452 research outputs found

    Post-orbital color pattern variation and the evolution of a radiation of turtles (Graptemys)

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    One of the most studied areas in the field of evolutionary biology is the formation and maintenance of new species, as well as variation in the rate and extent to which taxa radiate. A range of evolutionary processes, from ecological adaptation to sexual selection and reinforcement, can lead species formation. However, the generation of new species likely results from several isolating mechanisms acting in concert. The map turtle complex (genus: Graptemys) is an excellent model system for exploring the nature of speciation given its exceptional species richness and morphological diversity, particularly in facial coloration patterns. This research utilizes an integrative approach to establish the role of post-orbital color patterns in species diversification and maintenance. This multi-faceted approach will incorporate phylogenetics, population and quantitative genetics, morphometrics, and behavior to assess morphological evolution within species and across the genus. The phylogeny of map turtles was characterized by a hard polytomy indicating rapid speciation. Across the genus, morphological evolution occurred parsimoniously. Within species, both morphology and genetics exhibited a pattern of isolation by distance. Temperature significantly influences coloration patterns and multivariate heritability was generally low. Finally, in behavior trials, neither males nor females spent significantly more time with members of their own species. In all projects, the signatures of sexual selection or reinforcement were absent or equivocal where they would be expected if they were the main forces continuing to shape interactions among map turtle species. The results of this research indicate that role of past and on-going selection on coloration pattern within the map turtle clade has been limited, thus post-orbital coloration was not the driving factor in the radiation of this turtle clade. Alternative explanations for map turtle species richness are explored

    An Implicit Theory of Self-Esteem: The Consequences of Perceived Self-Esteem for Romantic Desirability

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    The provision of information appears to be an important property of self-esteem as evidenced by previous research concerning the status-tracking and status-signaling models of self-esteem. The present studies examine whether there is an implicit theory of self-esteem that leads individuals to assume targets with higher levels of self-esteem possess more desirable characteristics than those with lower levels of self-esteem. Across 6 studies, targets with ostensibly higher levels of self-esteem were generally rated as more attractive and as more desirable relationship partners than those with lower levels of self-esteem. It is important to note, however, that this general trend did not consistently emerge for female targets. Rather, female targets with high self-esteem were often evaluated less positively than those with more moderate levels of self-esteem. The present findings are discussed in the context of an extended informational model of self-esteem consisting of both the status-tracking and status-signaling properties of self-esteem

    Cytonuclear equilibrium following interspecific introgression in a turtle lacking sex chromosomes

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    When reproductive barriers break down, interspecific hybridization can lead to gene flow between evolutionarily distinct species. Studying the fate of these introgressing elements can offer valuable insights into the factors contributing to reproductive isolation. We have identified a population of false map turtles (Graptemys pseudogeographica) that hybridized historically with the common map turtle (Graptemys geographica), but were subsequently isolated from interbreeding for several generations by unique geological events. Although many studies conclude that genic interactions involving sex chromosomes impact the introgression of mitochondrial or nuclear genomes, Graptemys turtles have environmental sex determination, and thus introgression can be explored while controlling for the effects of sex-specific heterogameity. We identified and sequenced a species-specific mitochondrial control region marker, as well as two nuclear markers (ODC and HNFAL), in turtles from across the ranges of these species. We found both nuclear and mitochondrial introgression in our study population, and present evidence consistent with the proposed time range of reproductive contact and isolation. We also report an absence of cytonuclear or linkage disequilibrium among markers, indicating that some important pre-and postzygotic barriers to gene flow that characterize other systems are absent in Graptemys. Finally, we show that Graptemys turtles have a complex molecular evolutionary history, and that leaks in reproductive barriers probably occur frequently

    The Impact of an Adapted Climbing Program on Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder impacts children’s participation in activities that require attention to instruction, sustained mental effort, and executive functioning. Physical activity has been correlated to improvement in attention in children with ADHD. Rock climbing challenges muscular endurance, attention, and route planning. Five participants, aged 8-13, participated in the climbing program. Attention was measured pre and post climbing intervention with Trail Making Test B (TMT-B) for time to complete. Exercise intensity was measured by heart rate. Parent feedback on behavior was collected with the Conner’s Parent Rating Scale (CPRS). The social validity of the intervention was measured by the IRP-15 measures. Statistically, significant intrasession attention improvements were noted in all 5 climbers (p=.43). Two climbers were consistently working at a moderate intensity (40-60% HRmax) while 3 climbers maintained a light level of intensity (20-40% HRmax). No statistically significant improvements were found on the CPRS, although improvements are noted with qualitative reports from parents. The IRP-15 showed 100% of parents believed rock climbing was an effective intervention for their children with ADHD. Rock climbing at a light to moderate intensity is associated with improvements in attention and behavior in children with ADHD

    Effects of fetal position on the loading of the fetal brain during the onset of the second stage of labour

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    During vaginal labour, the delivery requires the fetal head to mould to accommodate the geometric constraints of the birth canal. Excessive moulding can produce brain injuries and long-term sequelae. Understanding the loading of the fetal brain during the second stage of labour (fully dilated cervix, active pushing, and expulsion of fetus) could thus help predict the safety of the newborn during vaginal delivery. To this end, this study proposes a finite element model of the fetal head and maternal canal environment that is capable of predicting the stresses experienced by the fetal brain at the onset of the second phase of labour. Both fetal and maternal models were adapted from existing studies to represent the geometry of full-term pregnancy. Two fetal positions were compared: left-occiput-anterior and left-occiput-posterior. The results demonstrate that left-occiput-anterior position reduces the maternal tissue deformation, at the cost of higher stress in the fetal brain. In both cases, stress is concentrated underneath the sutures, though the location varies depending on the presentation. In summary, this study provides a patient-specific simulation platform for the study of vaginal labour and its effect on both the fetal brain and maternal anatomy. Finally, it is suggested that such an approach has the potential to be used by obstetricians to support their decision-making processes through the simulation of various delivery scenarios

    Cytoplasmic Dynein Transports Axonal Microtubules in a Polarity-Sorting Manner

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    Axonal microtubules are predominantly organized into a plus-end-out pattern. Here, we tested both experimentally and with computational modeling whether a motor-based polarity-sorting mechanism can explain this microtubule pattern. The posited mechanism centers on cytoplasmic dynein transporting plus-end-out and minus-end-out microtubules into and out of the axon, respectively. When cytoplasmic dynein was acutely inhibited, the bidirectional transport of microtubules in the axon was disrupted in both directions, after which minus-end-out microtubules accumulated in the axon over time. Computational modeling revealed that dynein-mediated transport of microtubules can establish and preserve a predominantly plus-end-out microtubule pattern as per the details of the experimental findings, but only if a kinesin motor and a static cross-linker protein are also at play. Consistent with the predictions of the model, partial depletion of TRIM46, a protein that cross-links axonal microtubules in a manner that influences their polarity orientation, leads to an increase in microtubule transport

    Panama Bridge Project

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    The Panama Bridge project has partnered with Rio Missions Panama to design a bridge for the village of La Gigi, Panama. The mountain community of La Gigi experiences heavy rainfall during the rainy seasons. A stream runs along the community, separating locals from their fields and other communities further up the mountain. While passable during dry seasons, the stream floods and becomes impassable after heavy rains. The residents are effectively cut off from their livelihoods, church, health services, and other communities during this time. To accommodate this need, the Panama Bridge Team has spent the 2019-2020 school year designing an aluminum truss bridge, spanning 90 feet. The design includes a unique construction strategy to deal with challenging site constraints.https://mosaic.messiah.edu/engr2020/1020/thumbnail.jp

    Biogeochemistry of upland to wetland soils, sediments, and surface waters across Mid-Atlantic and Great Lakes coastal interfaces

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    Transferable and mechanistic understanding of cross-scale interactions is necessary to predict how coastal systems respond to global change. Cohesive datasets across geographically distributed sites can be used to examine how transferable a mechanistic understanding of coastal ecosystem control points is. To address the above research objectives, data were collected by the EXploration of Coastal Hydrobiogeochemistry Across a Network of Gradients and Experiments (EXCHANGE) Consortium – a regionally distributed network of researchers that collaborated on experimental design, methodology, collection, analysis, and publication. The EXCHANGE Consortium collected samples from 52 coastal terrestrial-aquatic interfaces (TAIs) during Fall of 2021. At each TAI, samples collected include soils from across a transverse elevation gradient (i.e., coastal upland forest, transitional forest, and wetland soils), surface waters, and nearshore sediments across research sites in the Great Lakes and Mid-Atlantic regions (Chesapeake and Delaware Bays) of the continental USA. The first campaign measures surface water quality parameters, bulk geochemical parameters on water, soil, and sediment samples, and physicochemical parameters of sediment and soil

    Differential Requirement for LAT and SLP-76 in GPVI versus T Cell Receptor Signaling

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    Mice deficient in the adaptor Src homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76 kD (SLP-76) exhibit a bleeding disorder and lack T cells. Linker for activation of T cells (LAT)-deficient mice exhibit a similar T cell phenotype, but show no signs of hemorrhage. Both SLP-76 and LAT are important for optimal platelet activation downstream of the collagen receptor, GPVI. In addition, SLP-76 is involved in signaling mediated by integrin αIIbβ3. Because SLP-76 and LAT function coordinately in T cell signal transduction, yet their roles appear to differ in hemostasis, we investigated in detail the functional consequences of SLP-76 and LAT deficiencies in platelets. Previously we have shown that LAT−/− platelets exhibit defective responses to the GPVI-specific agonist, collagen-related peptide (CRP). Consistent with this, we find that surface expression of P-selectin in response to high concentrations of GPVI ligands is reduced in both LAT- and SLP-76–deficient platelets. However, platelets from LAT−/− mice, but not SLP-76−/− mice, aggregate normally in response to high concentrations of collagen and convulxin. Additionally, unlike SLP-76, LAT is not tyrosine phosphorylated after fibrinogen binding to integrin αIIbβ3, and collagen-stimulated platelets deficient in LAT spread normally on fibrinogen-coated surfaces. Together, these findings indicate that while LAT and SLP-76 are equally required for signaling via the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pre-TCR, platelet activation downstream of GPVI and αIIbβ3 shows a much greater dependency on SLP-76 than LAT

    Insulin and IGF1 enhance IL-17-induced chemokine expression through a GSK3B-dependent mechanism: a new target for melatonin\u27s anti-inflammatory action.

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    Obesity is a chronic inflammation with increased serum levels of insulin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), and interleukin-17 (IL-17). The objective of this study was to test a hypothesis that insulin and IGF1 enhance IL-17-induced expression of inflammatory chemokines/cytokines through a glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3B)-dependent mechanism, which can be inhibited by melatonin. We found that insulin/IGF1 and lithium chloride enhanced IL-17-induced expression of C-X-C motif ligand 1 (Cxcl1) and C-C motif ligand 20 (Ccl20) in the Gsk3b(+/+) , but not in Gsk3b(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) cells. IL-17 induced higher levels of Cxcl1 and Ccl20 in the Gsk3b(-/-) MEF cells, compared with the Gsk3b(+/+) MEF cells. Insulin and IGF1 activated Akt to phosphorylate GSK3B at serine 9, thus inhibiting GSK3B activity. Melatonin inhibited Akt activation, thus decreasing P-GSK3B at serine 9 (i.e., increasing GSK3B activity) and subsequently inhibiting expression of Cxcl1 and Ccl20 that was induced either by IL-17 alone or by a combination of insulin and IL-17. Melatonin\u27s inhibitory effects were only observed in the Gsk3b(+/+) , but in not Gsk3b(-/-) MEF cells. Melatonin also inhibited expression of Cxcl1, Ccl20, and Il-6 that was induced by a combination of insulin and IL-17 in the mouse prostatic tissues. Further, nighttime human blood, which contained high physiologic levels of melatonin, decreased expression of Cxcl1, Ccl20, and Il-6 in the PC3 human prostate cancer xenograft tumors. Our data support our hypothesis and suggest that melatonin may be used to dampen IL-17-mediated inflammation that is enhanced by the increased levels of insulin and IGF1 in obesity
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