1 research outputs found

    Issues of Security in Routing Optimization at Mobile IPv6

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    Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (MIPv6) adds the mobility function toIPv6. An IPv6 host that supports the Mobile IPv6 function can move around theIPv6 Internet. A connection between two nodes is maintained by the pairing of thesource address and the destination address. The IPv6 node address is assigned basedon the prefix of home network. The assigned address on a given network becomes invalid when the host leaves that network and attaches itself to another network.The reason for this problem came from the nature of IP addresses when a node visits a foreign network: it is still reachable through the indirect packet forwarding from its home network. This triangular routing feature supports node mobility but increases the communication latency between nodes.So it can be supposed to be overcome by using a Binding Update (BU)scheme, which let nodes to update IP addresses and communicate with each other through direct IP routing. To protect the security of Binding Update, a Return Routability (RR) procedure is developed which results vulnerable to many attacks.In Route Optimization, the mobile node sends the binding message to its peer node,the message contains the new address of the mobile node, called as Care ofAddress, which confirms that the mobile node is infect moved to the new location from its Home Network. After receiving the binding message, the peer node sendsall packets which are destined to the Mobile's Home Address to the Care ofAddress.There are many security risks involved, when a malicious node might be able tocreate a connection with the mobile node by sending the false binding messages.By doing so malicious node can divert the traffic, can launch the DOS Attacks andcan also resend the authenticated messages, etc. So considering these securityissues, we will discuss for a secure protocol which prevents the attacker to establish false connections and assures the secrecy and integrity of the mobile node and its peers