5 research outputs found

    Introduction: The Global Politics of Food

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    The Global Politics of Food: Introduction to the Theoretical Perspectives Cluster

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    In May 2010, the Universidad Interamericana in Mexico City hosted an international conference on The Global Politics of Food: Sustainability and Subordination. Sponsored by Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory, Inc. and by Seattle University School of Law, the conference took place under the auspices of the South-North Exchange on Theory, Culture and Law (SNX), a yearly gathering of scholars in the Americas that seeks to foster transnational, cross-disciplinary and inter-cultural dialogue on current issues in law, theory and culture. Published in the University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, the conference papers examine the complex ways in which the global food system reinforces hierarchies of power and privilege. This Introduction situates the essays collected in the theoretical perspectives cluster within the parameters of LatCrit and outsider jurisprudence, and explains how these essays contribute to our understanding of the role of food policy in perpetuating the subordination of marginalized populations on a global scale. The Introduction also discusses the growing food sovereignty and food justice movements, and the importance of integrating the insights of these movements into the broader critique of neoliberal globalization

    The Global Politics of Food: Introduction to the Theoretical Perspectives Cluster

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    In May 2010, the Universidad Interamericana in Mexico City hosted an international conference on The Global Politics of Food: Sustainability and Subordination. Sponsored by Latina and Latino Critical Legal Theory, Inc. and by Seattle University School of Law, the conference took place under the auspices of the South-North Exchange on Theory, Culture and Law (SNX), a yearly gathering of scholars in the Americas that seeks to foster transnational, cross-disciplinary and inter-cultural dialogue on current issues in law, theory and culture. Published in the University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, the conference papers examine the complex ways in which the global food system reinforces hierarchies of power and privilege. This Introduction situates the essays collected in the theoretical perspectives cluster within the parameters of LatCrit and outsider jurisprudence, and explains how these essays contribute to our understanding of the role of food policy in perpetuating the subordination of marginalized populations on a global scale. The Introduction also discusses the growing food sovereignty and food justice movements, and the importance of integrating the insights of these movements into the broader critique of neoliberal globalization

    Farmer's Cooperatives to Regionalize Food Systems: A Critique of Local Food Law Scholarship and Suggestion for Critical Reconsideration of Existing Legal Tools for Changing the US Food System

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    Institutions and Cumulative Change

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