648 research outputs found

    Light Neutralinos with Large Scattering Cross Sections in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    Motivated by recent data from CoGeNT and the DAMA annual modulation signal, we discuss collider constraints on MSSM neutralino dark matter with mass in the 5-15 GeV range. Such an LSP would be a Bino with a small Higgsino admixture. Maximization of the DM-nucleon scattering cross section for such a WIMP requires a light Higgs boson with tan beta enhanced couplings. Limits on the invisible width of the Z boson, when combined with Tevatron constraints on Higgs bosons at large tan beta, and the rare decay B±→τνB^{\pm} \to \tau \nu constrain cross sections to be below σn≲2×10−41cm2\sigma_n \lesssim 2 \times 10^{-41} {cm}^2. This indicates a slight local Dark Matter over-density would be necessary to explain the CoGeNT excess. This scenario also requires a light charged Higgs boson, which can give substantial contributions to rare decays such as b→sγb \to s \gamma and t→bH+t \to b H^+.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: refs updated, minor typos corrected, new discussion on B->D\tau\nu, journal versio

    The Kinematics and Dynamics of the Globular Clusters and the Planetary Nebulae of NGC 5128

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    A new kinematic and dynamic study of the halo of the giant elliptical galaxy, NGC 5128, is presented. From a spectroscopically confirmed sample of 340 globular clusters and 780 planetary nebulae, the rotation amplitude, rotation axis, velocity dispersion, and the total dynamical mass are determined for the halo of NGC 5128. The globular cluster kinematics were searched for both radial dependence and metallicity dependence by subdividing the globular cluster sample into 158 metal-rich ([Fe/H] > -1.0) and 178 metal-poor ([Fe/H] < -1.0) globular clusters. Our results show the kinematics of the metal-rich and metal-poor subpopulations are quite similar. The kinematics are compared to the planetary nebula population where differences are apparent in the outer regions of the halo. The total mass of NGC 5128 is found using the Tracer Mass estimator (Evans et al. 2003), to determine the mass supported by internal random motions, and the spherical component of the Jeans equation to determine the mass supported by rotation. We find a total mass of (1.0+/-0.2) x 10^(12) Msun from the planetary nebulae data out to a projected radius of 90 kpc and (1.3+/-0.5) x 10^(12) Msun from the globular clusters out to a projected radius of 50 kpc. Lastly, we present a new and homogeneous catalog of known globular clusters in NGC 5128. This catalog combines all previous definitive cluster identifications from radial velocity studies and HST imaging studies, as well as 80 new globular clusters from a study of M.A. Beasley et al. (2007, in preparation).Comment: Accepted in the Astronomical Journal,52 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables - Changes made to Table 1 from originally submitted 0704.118

    A 2dF spectroscopic study of globular clusters in NGC 5128: Probing the formation history of the nearest giant Elliptical

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    We have performed a spectroscopic study of globular clusters (GCs) in the giant elliptical NGC 5128 using the 2dF facility at the Anglo-Australian telescope. We obtained integrated optical spectra for a total of 254 GCs, 79 of which are newly confirmed on the basis of their radial velocities and spectra. In addition, we obtained an integrated spectrum of the galaxy starlight along the southern major axis. We derive an empirical metallicity distribution function (MDF) for 207 GCs (~14 of the estimated total GC system) based upon Milky Way GCs. This MDF is multimodal at high statistical significance with peaks at [Z/H]~-1.3 and -0.5. A comparison between the GC MDF and that of the stellar halo at 20 kpc (~4 Reff) reveals close coincidence at the metal-rich ends of the distributions. However, an inner 8 kpc stellar MDF shows a clear excess of metal-rich stars when compared to the GCs. We compare a higher S/N subsample (147 GCs) with two stellar population models which include non-solar abundance ratio corrections. The vast majority of our sample (~90%) appears old, with ages similar to the Milky Way GC system. There is evidence for a population of intermediate-age (~4-8 Gy) GCs (<15% of the sample) which are on average more metal-rich than the old GCs. We also identify at least one younger cluster (~1-2 Gy) in the central regions of the galaxy. Our observations are consistent with a picture where NGC 5128 has undergone at least two mergers and/or interactions involving star formation and limited GC formation since z=1, however the effect of non-canonical hot stellar populations on the integrated spectra of GCs remains an outstanding uncertainty in our GC age estimates.Comment: 17 figures, some long table

    Tc-99 Ion Exchange Resin Testing

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    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was contracted by CHPRC to evaluate the release of 99Tc from spent resin used to treat water from well 299-W15-765 and stored for several years. The key questions to be answered are: 1) does 99Tc readily release from the spent ion exchange resin after being in storage for several years; 2) if hot water stripping is used to remove the co-contaminant carbon tetrachloride, will 99Tc that has been sequestered by the resin be released; and 3) can spent resin be encapsulated into a cementitious waste form; if so, how much 99Tc would be released from the weathering of the monolith waste form? The results from the long term stability leach test results confirm that the resin is not releasing a significant amount of the sequestered 99Tc, evident by the less than 0.02% of the total 99Tc loaded being identified in the solution. Furthermore, it is possible that the measured 99Tc concentration is the result of 99Tc contained in the pore spaces of the resin. In addition to these results, analyses conducted to examine the impact of hot water on the release of 99Tc suggest that only a small percentage of the total is being released. This suggest that hot water stripping to remove carbon tetrachloride will not have a significant affect on the resin’s ability to hold-on to sequestered 99Tc. Finally, encapsulation of spent resin in a cementitious material may be a viable disposal option, but additional tests are needed to examine the extent of physical degradation caused by moisture loss and the effect this degradation process can have on the release of 99Tc

    The Effects of Distraction and a Brief Intervention on Auditory and Visual-Spatial Working Memory in College Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    Two studies addressed how young adult college students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (n = 44) compare to their nonaffected peers (n = 42) on tests of auditory and visual–spatial working memory (WM), are vulnerable to auditory and visual distractions, and are affected by a simple intervention. Students with ADHD demonstrated worse auditory WM than did controls. A near significant trend indicated that auditory distractions interfered with the visual WM of both groups and that, whereas controls were also vulnerable to visual distractions, visual distractions improved visualWM in the ADHD group. The intervention was ineffective. Limited correlations emerged between self-reported ADHD symptoms and objective test performances; students with ADHD who perceived themselves as more symptomatic often had better WM and were less vulnerable to distractions than their ADHD peers

    The human burst suppression electroencephalogram of deep hypothermia

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    Objective: Deep hypothermia induces 'burst suppression' (BS), an electroencephalogram pattern with low-voltage 'suppressions' alternating with high-voltage 'bursts'. Current understanding of BS comes mainly from anesthesia studies, while hypothermia-induced BS has received little study. We set out to investigate the electroencephalogram changes induced by cooling the human brain through increasing depths of BS through isoelectricity. Methods: We recorded scalp electroencephalograms from eleven patients undergoing deep hypothermia during cardiac surgery with complete circulatory arrest, and analyzed these using methods of spectral analysis. Results: Within patients, the depth of BS systematically depends on the depth of hypothermia, though responses vary between patients except at temperature extremes. With decreasing temperature, burst lengths increase, and burst amplitudes and lengths decrease, while the spectral content of bursts remains constant. Conclusions: These findings support an existing theoretical model in which the common mechanism of burst suppression across diverse etiologies is the cyclical diffuse depletion of metabolic resources, and suggest the new hypothesis of local micro-network dropout to explain decreasing burst amplitudes at lower temperatures. Significance: These results pave the way for accurate noninvasive tracking of brain metabolic state during surgical procedures under deep hypothermia, and suggest new testable predictions about the network mechanisms underlying burst suppression.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP2-OD006454)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DP1-OD003646)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant TR01-GM104948

    Integrated Disposal Facility FY2011 Glass Testing Summary Report

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    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory was contracted by Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC to provide the technical basis for estimating radionuclide release from the engineered portion of the disposal facility (e.g., source term). Vitrifying the low-activity waste at Hanford is expected to generate over 1.6 x 10{sup 5} m{sup 3} of glass (Certa and Wells 2010). The volume of immobilized low-activity waste (ILAW) at Hanford is the largest in the DOE complex and is one of the largest inventories (approximately 8.9 x 10{sup 14} Bq total activity) of long-lived radionuclides, principally {sup 99}Tc (t{sub 1/2} = 2.1 x 10{sup 5}), planned for disposal in a low-level waste (LLW) facility. Before the ILAW can be disposed, DOE must conduct a performance assessment (PA) for the Integrated Disposal Facility (IDF) that describes the long-term impacts of the disposal facility on public health and environmental resources. As part of the ILAW glass testing program PNNL is implementing a strategy, consisting of experimentation and modeling, in order to provide the technical basis for estimating radionuclide release from the glass waste form in support of future IDF PAs. The purpose of this report is to summarize the progress made in fiscal year (FY) 2011 toward implementing the strategy with the goal of developing an understanding of the long-term corrosion behavior of low-activity waste glasses

    Identification of a Novel Large Multigene Deletion and a Frameshift Indel in PDE6B as the Underlying Cause of Early-Onset Recessive Rod-Cone Degeneration

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    A family, with two affected identical twins with early-onset recessive inherited retinal degeneration, was analyzed to determine the underlying genetic cause of pathology. Exome sequencing revealed a rare and previously reported causative variant (c.1923_1969delinsTCTGGG; p.Asn643Glyfs*29) in th
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