3 research outputs found

    Bcl-x(L)/Bcl-2 coordinately regulates apoptosis, cell cycle arrest and cell cycle entry

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    Bcl-x(L) and Bcl-2 inhibit both apoptosis and proliferation. In investigating the relationship between these two functions of Bcl-x(L) and Bcl-2, an analysis of 24 Bcl-x(L) and Bcl-2 mutant alleles, including substitutions at residue Y28 previously reported to selectively abolish the cell cycle activity, showed that cell cycle delay and anti-apoptosis co-segregated in all cases. In determining whether Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) act in G(0) or G(1), forward scatter and pyronin Y fluorescence measurements indicated that Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) cells arrested more effectively in G(0) than controls, and were delayed in G(0)–G(1) transition. The cell cycle effects of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L) were reversed by Bad, a molecule that counters the survival function of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L). When control and Bcl-x(L) cells of equivalent size and pyronin Y fluorescence were compared, the kinetics of cell cycle entry were similar, demonstrating that the ability of Bcl-x(L) and Bcl-2 cells to enhance G(0) arrest contributes significantly to cell cycle delay. Our data suggest that cell cycle effects and increased survival both result from intrinsic functions of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x(L)

    Bax forms multispanning monomers that oligomerize to permeabilize membranes during apoptosis

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    Bax promotes cell death by permeabilizing mitochondrial outer membranes by an unresolved mechanism. However, in cells lacking the gene c-myc, membrane permeabilization by Bax is blocked by changes in the mitochondria that prevent Bax oligomerization. Drug-treated c-myc null cells and cells expressing Myc were used to map the topology of Bax in membranes prior to and after mitochondrial permeabilization. Chemical labeling of single cysteine mutants of Bax using a membrane bilayer impermeant cysteine-specific modifying agent revealed that Bax inserted both the ‘pore domain' (helices α5–α6), and the tail-anchor (helix α9) into membranes prior to oligomerization and membrane permeabilization. Additional topology changes for Bax were not required in Myc-expressing cells to promote oligomerization and cytochrome c release. Our results suggest that unlike most pore-forming proteins, Bax membrane permeabilization results from oligomerization of transmembrane monomers rather than concerted insertion of the pore domains of a preformed oligomer