274 research outputs found

    Investigating the physics and environment of lyman limit systems in cosmological simulations

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    In this work, I investigate the properties of Lyman limit systems (LLSs) using state-of-the-art zoom-in cosmological galaxy formation simulations with on the fly radiative transfer, which includes both the cosmic UV background (UVB) and local stellar sources. I compare the simulation results to observations of the incidence frequency of LLSs and the HI column density distribution function over the redshift range z=25z=2-5 and find good agreement. I explore the connection between LLSs and their host halos and find that LLSs reside in halos with a wide range of halo masses with a nearly constant covering fraction within a virial radius. Over the range z=25z=2-5, I find that more than half of the LLSs reside in halos with M<1010h1MM < 10^{10}h^{-1}M_\odot, indicating that absorption line studies of LLSs can probe these low-mass galaxies which H2_2-based star formation models predict to have very little star formation. I study the physical state of individual LLSs and test a simple model (Schaye 2001) which encapsulates many of their properties. I confirm that LLSs have a characteristic absorption length given by the Jeans length and that they are in photoionization equilibrium at low column densities. Finally, I investigate the self-shielding of LLSs to the UVB and explore how the non-sphericity of LLSs affects the photoionization rate at a given NHIN_{\rm HI}. I find that at z3z\approx 3, LLSs have an optical depth of unity at a column density of 1018cm2\sim 10^{18} {\rm cm}^{-2} and that this is the column density which characterizes the onset of self-shielding.This work was supported in part by the NSF grant AST-0908063, and by the NASA grant NNX- 09AJ54G. The simulations used in this work have been performed on the Joint Fermilab - KICP Supercomputing Cluster, supported by grants from Fermilab, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, and the University of Chicago.This is the final version. It was first published by OUP at http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/451/1/904.abstract?sid=5f7e04bf-6176-4b8f-bc81-ae4f70107d18

    Properties of dark subhaloes from gaps in tidal streams

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    Cold or Warm, the Dark Matter substructure spectrum must extend to objects with masses as low as 107M10^7 M_\odot, according to the most recent Lyman-α\alpha measurements. Around a Milky Way-like galaxy, more than a thousand of these subhaloes will not be able to form stars but are dense enough to survive even deep down in the potential well of their host. There, within the stellar halo, these dark pellets will bombard tidal streams as they travel around the Galaxy, causing small but recognizable damage to the stream density distribution. The detection and characterization of these stream ruptures will allow us to constrain the details of the subhalo-stream interaction. In this work, for the first time, we will demonstrate how the properties of a subhalo, most importantly its mass and size, can be reliably inferred from the gap it produces in a tidal stream. For a range of realistic observational setups, mimicking e.g. SDSS, DES, Gaia and LSST data, we find that it is possible to measure the {\it complete set} of properties (including the phase-space coordinates during the flyby) of dark perturbers with M>107MM>10^7 M_\odot, up to a 1d degeneracy between the mass and velocity.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007- 2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 308024.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv212

    Forensics of subhalo-stream encounters: The three phases of gap growth

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    There is hope to discover dark matter subhalos free of stars (predicted by the current theory of structure formation) by observing gaps they produce in tidal streams. In fact, this is the most promising technique for dark substructure detection and characterization as such gaps grow with time, magnifying small perturbations into clear signatures observable by ongoing and planned Galaxy surveys. To facilitate such future inference, we develop a comprehensive framework for studies of the growth of the stream density perturbations. Starting with simple assumptions and restricting to streams on circular orbits, we derive analytic formulae that describe the evolution of all gap properties (size, density contrast etc) at all times. We uncover complex, previously unnoticed behavior, with the stream initially forming a density enhancement near the subhalo impact point. Shortly after, a gap forms due to the relative change in period induced by the subhalo's passage. There is an intermediate regime where the gap grows linearly in time. At late times, the particles in the stream overtake each other, forming caustics, and the gap grows like t\sqrt{t}. In addition to the secular growth, we find that the gap oscillates as it grows due to epicyclic motion. We compare this analytic model to N-body simulations and find an impressive level of agreement. Importantly, when analyzing the observation of a single gap we find a large degeneracy between the subhalo mass, the impact geometry and kinematics, the host potential and the time since flyby.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007–2013)/ERC Grant Agreement No. 308024.This is the final published version of the article. It was originally published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Erkal D, Belokurov V, MNRAS, 2015, 450, 1136-1149, doi:10.1093/mnras/stv655). The final version is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv655 This article has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2015 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Cultural Transmission of Work-Welfare Attitudes and the Intergenerational Correlation in Welfare Receipt

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    This paper considers the potential for the cultural transmission of attitudes toward work, welfare, and individual responsibility to explain the intergenerational correlation in welfare receipt. Specifically, we investigate whether 18-year olds’ views about social benefits and the drivers of social inequality depend on their families’ welfare histories. We begin by incorporating welfare receipt into a theoretical model of the cultural transmission of work-welfare attitudes across generations. Consistent with the predictions of our model, we find that young people’s attitudes towards work and welfare are shaped by socialization within their families. Young people are more likely to oppose generous social benefits and adopt an internal view of social inequality if their mothers support these views, if their mothers were employed while they were growing up, and if their families never received welfare. These results are consistent with —though do not definitively establish— the existence of an intergenerational welfare culture.cultural transmission, attitudes, intergenerational welfare receipt

    Stray, swing and scatter: Angular momentum evolution of orbits and streams in aspherical potentials

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    In aspherical potentials orbital planes continuously evolve. The gravitational torques impel the angular momentum vector to precess, that is to slowly stray around the symmetry axis, and nutate, i.e. swing up and down periodically in the perpendicular direction. This familiar orbital pole motion - if detected and measured - can reveal the shape of the underlying gravitational potential, the quantity only crudely gauged in the Galaxy so far. Here we demonstrate that the debris poles of stellar tidal streams show a very similar straying and swinging behavior, and give analytic expressions to link the amplitude and the frequency of the pole evolution to the flattening of the dark matter distribution. While these results are derived for near-circular orbits, we show they are also valid for eccentric orbits. Most importantly, we explain how the differential orbital plane precession leads to the broadening of the stream and show that streams on polar orbits ought to scatter faster. We provide expressions for the stream width evolution as a function of the axisymmetric potential flattening and the angle from the symmetry plane and prove that our models are in good agreement with streams produced in N-body simulations. Interestingly, the same intuition applies to streams whose progenitors are on short or long-axis loops in a triaxial potential. Finally, we present a compilation of the Galactic cold stream data, and discuss how the simple picture developed here, along with stream modelling, can be used to constrain the symmetry axes and flattening of the Milky Way.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement no. 308024. Funding for SDSS-III has been provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Participating Institutions, the National Science Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw140

    Revealing the tidal scars of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    Due to their close proximity, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (SMC/LMC) provide natural laboratories for understanding how galaxies form and evolve. With the goal of determining the structure and dynamical state of the SMC, we present new spectroscopic data for \sim 3000 SMC red giant branch stars observed using the AAOmega spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. We complement our data with further spectroscopic measurements from previous studies that used the same instrumental configuration and proper motions from the \textit{Gaia} Data Release 2 catalogue. Analysing the photometric and stellar kinematic data, we find that the SMC centre of mass presents a conspicuous offset from the velocity centre of its associated \mbox{H\,{\sc i}} gas, suggesting that the SMC gas is likely to be far from dynamical equilibrium. Furthermore, we find evidence that the SMC is currently undergoing tidal disruption by the LMC within 2\,kpc of the centre of the SMC, and possibly all the way in to the very core. This is evidenced by a net outward motion of stars from the SMC centre along the direction towards the LMC and apparent tangential anisotropy at all radii. The latter is expected if the SMC is undergoing significiant tidal stripping, as we demonstrate using a suite of NN-body simulations of the SMC/LMC system disrupting around the Milky Way. These results suggest that dynamical models for the SMC that assume a steady state will need to be revisited.Comment: Revised version submitted to MNRAS after referee report, 18 pages, 18 figure

    Galaxy halo expansions: a new biorthogonal family of potential-density pairs

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    Efficient expansions of the gravitational field of (dark) haloes have two main uses in the modelling of galaxies: first, they provide a compact representation of numerically-constructed (or real) cosmological haloes, incorporating the effects of triaxiality, lopsidedness or other distortion. Secondly, they provide the basis functions for self-consistent field expansion algorithms used in the evolution of NN-body systems. We present a new family of biorthogonal potential-density pairs constructed using the Hankel transform of the Laguerre polynomials. The lowest-order density basis functions are double-power-law profiles cusped like ρr2+1/α\rho \sim r^{-2 + 1/\alpha} at small radii with asymptotic density fall-off like ρr31/(2α)\rho \sim r^{-3 -1/(2\alpha)}. Here, α\alpha is a parameter satisfying α1/2\alpha \ge 1/2. The family therefore spans the range of inner density cusps found in numerical simulations, but has much shallower -- and hence more realistic -- outer slopes than the corresponding members of the only previously-known family deduced by Zhao (1996) and exemplified by Hernquist & Ostriker (1992). When α=1\alpha =1, the lowest-order density profile has an inner density cusp of ρr1\rho \sim r^{-1} and an outer density slope of ρr3.5\rho \sim r^{-3.5}, similar to the famous Navarro, Frenk & White (1997) model. For this reason, we demonstrate that our new expansion provides a more accurate representation of flattened NFW haloes than the competing Hernquist-Ostriker expansion. We utilize our new expansion by analysing a suite of numerically-constructed haloes and providing the distributions of the expansion coefficients.JLS and EJL acknowledge the support of the STFC

    A Magellanic origin for the Virgo sub-structure

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    The Milky Way halo has been mapped out in recent work using a sample of RR Lyrae stars drawn from a cross-match of Gaia with 2MASS. We investigate the significant residual in this map which we constrain to lie at Galactocentric radii 12 < R < 27 kpc and extend over 2600 deg2 of the sky. A counterpart of this structure exists in both the Catalina Real Time Survey and the sample of RR Lyrae variables identified in Pan-STARRS, demonstrating that this structure is not caused by the spatial inhomogeneity of Gaia. The structure is likely the Virgo Stellar Stream and/or Virgo Over-Density. We show the structure is aligned with the Magellanic Stream and suggest that it is either debris from a disrupted dwarf galaxy that was a member of the Vast Polar Structure or that it is SMC debris from a tidal interaction of the SMC and LMC 3 Gyr ago. If the latter then the sub-structure in Virgo may have a Magellanic origin