7 research outputs found

    Pension Benefits of Rural People as a Condition for Improving Their Welfare

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    The aging of the population due to the economic, political and cultural spheres. The number of older people in the total population in some countries has increased significantly. Some of them can be attributed to countries with an aging population. Building a harmonious society - one of the important goals of the country, it is intrinsically linked with the improvement and quality of life of older people and their welfare. In China, the rapid economic development; restructuring of family, the weakening of its functions; as well as a sustainable, rapid population aging are reflected in the pension system and national economy. Three groups of indicators are formed on the analysis of deviations from the results of survey of older and young people from China villages Da Gao Kan and Lian Shan. It was proved that the pension benefits of rural people are one of the basic conditions for increasing their welfare, so it is necessary to improve it

    Healthcare Efficiency as a Wellbeing Factor in the Siberian Federal District

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    An assessment of the efficiency of healthcare systems in territorial entities of the Russian Federation’s Siberian Federal District was carried out using Minmax method on the basis of data presented in Unified Interdepartmental Statistical Information System. Four groups of components were assessed (presence, usage, availability of resources and medical efficiency), while being decomposed into 14 indicators. The study of selected components and indicators dynamics through 2005-2013 allowed revealing its multidirectional influence on the efficiency of healthcare systems in the Siberian Federal District territorial entities. Low or average level of efficiency was revealed in 9 out of 13 territorial entities, usually determined by the insufficient level of usage or availability of resources. Possible ways of improving the district's healthcare system efficiency were defined. It is proved that the efficiency of The Siberian Federal District healthcare systems is an essential factor in ensuring the wellbeing of the population who live in district which is distinct in uncongenial climatic-ecological conditions affecting health

    Healthcare Effectiveness as a Wellbeing Factor. Workforce

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    Wellbeing of citizens is a multifactorial and a multi-aspect process. One of the key aspects is health. Despite the fact that health depends on the healthcare system on 15-20% only, it is vital to improve its efficiency. Authors highlight that, on the one hand, healthcare as social-economical system must be targeted on citizens’ health improvement, and on the other hand, it must obey economic processes. Modernization and reforming of healthcare system demand effectiveness increase of all types of resources in this context; but authors imply that the key ones are the workforce resources. A conducted monitoring of Russian Federation citizens’ health on several diseases as well as an evaluation of Russian Federation workforce resources usage through 2003-2013 (level of an institution (federal, regional, municipal), provision, staff ratio (physicians and nurses), its correspondence to staff schedule, qualifications level, etc. were used as the criteria) and also a comparison of federal districts healthcare system effectiveness (using Minmax method) did not show synonymous dynamics.Increase in staff usage effectiveness is a factor of healthcare system effectiveness raise, which is a factor of citizens wellbeing improving

    Russian National Social Security System as the Condition of Pensioners’ Well-Being

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    Pensioners’ well-being depends on many factors. It can be provided with the state, family, and pensioners themselves. It can be tangible and intangible. This research is limited with the following frames: only material well-being, only governmental support, 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation, the exploration period is 6 years: 2006-2011. The evaluation of 6 activities by MinMax Method, including three cash ones and three "non-cash" ones, allowed to prove empirically the hypothesis that social support of pensioners living in various federal districts of the Russian Federation is significantly different. Leveling out of these differences should be a crucial way to perfect/improve pensioners’ social support

    Well-being of Pensioners. A Subjective Assessment of the Life's Quality (By the Example of China and Russia)

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    The well-being of pensioners depends on not only objective factors, but also subjective. Subjective assessment of the life's quality occupies an irreplaceable position in the welfare of pensioners. This study is limited by the following restrictions: results of the survey (80 profiles in Russia, 154 questionnaires in China): 18 questions for both objective and subjective assessments; deviation of the quality of life of pensioners in Russia and China; recommendations for improving pension policy (from the standpoint of the interests of the person and the state).We proved hypothesis that, despite the significant differences assessment of the life's quality and welfare of older persons in China and Russia, subjective assessment is important. A key way of the well-being of older persons is a union of state support, personal and corporate resources

    Pension System as Wellbeing Institute

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    The article proves that it is possible to achieve wellbeing if there is an improvement of both the pension system and change in the citizen’s attitude towards retirement income. The calculations (dynamics of the percentage of the working retirees, both in Russia and TPU, and the average salary) show that the increase in the ratio of the number of retirees and working people can’t lead to the deficit of the budget of the Russian Pension Fund. It is proved that the key way to overcome the deficit is to remove payments, which are not or little connected with earned income (disability and loss of a breadwinner pension, long service pension, and early retirement pension) and save only one function – compensation for loss of earnings. Refusal of the territorial rent (pension’s peg to the minimum of subsistence of a retiree in the region) will also balance the financial state of the Pension Fund. It is mathematically proved that the wellbeing of retirees can be reached if they participate in the compulsory and voluntary pension insurance programs, which are not necessary governmental

    Russian National Social Security System as the Condition of Pensioners’ Well-Being

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    Pensioners’ well-being depends on many factors. It can be provided with the state, family, and pensioners themselves. It can be tangible and intangible. This research is limited with the following frames: only material well-being, only governmental support, 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation, the exploration period is 6 years: 2006-2011. The evaluation of 6 activities by MinMax Method, including three cash ones and three "non-cash" ones, allowed to prove empirically the hypothesis that social support of pensioners living in various federal districts of the Russian Federation is significantly different. Leveling out of these differences should be a crucial way to perfect/improve pensioners’ social support