12 research outputs found

    Glutathione-S-transferase P promotes glycolysis in asthma in association with oxidation of pyruvate kinase M2

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    Background: Interleukin-1-dependent increases in glycolysis promote allergic airways disease in mice and disruption of pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) activity is critical herein. Glutathione-S-transferase P (GSTP) has been implicated in asthma pathogenesis and regulates the oxidation state of proteins via S-glutathionylation. We addressed whether GSTP-dependent S-glutathionylation promotes allergic airways disease by promoting glycolytic reprogramming and whether it involves the disruption of PKM2. Methods: We used house dust mite (HDM) or interleukin-1β in C57BL6/NJ WT or mice that lack GSTP. Airway basal cells were stimulated with interleukin-1β and the selective GSTP inhibitor, TLK199. GSTP and PKM2 were evaluated in sputum samples of asthmatics and healthy controls and incorporated analysis of the U-BIOPRED severe asthma cohort database. Results: Ablation of Gstp decreased total S-glutathionylation and attenuated HDM-induced allergic airways disease and interleukin-1β-mediated inflammation. Gstp deletion or inhibition by TLK199 decreased the interleukin-1β-stimulated secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators and lactate by epithelial cells. 13C-glucose metabolomics showed decreased glycolysis flux at the pyruvate kinase step in response to TLK199. GSTP and PKM2 levels were increased in BAL of HDM-exposed mice as well as in sputum of asthmatics compared to controls. Sputum proteomics and transcriptomics revealed strong correlations between GSTP, PKM2, and the glycolysis pathway in asthma. Conclusions: GSTP contributes to the pathogenesis of allergic airways disease in association with enhanced glycolysis and oxidative disruption of PKM2. Our findings also suggest a PKM2-GSTP-glycolysis signature in asthma that is associated with severe disease

    Social stress induces changes in urinary bladder function, bladder NGF content, And generalized bladder inflammation in mice

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    Social stress may play a role in urinary bladder dysfunction in humans, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. In the present study, we explored changes in bladder function caused by social stress using mouse models of stress and increasing stress. In the stress paradigm, individual submissive FVB mice were exposed to C57BL/6 aggressor mice directly/indirectly for 1 h/day for 2 or 4 wk. Increased stress was induced by continuous, direct/indirect exposure of FVB mice to aggressor mice for 2 wk. Stressed FVB mice exhibited nonvoiding bladder contractions and a decrease in both micturition interval (increased voiding frequency) and bladder capacity compared with control animals. ELISAs demonstrated a significant increase in histamine protein expression with no change in nerve growth factor protein expression in the urinary bladder compared with controls. Unlike stressed mice, mice exposed to an increased stress paradigm exhibited increased bladder capacities and intermicturition intervals (decreased voiding frequency). Both histamine and nerve growth factor protein expression were significantly increased with increased stress compared with control bladders. The change in bladder function from increased voiding frequency to decreased voiding frequency with increased stress intensity suggests that changes in social stress-induced urinary bladder dysfunction are context and duration dependent. In addition, changes in the bladder inflammatory milieu with social stress may be important contributors to changes in urinary bladder function

    Social stress in mice induces urinary bladder overactivity and increases TRPV1 channel-dependent afferent nerve activity

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    Social stress has been implicated as a cause of urinary bladder hypertrophy and dysfunction in humans. Using a murine model of social stress, we and others have shown that social stress leads to bladder overactivity. Here, we show that social stress leads to bladder overactivity, increased bladder compliance, and increased afferent nerve activity. In the social stress paradigm, 6-wk-old male C57BL/6 mice were exposed for a total of 2 wk, via barrier cage, to a C57BL/6 retired breeder aggressor mouse. We performed conscious cystometry with and without intravesical infusion of the TRPV(1) inhibitor capsazepine, and measured pressure-volume relationships and afferent nerve activity during bladder filling using an ex vivo bladder model. Stress leads to a decrease in intermicturition interval and void volume in vivo, which was restored by capsazepine. Ex vivo studies demonstrated that at low pressures, bladder compliance and afferent activity were elevated in stressed bladders compared with unstressed bladders. Capsazepine did not significantly change afferent activity in unstressed mice, but significantly decreased afferent activity at all pressures in stressed bladders. Immunohistochemistry revealed that TRPV(1) colocalizes with CGRP to stain nerve fibers in unstressed bladders. Colocalization significantly increased along the same nerve fibers in the stressed bladders. Our results support the concept that social stress induces TRPV(1)-dependent afferent nerve activity, ultimately leading to the development of overactive bladder symptoms

    Glutaredoxin attenuates glutathione levels via deglutathionylation of Otub1 and subsequent destabilization of system xC

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    Glutathione (GSH) is a critical component of the cellular redox system that combats oxidative stress. The glutamate-cystine antiporter, system x , is a key player in GSH synthesis that allows for the uptake of cystine, the rate-limiting building block of GSH. It is unclear whether GSH or GSH-dependent protein oxidation [protein -glutathionylation (PSSG)] regulates the activity of system x . We demonstrate that an environment of enhanced PSSG promotes GSH increases via a system x -dependent mechanism. Absence of the deglutathionylase, glutaredoxin (GLRX), augmented SLC7A11 protein and led to significant increases of GSH content. -glutathionylation of C23 or C204 of the deubiquitinase OTUB1 promoted interaction with the E2-conjugating enzyme UBCH5A, leading to diminished ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of SLC7A11 and augmentation of GSH, effects that were reversed by GLRX. These findings demonstrate an intricate link between GLRX and GSH via -glutathionylation of OTUB1 and system x and illuminate a previously unknown feed-forward regulatory mechanism whereby enhanced GSH protein oxidation augments cellular GSH

    ER Oxidative Stress Promotes Glutathione-Dependent Oxidation of Collagen-1A1 and Promotes Lung Fibroblast Activation

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    Changes in the oxidative (redox) environment accompany idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). S-glutathionylation of reactive protein cysteines is a post-translational event that transduces oxidant signals into biological responses. We recently demonstrated that increases in S-glutathionylation promote pulmonary fibrosis, which was mitigated by the deglutathionylating enzyme glutaredoxin (GLRX). However, the protein targets of S-glutathionylation that promote fibrogenesis remain unknown. In the present study we addressed whether the extracellular matrix is a target for S-glutathionylation. We discovered increases in collagen 1A1 S-glutathionylation (COL1A1-SSG) in lung tissues from IPF subjects compared to control subjects in association with increases in ER oxidoreductin 1 (ERO1A) and enhanced oxidation of ER-localized peroxiredoxin 4 (PRDX4) reflecting an increased oxidative environment of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Human lung fibroblasts exposed to transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) show increased secretion of COL1A1-SSG. Pharmacologic inhibition of ERO1A diminished oxidation of PRDX4, attenuated COL1A1-SSG and total COL1A1 levels and dampened fibroblast activation. Absence of Glrx enhanced COL1A1-SSG and overall COL1A1 secretion and promoted activation of mechanosensing pathways. Remarkably, COL1A1-SSG resulted in marked resistance to collagenase degradation. Compared to COL1, lung fibroblasts plated on COL1-SSG proliferated more rapidly, and increased expression of genes encoding extracellular matrix crosslinking enzymes and genes linked to mechanosensing pathways. Overall, these findings suggest that glutathione-dependent oxidation of COL1A1 occurs in settings of IPF in association with enhanced ER oxidative stress and may promote fibrotic remodeling due to increased resistance to collagenase-mediated degradation and fibroblast activation