21 research outputs found

    Ответ на комментарий В.А. Мазурка к статье Р.Д. Комнова и А.А. Еременко «Интеллектуальные режимы респираторной поддержки в Российской Федерации: результаты анкетного исследования»

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    Ответ на комментарий В.А. Мазурка к статье Р.Д. Комнова и А.А. Еременко «Интеллектуальные режимы респираторной поддержки в Российской Федерации: результаты анкетного исследования

    Сравнение эффективности методов неинвазивной респираторной поддержки в послеоперационном периоде у кардиохирургических больных: пилотное исследование

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    АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ: Частота развития дыхательной недостаточности после кардиохирургических вмешательств составляет 17–22 % [1–3]. Методы неинвазивной респираторной поддержки: неинвазивная масочная вентиляция легких (НИМВЛ), высокопоточная назальная оксигенотерапия (ВНО) и неинвазивная вентиляция с помощью шлема (НИВЛШ) находят все более широкое применение в терапии дыхательной недостаточности у этих пациентов. ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Сравнение эффективности методов респираторной поддержки в зависимости от их влияния на газообмен у пациентов с легкой степенью тяжести дыхательной недостаточности в раннем периоде после кардиохирургических вмешательств. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: В работу включены 42 кардиохирургических пациента с 200 < P/F < 300, которые были разделены на 3 группы в зависимости от применяемого метода респираторной поддержки (НИМВЛ, ВНО или НИВЛШ). Основная точка исследования — оценка динамики показателей газообмена до, во время и после их применения. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Все три метода НИВЛ способствуют статистически достоверному улучшению показателей газообмена во время проведения НИВЛ, которое сохранялось и после завершения терапии (SpO2, PaO2, P/F, Qsp/Qt). В группе с применением НИМВЛ и ВНО отмечен прирост фракции оксигемоглобина. Значения PaCO2 в группах сравнения не различались. Наибольший прирост SpO2 наблюдаем в группах с использованием маски и шлема, но по завершении сеанса НИВЛ статистически значимых различий между группами не было. Доля пациентов с P/F < 300 после однократного сеанса в группе НИМВЛ снизилась в 2 раза, в группе ВНО — в 1,6 раза, в группе НИВЛШ — в 3,5 раза. ВЫВОДЫ: Проведение неинвазивной респираторной поддержки значительно улучшает показатели оксигенирующей функции легких в раннем послеоперационном периоде у кардиохирургических больных. НИВЛШ и НИМВЛ более эффективны по сравнению с ВНО. При использовании шлема требуется более высокий уровень респираторной поддержки


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    The article deals with the certain social and economic issues of organization of international law master courses at higher schools of engineering and technologies. In modern conditions competency in international law becomes an indispensable element of professional skills of a specialist especially of managerial staff therefore master courses in law should be revised taking into account this aspect

    Impact of pandemic on supply chain development

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    This article reveals the main aspects of the logistics situation development in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, it highlights the main elements of the logistics companies functioning ensuring a competitive position in the market. The priority role of statistical data collection in logistics and verification of its development monitoring with high growth and expanded coverage of forecast indicators without taking into account the pandemic statistics is emphasized. At the same time, the main aspects of supply chain recovery, taking into account the pandemic, were identified and highlighted in such interrelations as identified signs, stocks, realistic consumption by efficient users, optimization of production and computing capacities, identification and use of logistics capacities, cash management and net working capital

    Comprehensive analysis of the aerated concrete technology Комплексный анализв технологии газобетона

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    The software package developed by Department of Technology of Finishing and Insulation Materials of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering is designated to improve the performance efficiency of experiments that consist in planning, implementation, and processing of findings of research projects, including solutions for their optimization. The software package assists researchers in planning and analyzing experimental findings that are influenced by versatile factors, especially if their number is different. The number of factors of impact may be set at 15, 30, 45, and 60. This software was tested in the context of the aerated concrete technology. The first stage of the research consists in the preparation for an experiment with account for all factors characterizing the manufacturing process. The software assesses the relevance of the above factors and ranks them on the basis of their significance. As a result, three groups of factors are identified: factors of major significance (Group A), factors of secondary significance (Group B) and other factors.The software package was applied in the context of the aerated concrete technology to determine the most important parameters of its production. As a result of the experiment, the group of most significant factors (group A) included foaming agent efficiency, foaming agent consumption rate, and mould filling degree, while less important factors (Group B) included modifier consumption rate, mixture temperature, exposure time and water consumption rate.Программный комплекс разработан на кафедре технологии отделочных и изоляционных материалов МГСУ с целью повышения эффективности работы экспериментатора при планировании исследований, их реализации и обработки результатов, в т.ч. получения оптимизационных решений. Этот комплекс опробован в технологии ячеистых бетонов: пенобетона, армированного базальтовой фиброй, пенополистиролбетона и газобетона, получаемого в условиях ограниченного объема. Реализация программного комплекса в технологии газобетона позволяет оптимизировать технологический процесс и определить наиболее значимые параметры производства

    Effect of Non-Covalent Interactions on the 2,4- and 3,5-Dinitrobenzoate Eu-Cd Complex Structures

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    Heterometallic {Eu2Cd2} complexes [Eu2(NO3)2Cd2(Phen)2(2,4-Nbz)8]n&middot;2nMeCN (I) and [Eu2(MeCN)2Cd2(Phen)2(3,5-Nbz)10] (II) with the 2,4-dinitrobenzoate (2,4-Nbz) and 3,5-dinitrobenzoate (3,5-Nbz) anions and 1,10-phenanthroline were synthesized. The compounds obtained were characterized by X-ray single-crystal analysis, powder X-ray diffraction analysis, IR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Moreover, the thermal stability of the complexes was also studied. Analysis of the crystal packing showed that where 1,10-phenanthroline is combined with various isomers of dinitrobenzoate anions, different arrangements of non-covalent interactions are observed in the complex structures. In the case of the compound with the 2,4-dinitrobenzoate anion, these interactions lead to a significant distortion of the metal core geometry and formation of a polymeric structure, while the complex with the 3,5-dinitrobenzoate anion has a structure that is typical of similar systems. The absence of europium metal-centered luminescence at 270 nm wavelength was shown. For all the reported compounds, a thermal stability study was carried out that showed that the compounds decomposed with a significant thermal effect

    Effect of Non-Covalent Interactions on the 2,4- and 3,5-Dinitrobenzoate Eu-Cd Complex Structures

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    Heterometallic {Eu2Cd2} complexes [Eu2(NO3)2Cd2(Phen)2(2,4-Nbz)8]n·2nMeCN (I) and [Eu2(MeCN)2Cd2(Phen)2(3,5-Nbz)10] (II) with the 2,4-dinitrobenzoate (2,4-Nbz) and 3,5-dinitrobenzoate (3,5-Nbz) anions and 1,10-phenanthroline were synthesized. The compounds obtained were characterized by X-ray single-crystal analysis, powder X-ray diffraction analysis, IR spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. Moreover, the thermal stability of the complexes was also studied. Analysis of the crystal packing showed that where 1,10-phenanthroline is combined with various isomers of dinitrobenzoate anions, different arrangements of non-covalent interactions are observed in the complex structures. In the case of the compound with the 2,4-dinitrobenzoate anion, these interactions lead to a significant distortion of the metal core geometry and formation of a polymeric structure, while the complex with the 3,5-dinitrobenzoate anion has a structure that is typical of similar systems. The absence of europium metal-centered luminescence at 270 nm wavelength was shown. For all the reported compounds, a thermal stability study was carried out that showed that the compounds decomposed with a significant thermal effect

    Exploitation of knowledge databases in the synthesis of zinc(II) malonates with photo-sensitive and photo-insensitive N,N′-containing linkers

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    Photoinitiated solid-state reactions are known to affect the physical properties of coordination polymers, such as fluorescence and sorption behaviour, and also afford extraordinary architectures (e.g. three-periodic structures with polyorganic ligands). However, the construction of novel photo-sensitive coordination polymers requires an understanding of the factors which govern the mutual disposition of reactive fragments. A series of zinc(II) malonate complexes with 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene and its photo-insensitive analogues has been synthesized for the purpose of systematic analysis of their underlying nets and mutual disposition of N-donor ligands. The application of a big data-set analysis for the prediction of a variety of possible complex compositions, coordination environments and networks for a four-component system has been demonstrated for the first time. Seven of the nine compounds possess one of the highly probable topologies for their underlying nets; in addition, two novel closely related four-coordinated networks were obtained. Complexes containing 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene and 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane form isoreticular compounds more readily than those with 4,4′-bipyridine and 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene. The effects of the precursor, either zinc(II) nitrate or zinc(II) acetate, on the composition and dimensionality of the resulting architecture are discussed. For three of the four novel complexes containing 1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethylene, the single-crystal-to-single-crystal [2 + 2] cycloaddition reactions were carried out. UV irradiation of these crystals afforded either the 0D→1D or the 3D→3D transformations, with and without network changes. One of the two 3D→3D transformations was accompanied by solvent (H2O) cleavage

    CCDC 1486670: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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    An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world’s repository for small molecule crystal structures. The entry contains experimental data from a crystal diffraction study. The deposited dataset for this entry is freely available from the CCDC and typically includes 3D coordinates, cell parameters, space group, experimental conditions and quality measures

    CCDC 1486671: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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    An entry from the Cambridge Structural Database, the world’s repository for small molecule crystal structures. The entry contains experimental data from a crystal diffraction study. The deposited dataset for this entry is freely available from the CCDC and typically includes 3D coordinates, cell parameters, space group, experimental conditions and quality measures