support for the claim that traditionally separate teaching of prosocial and environmental subjects should be combined into a single educational approach. An integrated approach will contribute to a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary effort to create a society that is both ecologically and socially sustainable

    Natural IgG against S-Protein and RBD of SARS-CoV-2 Do Not Bind and Hydrolyze DNA and Are Not Autoimmune

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    Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous publications have appeared describing autoimmune pathologies developing after a coronavirus infection, with several papers reporting autoantibody production during the acute period of the disease. Several viral diseases are known to trigger autoimmune processes, and the appearance of catalytic antibodies with DNase activity is one of the earliest markers of several autoimmune pathologies. Therefore, we analyzed whether IgG antibodies from blood plasma of SARS-CoV-2 patients after recovery could bind and hydrolyze DNA. We analyzed how vaccination of patients with adenovirus Sputnik V vaccine influences the production of abzymes with DNase activity. Four groups were selected for the analysis, each containing 25 patients according to their relative titers of antibodies to S-protein: with high and median titers, vaccinated with Sputnik V with high titers, and a control group of donors with negative titers. The relative titers of antibodies against DNA and the relative DNase activity of IgGs depended very much on the individual patient and the donor, and no significant correlation was found between the relative values of antibodies titers and their DNase activity. Our results indicate that COVID-19 disease and vaccination with adenoviral Sputnik V vaccine do not result in the development or enhancement of strong autoimmune reactions as in the typical autoimmune diseases associated with the production of anti-DNA and DNA hydrolyzing antibodies

    A Review of the Effects and Production of Spore-Forming Probiotics for Poultry

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    One of the main problems in the poultry industry is the search for a viable replacement for antibiotic growth promoters. This issue requires a “one health” approach because the uncontrolled use of antibiotics in poultry can lead to the development of antimicrobial resistance, which is a concern not only in animals, but for humans as well. One of the promising ways to overcome this challenge is found in probiotics due to their wide range of features and mechanisms of action for health promotion. Moreover, spore-forming probiotics are suitable for use in the poultry industry because of their unique ability, encapsulation, granting them protection from the harshest conditions and resulting in improved availability for hosts’ organisms. This review summarizes the information on gastrointestinal tract microbiota of poultry and their interaction with commensal and probiotic spore-forming bacteria. One of the most important topics of this review is the absence of uniformity in spore-forming probiotic trials in poultry. In our opinion, this problem can be solved by the creation of standards and checklists for these kinds of trials such as those used for pre-clinical and clinical trials in human medicine. Last but not least, this review covers problems and challenges related to spore-forming probiotic manufacturing