6 research outputs found

    Explicit Construction of Self-Dual Integral Normal Bases for the Square-Root of the Inverse Different

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    Let KK be a finite extension of \Q_p, let L/KL/K be a finite abelian Galois extension of odd degree and let \bo_L be the valuation ring of LL. We define AL/KA_{L/K} to be the unique fractional \bo_L-ideal with square equal to the inverse different of L/KL/K. For pp an odd prime and L/\Q_p contained in certain cyclotomic extensions, Erez has described integral normal bases for A_{L/\Q_p} that are self-dual with respect to the trace form. Assuming K/\Q_p to be unramified we generate odd abelian weakly ramified extensions of KK using Lubin-Tate formal groups. We then use Dwork's exponential power series to explicitly construct self-dual integral normal bases for the square-root of the inverse different in these extensions

    Self-Dual Integral Normal Bases and Galois Module Structure

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    Let N/FN/F be an odd degree Galois extension of number fields with Galois group GG and rings of integers ON{\mathfrak O}_N and {\mathfrak O}_F=\bo respectively. Let A\mathcal{A} be the unique fractional ON{\mathfrak O}_N-ideal with square equal to the inverse different of N/FN/F. Erez has shown that A\mathcal{A} is a locally free O[G]{\mathfrak O}[G]-module if and only if N/FN/F is a so called weakly ramified extension. There have been a number of results regarding the freeness of A\mathcal{A} as a Z[G]\Z[G]-module, however this question remains open. In this paper we prove that A\mathcal{A} is free as a Z[G]\Z[G]-module assuming that N/FN/F is weakly ramified and under the hypothesis that for every prime ℘\wp of O{\mathfrak O} which ramifies wildly in N/FN/F, the decomposition group is abelian, the ramification group is cyclic and ℘\wp is unramified in F/\Q. We make crucial use of a construction due to the first named author which uses Dwork's exponential power series to describe self-dual integral normal bases in Lubin-Tate extensions of local fields. This yields a new and striking relationship between the local norm-resolvent and Galois Gauss sum involved. Our results generalise work of the second named author concerning the case of base field \Q

    Construction of self-dual normal bases and their complexity

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    Recent work of Pickett has given a construction of self-dual normal bases for extensions of finite fields, whenever they exist. In this article we present these results in an explicit and constructive manner and apply them, through computer search, to identify the lowest complexity of self-dual normal bases for extensions of low degree. Comparisons to similar searches amongst normal bases show that the lowest complexity is often achieved from a self-dual normal basis

    Construction of Self-Dual Integral Normal Bases in Abelian Extensions of Finite and Local Fields

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    Let F/EF/E be a finite Galois extension of fields with abelian Galois group Γ\Gamma. A self-dual normal basis for F/EF/E is a normal basis with the additional property that TrF/E(g(x),h(x))=δg,hTr_{F/E}(g(x),h(x))=\delta_{g,h} for g,h∈Γg,h\in\Gamma. Bayer-Fluckiger and Lenstra have shown that when char(E)≠2char(E)\neq 2, then FF admits a self-dual normal basis if and only if [F:E][F:E] is odd. If F/EF/E is an extension of finite fields and char(E)=2char(E)=2, then FF admits a self-dual normal basis if and only if the exponent of Γ\Gamma is not divisible by 44. In this paper we construct self-dual normal basis generators for finite extensions of finite fields whenever they exist. Now let KK be a finite extension of \Q_p, let L/KL/K be a finite abelian Galois extension of odd degree and let \bo_L be the valuation ring of LL. We define AL/KA_{L/K} to be the unique fractional \bo_L-ideal with square equal to the inverse different of L/KL/K. It is known that a self-dual integral normal basis exists for AL/KA_{L/K} if and only if L/KL/K is weakly ramified. Assuming p≠2p\neq 2, we construct such bases whenever they exist