3 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of rhizavidin: insights into the enigmatic high-affinity interaction of an innate biotin-binding protein dimer

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    Rhizavidin, from the proteobacterium Rhizobium etli, exhibits high affinity towards biotin but maintains an inherent dimeric quaternary structure and thus, differs from all other known tetrameric avidins. Rhizavidin also differs from the other avidins, since it lacks the characteristic tryptophan residue positioned in the L7,8 loop that plays a crucial role in high-affinity binding and oligomeric stability of the tetrameric avidins. The question is, therefore, how does the dimer exist and how is the high biotin-binding affinity retained? For this purpose, the crystal structures of apo- and biotin-complexed rhizavidin were determined. The structures reveal that the rhizavidin monomer exhibits a topology similar to those of other members of the avidin family, that is, eight antiparallel β-strands that form the conventional avidin β-barrel. The quaternary structure comprises the sandwich-like dimer, in which the extensive 1–4 intermonomer interface is intact, but the 1–2 and 1–3 interfaces are nonexistent. Consequently, the biotin-binding site is partially accessible, due to the lack of the tryptophan “lid” that distinguishes the tetrameric structures. In rhizavidin, a disulfide bridge connecting the L3,4 and L5,6 loops restrains the L3,4 loop conformation, leaving the binding-site residues essentially unchanged upon biotin binding. Our study suggests that in addition to the characteristic hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, the preformed architecture of the binding site and consequent shape complementarity play a decisive role in the high-affinity biotin binding of rhizavidin. The structural description of a novel dimeric avidin-like molecule will greatly contribute to the design of improved and unique avidin derivatives for diversifying the capabilities of avidin–biotin technology

    The Butyrylcholinesterase K Variant Confers Structurally Derived Risks for Alzheimer Pathology*♦

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    The K variant of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE-K, 20% incidence) is a long debated risk factor for Alzheimer disease (AD). The A539T substitution in BChE-K is located at the C terminus, which is essential both for BChE tetramerization and for its capacity to attenuate β-amyloid (Aβ) fibril formation. Here, we report that BChE-K is inherently unstable as compared with the “usual” BChE (BChE-U), resulting in reduced hydrolytic activity and predicting prolonged acetylcholine maintenance and protection from AD. A synthetic peptide derived from the C terminus of BChE-K (BSP-K), which displayed impaired intermolecular interactions, was less potent in suppressing Aβ oligomerization than its BSP-U counterpart. Correspondingly, highly purified recombinant human rBChE-U monomers suppressed β-amyloid fibril formation less effectively than dimers, which also protected cultured neuroblastoma cells from Aβ neurotoxicity. Dual activity structurally derived changes due to the A539T substitution can thus account for both neuroprotective characteristics caused by sustained acetylcholine levels and elevated AD risk due to inefficient interference with amyloidogenic processes