1,068 research outputs found

    Spatial mechanisms of gene regulation in metazoan embryos

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    The basic characteristics of embryonic process throughout Metazoa are considered with focus on those aspects that provide insight into how cell specification occurs in the initial stages of development. There appear to be three major types of embryogenesis: Type 1, a general form characteristic of most invertebrate taxa of today, in which lineage plays an important role in the spatial organization of the early embryo, and cell specification occurs in situ, by both autonomous and conditional mechanisms; Type 2, the vertebrate form of embryogenesis, which proceeds by mechanisms that are essentially independent of cell lineage, in which diffusible morphogens and extensive early cell migration are particularly important; Type 3, the form exemplified by long germ band insects in which several different regulatory mechanisms are used to generate precise patterns of nuclear gene expression prior to cellularization. Evolutionary implications of the phylogenetic distribution of these types of embryogenesis are considered. Regionally expressed homeodomain regulators are utilized in all three types of embryo, in similar ways in later and postembryonic development, but in different ways in early embryonic development. A specific downstream molecular function for this class of regulator is proposed, based on evidence obtained in vertebrate systems. This provides a route by which to approach the comparative regulatory strategies underlying the three major types of embryogenesis

    Roy J. Britten, 1919ā€“2012: Our early years at Caltech

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    Roy Britten died in Costa Mesa, California on January 21, 2012, of pancreatic cancer at age 92. His work in the 1960s, in which he used renaturation kinetics to provide a quantitative image of the single-copy and repetitive sequence content of animal genomes, was of gigantic intellectual import, and it essentially built the ground floor of the edifice that we call genomics today. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1972. At the beginning of the 1970s, Roy and I teamed up as scientific partners, and we relocated to Caltech. At Caltech, we worked together for over one-quarter of a century, and most of the following work consists of a very brief retrospective on the eventful first decade of our Caltech partnership. Later, in the 1990s, Roy returned to focus on his old interests in evolutionary processes that affect genomic sequence content. He continued to carry out computational analyses on the roles of mobile elements and other processes that ceaselessly remodel genomes, particularly primate genomes, almost until his death; his last paper, ā€œTransposable element insertions have strongly affected human evolution,ā€ was published in PNAS in November of 2010 when he was 91 years old

    Lineage-specific gene expression and the regulative capacities of the sea urchin embryo: a proposed mechanism

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    Three aspects of early sea urchin development are reviewed, and conclusions derived that lead to a unified concept of how the initial specifications of differential gene activity may occur in this embryo. i. The embryo has an invariant cell lineage, and the lineage founder cells can be considered as regulatory spatial domains. That is, from each of these cells descend clones of progeny the members of which express the same set of lineage-specific genes. ii. From the extensive classical literature on blastomere plasticity, and some key modern experiments, are derived a system of inductive blastomere interactions, which accounts for the conditionality of lineage founder cell specification. That is, the fates of many of the lineage founder cells can apparently be altered if the normal spatial interrelationships within the embryo are perturbed. iii. Recent studies have been carried out by gene transfer, and are supported by in vitro analyses of DNA-protein interactions in the regulatory regions of two genes that are expressed in a lineage- specific manner. Expression of both of these markers of cell fate specification is controlled by diffusible DNA-binding factors (i.e. within each nucleus). A molecular mechanism is proposed, based on inductive effects on gene regulatory factors, which in principle provides a specific explanation of the regulative capacities for which this embryo is famous

    The last common bilaterian ancestor

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    Many regulatory genes appear to be utilized in at least superficially similar ways in the development of particular body parts in Drosophila and in chordates. These similarities have been widely interpreted as functional homologies, producing the conventional view of the last common protostome-deuterostome ancestor (PDA) as a complex organism that possessed some of the same body parts as modern bilaterians. Here we discuss an alternative view, in which the last common PDA had a less complex body plan than is frequently conceived. This reconstruction alters expectations for Neoproterozoic fossil remains that could illustrate the pathways of bilaterian evolution

    Micromeres are required for normal vegetal plate specification in sea urchin embryos

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    Vegetal plate specification was assessed in S. purpuratus embryos after micromere deletions at the 4th, 5th and 6th cleavages, by assaying expression of the early vegetal plate marker Endo 16, using whole-mount in situ hybridization. After 4th cleavage micromere deletions, the embryos typically displayed weak Endo16 expression in relatively few cells of the lineages that normally constitute the vegetal plate, while after 5th and 6th cleavage micromere deletions the embryos exhibited strong Endo16 expression in larger fractions of cells belonging to those lineages. When all four micromeres were deleted, the embryos were severely delayed in initiating gastrulation and sometimes failed to complete gastrulation. However, if only one micromere was allowed to remain in situ throughout development, the embryos exhibited strong Endo16 expression and gastrulation occurred normally, on schedule with controls. Additional measurements showed that these microsurgical manipulations do not alter cleavage rates or generally disrupt embryo organization. These results constitute direct evidence that the micromeres provide signals required by the macromere lineages for initiation of vegetal plate specification. The specification of the vegetal plate is completed in a normal manner only if micromere signaling is allowed to continue at least to the 6th cleavage stage

    Modular cis-regulatory organization of Endo16, a gut-specific gene of the sea urchin embryo

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    The Endo16 gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus is expressed at the blastula stage of embryogenesis throughout the vegetal plate, at the gastrula stage in the whole of the archenteron and in postgastrular stages only in the midgut. We showed earlier that a 2300 bp upstream sequence suffices to faithfully recreate this pattern of expression when fused to a CAT reporter gene. Here we define the functional organization of this cis-regulatory domain, which includes over thirty high specificity binding sites, serviced by at least thirteen different putative transcription factors, in addition to >20 sites for a factor commonly found in the regulatory sequences of other sea urchin genes as well (SpGCF1). The Endo16 cis-regulatory domain consists of several different functional elements, or modules, each containing one or two unique DNA-binding factor target sites, plus sites for factors binding in other modules as well. Modular regulatory function was defined in experiments in which regions of the cis-regulatory DNA containing specific clusters of sites were tested in isolation, combined with one another, or by selective deletion, and the effects on expression of the CAT reporter were determined by whole-mount in situ hybridization or CAT enzyme activity measurements. The most proximal module (A) is mainly responsible for early embryonic expression, and module A alone suffices to locate expression in the vegetal plate and archenteron. The adjacent module (B) is responsible for a steep postgastrular rise in expression, when the gene is transcribed only in the midgut and, prior to this module B alone also suffices to promote expression in the vegetal plate and archenteron. The most distal module, G, acts as a booster for either A or B modules. However, no combination of A, B and G modules generates vegetal plate or gut expression exclusively. Ectopic expression of A-, B- and G-CAT fusion constructs occurs in the adjacent (veg1-derived) ectoderm and in skeletogenic mesenchyme cells. For expression to be confined to endoderm requires negative regulatory functions mediated by modules E, F and DC. Modules E and F each repress ectopic expression specifically in veg1 ectoderm. Module DC represses ectopic expression specifically in skeletogenic mesenchyme. Expression of some Endo16 constructs is dramatically increased by treatment with LiCl, which expands the territory in which the endogenous Endo16 gene is expressed at the expense of veg1 ectoderm. The same modules that act to repress ectopic expression in untreated embryos are required for enhanced expression of constructs after LiC1 treatment. Furthermore, both the negative spatial control functions and response to LiC1 require the presence of module A. The total regulatory requirements of the Endo16 gene during embryogenesis can be expressed in terms of the positive and negative functions of the individual modules and the interactions between modules that are identified in this study

    Genomic control of patterning

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    The development of multicellular organisms involves the partitioning of the organism into territories of cells of specific structure and function. The information for spatial patterning processes is directly encoded in the genome. The genome determines its own usage depending on stage and position, by means of interactions that constitute gene regulatory networks (GRNs). The GRN driving endomesoderm development in sea urchin embryos illustrates different regulatory strategies by which developmental programs are initiated, orchestrated, stabilized or excluded to define the pattern of specified territories in the developing embryo

    Properties of developmental gene regulatory networks

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    The modular components, or subcircuits, of developmental gene regulatory networks (GRNs) execute specific developmental functions, such as the specification of cell identity. We survey examples of such subcircuits and relate their structures to corresponding developmental functions. These relations transcend organisms and genes, as illustrated by the similar structures of the subcircuits controlling the specification of the mesectoderm in the Drosophila embryo and the endomesoderm in the sea urchin, even though the respective subcircuits are composed of nonorthologous regulatory genes
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