12 research outputs found

    Hippocampus specific iron deficiency alters competition and cooperation between developing memory systems

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    Iron deficiency (ID) is the most common gestational micronutrient deficiency in the world, targets the fetal hippocampus and striatum and results in long-term behavioral abnormalities. These structures primarily mediate spatial and procedural memory, respectively, in the rodent but have interconnections that result in competition or cooperation during cognitive tasks. We determined whether ID-induced impairment of one alters the function of the other by genetically inducing a 40% reduction of hippocampus iron content in late fetal life in mice and measuring dorsal striatal gene expression and metabolism and the behavioral balance between the two memory systems in adulthood. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had similar striatum iron content, but 18% lower glucose and 44% lower lactate levels, a 30% higher phosphocreatine:creatine ratio, and reduced iron transporter gene expression compared to wild type (WT) littermates, implying reduced striatal metabolic function. Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice had longer mean escape times on a cued task paradigm implying impaired procedural memory. Nevertheless, when hippocampal and striatal memory systems were placed in competition using a Morris Water Maze task that alternates spatial navigation and visual cued responses during training, and forces a choice between hippocampal and striatal strategies during probe trials, Slc11a2hipp/hipp mice used the hippocampus-dependent response less often (25%) and the visual cued response more often (75%) compared to WT littermates that used both strategies approximately equally. Hippocampal ID not only reduces spatial recognition memory performance but also affects systems that support procedural memory, suggesting an altered balance between memory systems

    Describing congenital heart disease by using three-part segmental notation

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    The segmental classification of congenital heart disease, first conceptualized nearly 50 years ago, is now well established. The Van Praagh classification system, in particular, is commonly used throughout North America to facilitate communication between physicians from various specialties who are involved in diagnosing and managing congenital cardiovascular abnormalities. In the Van Praagh system, a three-part notation consisting of letters separated by commas and encompassed by a set of braces is used to succinctly describe the visceroatrial situs, the orientation of the ventricular loop, and the position and relation of the great vessels. For example, the notation "{S, D, S}" describes the normal anatomic configuration, in which the morphologic right atrium and largest hepatic lobe are on the patient's right side and the morphologic left atrium, stomach, and spleen are on the left side (situs solitus); the ventricular loop is curved rightward (dextro- or d-loop); and the aorta is posterior to and rightward of the main pulmonary artery (situs solitus). Because the Van Praagh notation imposes on its users a systematic approach to anatomic description, it is a helpful device for structuring the interpretation of imaging studies as well as the reporting of results: First, the morphologic right and left atria and ventricles must be identified; next, the visceroatrial situs and ventricular loop orientation may be determined from the positions of the cardiac chambers; and last, the position and relation of the great vessels (normal, inverted, transposed, or malpositioned) can be established. The article provides concise, step-by-step guidance for applying the Van Praagh system in the radiology reading room

    MRI of intraneural perineurioma of the brachial plexus

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    Intraneural perineurioma is an uncommon benign tumor of the perineurium of peripheral nerve sheaths occurring primarily in adolescents or young adults. MRI is a valuable tool in suggesting this diagnosis and in surgical planning. We report an 18-year old female with progressive right-hand weakness, numbness, and severe atrophic changes of the hand secondary to an intraneural perineurioma involving the right brachial plexus, in whom the initial diagnosis was suggested by MRI

    Hamate-pisiform coalition complicated by fracture in a pediatric patient

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    Coalition of the carpal bones is a relatively uncommon anatomic anomaly. The majority of carpal coalitions occur between the lunate and triquetrum. There are rare reports of coalition involving the hamate and pisiform. We report a case of a previously asymptomatic male who sustained minor trauma and was found to have hamate-pisiform coalition complicated by a minimally displaced pisiform fracture. Keywords: Pediatric carpal coalition, Hamate-pisiform, Pisiform-hamat