5 research outputs found
Effect of endosperm mutants on maize seed germination
The expression of genetic potential of yielding and quality of a certain genotype depends among other factors on seed quality. Seed is very important not only for the reproduction of the particular plant species, but also, for the contemporary plant production. Each part of maize seed (pericarp endosperm and germ) has a specific function in the complex process of germination and emergence. The following three genotypes of different endosperm types were observed: ZPSC 42A (standard grain quality dent hybrid) ZPSC 504 su (sweet maize hybrid with a sugary gene) and ZPSyn.II sh2 (synthetic population with a shranken2 gene). Seed viability of the stated genotypes was determined by the accepted ISTA methods: standard method accelerating age and cold test. Obtained results point out to differences in the germination capacity of the observed genotypes. The greatest reduction of the germination capacity and the emergence rate was expressed by the application of the accelerating ageing method. Appeared differences are probably a result of the endosperm texture (type), grain weight, sugar content and pericarp thickens and composition
Promena ugljenohidradnog sastava zrna kukuruza Å”eÄerca (Zea mays L. Saccharata) tokom razvoja endosperma
Sweet corn is consumed as human food in the milk stage of grain development when grain is tender, soft and sweet. Sucrose, a dominant sugar at this stage of the endosperm development, causes sweetness of grain. The changes of grain carbohydrate composition of two genotypes (ZPSC 311 su and ZPSC 450 su) were monitored over stages of maturity (10, 15, 20, 23 and 28 days after pollination). This composition was determined by high pressure chromatography on the column with chemically bound stationary phase, type NH2 and polar mobile phase of acetonitrile-water. Carbohydrate composition of grain changed during the endosperm development in a way that the percentage share of fructose and glucose decreased, while the share of sucrose increased. The maximum value of a sucrose content on the 25th day after pollination amounted to 77.00% and 89.81% in ZPSC 450 su and 78.38% and 77.92% in ZPSC 311 su, in 1999 and 2000, respectively. Thereafter opposite changes occurred. Significant differences (of glucose, fructose) in the share of certain sugars over developmental stages in, were determined. A strong rank correlation between contents of glucose and fructose was detected indicating that the increased glucose content resulted in the increased fructose content and vice versa. Negative values for rank correlation was determined between contents of sucrose and glucose and contents of sucrose and fructose indicating that the increase of the sucrose content leads to the decrease of glucose and fructose contents and vice versa.Kukuruz Å”eÄerac se upotrebljava za ishranu ljudi u mleÄnoj fazi razvoja zrna kada je ono nežno, soÄno i slatko. U toj fazi dominantan Å”eÄer u endospermu je saharoza koja daje slatkoÄu zrnu. U ovom radu praÄene su promene ugljenohidratnog sastava zrna dva genotipa kukuruza Å”eÄerca (ZPSC 311 su i ZPSC 450 su) po fazama zrenja (10, 15, 20, 23 i 28 dana posle oplodnje). Ugljenohidratni sastav zrna odreÄivan je metodom visokopritisne hromatografije na koloni sa hemijski vezanom stacioniranom fazom tipa NH2 i polarnom mobilnom fazom acetonitril-voda. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se ugljenohidratni sastav zrna menjao tokom procesa razvoja endosperma, tako Å”to se smanjivao udeo fruktoze i glukoze, a istovremeno poveÄavao udeo saharoze. Maksimalna vrednost sadržaja saharoze utvrÄena je u fazi 25 dana posle oplodnje, 77,00% i 89,81% za ZPSC 450 su i 78,38% i 77,92% za ZPSC 311 su, tokom 1999. i 2000. godine. Nakon toga odvijale su se suprotne promene. UtvrÄene su statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike u udelu pojedinih Å”eÄera po fazama zrenja, odnosno u zavisnosti od broja dana od oplodnje. UtvrÄena je jaka korelativna veza izmeÄu sadržaja glukoze i fruktoze, Å”to ukazuje na to da se poveÄanjem sadržaja glukoze poveÄava i sadržaj fruktoze i obrnuto. Negativne vrednosti korelacije ranga naÄene su izmeÄu sadržaja saharoze i glukoze i sadržaja saharoze i fruktoze, Å”to znaÄi da se poveÄanjem sadržaja saharoze smanjuje sadržaj glukoze i fruktoze, i obrnuto
Zapremina kokiÄavosti i prinos zrna u dialelnom setu linija kokiÄara
Popping volume and yield are traits caused by several heredity factors. It is difficult to obtain superior genotypes for both traits but it is possible to develop genotypes with good popping volume and satisfactory yield. The hybrid ZPPL2 x ZPPL5 was superior in yield, heterosis and SCA for both yield and popping volume. As inbred ZPPL4 in all combinations has a good value for popping volume could be concluded that this inbred may be used as parent in further crosses. Analysis of variance of the combining ability indicating significant SCA effect for grain yield, and significant both GCA and SCA effects for popping volume. Therefore it can be stated that yield is influenced by non-additive and popping volume by both additive and non- additive gene effects. Analysis of variance of genetic components for popping volume indicates that the additive as well as dominant components significantly affected the inheritance of this trait in popcorn. The objective of this study was to evaluate heteorsis and combing ability for grain yield and popping volume in dialalel set of six maize inbred lines.Zapremina kokiÄavosti i prinos su svojstva pod uticajem nekoliko naslednih faktora. TeÅ”ko je dobiti superiorne genotipove za oba svojstva ali je moguÄe dobiti genotip sa dobrom zapreminom kokiÄavosti i zadovoljavajuÄim prinosom. Hibrid ZPPL2 x ZPPL5 je superioran za prinos, heterozis i PKS za prinos i zapreminu kokiÄavosti. Kako linija ZPPL4 u svim kombinacijama ima dobre vrednosti za zapreminu kokiÄavosti može se zakljuÄiti da ova linija se može koristiti kao roditelj u buduÄim ukrÅ”tanjima. Analiza varijanse za kombinacionu sposobnost ukazuje na znaÄajan PKS efekat za prinos zrna, znaÄajan PKS i OKS efekat za zapreminu kokiÄavosti. Prinos je pod uticajem neaditivnih a zapremina kokiÄavosti i aditivnih i neaditivnih gena. Analiza varijanse genetiÄkih komponenti za zapreminu kokiÄavosti ukazuje da aditivne kao i dominatne komponente znaÄajno utiÄu na nasleÄivanje ovog svojstva kod kokiÄara. Cilj ovih istraživanja bio je ispitivanje heteorzisa i kombinacionih sposobnosti za prinos zrna i zapreminu kokiÄavosti u dialelnom setu Å”est linija kukuruza
The application of new slope survey technologies in geotechnics
This paper presents two examples of advanced methods of slope imaging on the main road M-22 near the town of Ljig. The slope survey mapping for the research, design and mitigation purposes is still being done using traditional methods. With recent improvement of digital technology manual measurements can be partly eliminated. The application of 3D laser scanning and photogrammetric survey allows to discretize the slope with a large number of points, based on which a detailed 3D surface of the slope could be derived; hence, the interpretation of the details could be significantly improved. Brief description of the study and used methods. Brief description of the study and used methods