72 research outputs found

    Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. II. Strongly Correlated Regime

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    In this second part of our series on the recently proposed many-body expanded full configuration interaction (MBE-FCI) method, we introduce the concept of multideterminantal expansion references. Through theoretical arguments and numerical validations, the use of this class of starting points is shown to result in a focussed compression of the MBE decomposition of the FCI energy, thus allowing chemical problems dominated by strong correlation to be addressed by the method. The general applicability and performance enhancements of MBE-FCI are verified for standard stress tests such as the bond dissociations in H2_2O, N2_2, C2_2, and a linear H10_{10} chain. Furthermore, the benefits of employing a multideterminantal expansion reference in accelerating calculations of high accuracy are discussed, with an emphasis on calculations in extended basis sets. As an illustration of this latter quality of the MBE-FCI method, results for H2_2O and C2_2 in basis sets ranging from double- to pentuple-ζ\zeta quality are presented, demonstrating near-ideal parallel scaling on up to almost 2500025000 processing units.Comment: 41 pages, 4 tables, 10 figures, 1 SI attached as an ancillary fil

    Many-Body Expanded Full Configuration Interaction. I. Weakly Correlated Regime

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    Over the course of the past few decades, the field of computational chemistry has managed to manifest itself as a key complement to more traditional lab-oriented chemistry. This is particularly true in the wake of the recent renaissance of full configuration interaction (FCI)-level methodologies, albeit only if these can prove themselves sufficiently robust and versatile to be routinely applied to a variety of chemical problems of interest. In the present series of works, performance and feature enhancements of one such avenue towards FCI-level results for medium to large one-electron basis sets, the recently introduced many-body expanded full configuration interaction (MBE-FCI) formalism [J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 4633 (2017)], will be presented. Specifically, in this opening part of the series, the capabilities of the MBE-FCI method in producing near-exact ground state energies for weakly correlated molecules of any spin multiplicity will be demonstrated.Comment: 38 pages, 7 tables, 3 figures, 1 SI attached as an ancillary fil

    Decomposed Mean-Field Simulations of Local Properties in Condensed Phases

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    The present work demonstrates a robust protocol for probing localized electronic structure in condensed-phase systems, operating in terms of a recently proposed theory for decomposing the results of Kohn-Sham density functional theory in a basis of spatially localized molecular orbitals [Eriksen, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 214109 (2020)]. In an initial application to liquid, ambient water and the assessment of the solvation energy and the embedded dipole moment of H2_2O in solution, we find that both properties are amplified on average -- in accordance with expectation -- and that correlations are indeed observed to exist between them. However, the simulated solvent-induced shift to the dipole moment of water is found to be significantly dampened with respect to typical literature values. The local nature of our methodology has further allowed us to evaluate the convergence of bulk properties with respect to the extent of the underlying one-electron basis set, ranging from single-ζ\zeta to full (augmented) quadruple-ζ\zeta quality. Albeit a pilot example, our work paves the way towards future studies of local effects and defects in more complex phases, e.g., liquid mixtures and even solid-state crystals.Comment: 17+7 pages, 5 figures, 1 SI attached as an ancillary fil

    Virtual orbital many-body expansions: A possible route towards the full configuration interaction limit

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    In the present letter, it is demonstrated how full configuration interaction (FCI) results in extended basis sets may be obtained to within sub-kJ/mol accuracy by decomposing the energy in terms of many-body expansions in the virtual orbitals of the molecular system at hand. This extension of the FCI application range lends itself to two unique features of the current approach, namely that the total energy calculation can be performed entirely within considerably reduced orbital subspaces and may be so by means of embarrassingly parallel programming. Facilitated by a rigorous and methodical screening protocol and further aided by expansion points different from the Hartree-Fock solution, all-electron numerical results are reported for H2_2O in polarized core-valence basis sets ranging from double-ζ\zeta (10 ee, 28 oo) to quadruple-ζ\zeta (10 ee, 144 oo) quality.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. * With respect to the original arXiv version (v1), the present version of the letter contains updated results. The original TZ and QZ values were unfortunately in error due to a subtle PySCF bug, which has since then been fixe

    Properties of Local Electronic Structures

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    The simulation of intrinsic contributions to molecular properties holds the potential to allow for chemistry to be directly inferred from changes to electronic structures at the atomic level. In the present study, we demonstrate how such local properties can be readily derived from suitable molecular orbitals to yield effective fingerprints of various types of atoms in organic molecules. In contrast, corresponding inferences from schemes that instead make use of individual atomic orbitals for this purpose are generally found to fail in expressing much uniqueness in atomic environments. By further studying the extent to which entire chemical reactions may be decomposed into meaningful and continuously evolving atomic contributions, schemes based on molecular rather than atomic orbitals are once again found to be the more consistent, even allowing for intricate differences between seemingly uniform nucleophilic substitutions to be probed.Comment: 20+6 pages, 7 figures. SI as an ancillary fil

    Decomposing Chemical Space: Applications to the Machine Learning of Atomic Energies

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    We apply a number of atomic decomposition schemes across the standard QM7 dataset -- a small model set of organic molecules at equilibrium geometry -- to inspect the possible emergence of trends among contributions to atomization energies from distinct elements embedded within molecules. Specifically, a recent decomposition scheme of ours based on spatially localized molecular orbitals is compared to alternatives that instead partition molecular energies on account of which nuclei individual atomic orbitals are centred on. We find these partitioning schemes to expose the composition of chemical compound space in very dissimilar ways in terms of the grouping, binning, and heterogeneity of discrete atomic contributions, e.g., those associated with hydrogens bonded to different heavy atoms. Furthermore, unphysical dependencies on the one-electron basis set are found for some, but not all of these schemes. The relevance and importance of these compositional factors for training tailored neural network models based on atomic energies are next assessed. We identify both limitations and possible advantages with respect to contemporary machine learning models and discuss the design of potential counterparts based on atoms and the intrinsic energies of these as the principal decomposition units.Comment: 21+7 pages, 6 figures. SI as an ancillary file. Version 2: All PhysNet-based results are now based on NN models trained on a combination of atomic and molecular energies (as opposed to only the former in Version 1). SI also updated with a total of four figure
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