11 research outputs found

    FUSE: People with Frequent Utilization of Public Services in Clackamas County, Oregon: Potential Service Enhancements

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    The goal of this study was to answer five very specific questions about individuals with high service utilization and the systems that serve them. The data for this study comes from administrative system data, informational conversations and meetings with community partners, formal interviews with service providers, and interviews with consumers with frequent service utilization. Limitations: The rates of mental illness, addiction and homelessness are likely to be higher than they appear in this report due to the way these characteristics were gathered or recorded in system databases. Historically marginalized populations are increasingly underrepresented in datasets

    Separating the Wheat from the Weeds: Resilience Fixes and Transformative Resilience in Response to Climate Disasters AND Resilience: An Evaluation Thinking Perspective

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    This recording includes two presentations. Dr. Ajibade\u27s talk engages with the all-too-easily-taken-for granted separation between resilience as stability and resilience as transformation after disasters. It examines whether strategies adopted after mega-disasters are transforming cities in ways that foster egalitarian urbanism or reinforce capitalist urbanization. To address this issue, she mobilizes the notion of ‘a resilience fix’, returning to Harvey’s influential thesis on spatial fix which describes the intrinsic need of capital to overcome its crisis of overaccumulation by deepening its spread through the production of spaces and the built environment. She combines this thesis with an interrogation of metabolic circulations and the governmentality of space to advance a robust understanding of a resilience fix and its recursive relations with urban transformations. A case study of a ten-year post-disaster reconstruction in Metro-Manila is used to provide empirical context of how resilience fixes operate through political economy structures, land use planning, technology adoption, and risk management regimes, to decenter those who experience the double violence of capitalist urbanization and disaster capitalism while naturalizes utopian-development, citizen surveillance, and the retreat of the poor from the city. This paper challenges resilience fixes as solutions to climatic disasters and calls attention to new resistance politics and counter-strategies aimed at transformative resilience. Dr. Einspruch\u27s talk examines how evaluation may be seen as a transdiscipline that provides services and tools to other disciplines, as well as a discipline in its own right. This talk explores some fundamental evaluation concepts and contemporary developments in the field of evaluation, as they relate to an evaluation thinking perspective, with consideration of diverse points of view and the importance of thinking about thinking. This evaluation thinking perspective will be brought to the critically important topic of resilience, with reflection on how resilience may be expressed at different levels of organization (for example, the individual level and the community level), and set within the context of the current state of the environment.https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/toward-resilient-futures/1005/thumbnail.jp