10 research outputs found

    Effect of layer thickness on structural, morphological and superconducting properties of Nb3_3Sn films fabricated by multilayer sequential sputtering

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    Superconducting Nb3Sn films can be synthesized by controlling the atomic concentration of Sn. Multilayer sequential sputtering of Nb and Sn thin films followed by high temperature annealing is considered as a method to fabricate Nb3Sn films, where the Sn composition of the deposited films can be controlled by the thickness of alternating Nb and Sn layers. We report on the structural, morphological and superconducting properties of Nb3Sn films fabricated by multilayer sequential sputtering of Nb and Sn films on sapphire substrates followed by annealing at 950 {\deg}C for 3 h. We have investigated the effect of Nb and Sn layer thickness and Nb:Sn ratio on the properties of the Nb3Sn films. The crystal structure, surface morphology, surface topography, and film composition were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The results showed Sn loss from the surface due to evaporation during annealing. Superconducting Nb3Sn films of critical temperature up to 17.93 K were fabricated

    Selective thermal evolution of native oxide layer in Nb and Nb3Sn-coated SRF grade Nb: An in-situ angular XPS study

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    This contribution discusses the results of an in-situ angular XPS study on the thermal evolution of the native oxide layer on Nb3Sn and pure Nb. XPS data were recorded with conventional spectrometers using an AlK(alpha) X-ray source for spectra collected up to 600 C, and an MgK(Alpha) X-rays source for temperatures above 600 C. The effect of the thickness, composition, and thermal stability of that oxide layer is relevant to understanding the functional properties of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities used in particle accelerators. There is a consensus that oxide plays a role in surface resistance (Rs). The focus of this study is Nb3Sn, which is a promising material that is used in the manufacturing of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities as well as in quantum sensing, and pure Nb, which was included in the study for comparison. The thermal evolution of the oxide layer in these two materials is found to be quite different, which is ascribed to the influence of the Sn atom on the reactivity of the Nb atom in Nb3Sn films. Nb and Sn atoms in this intermetallic solid have different electronegativity, and the Sn atom can reduce electron density around neighbouring Nb atoms in the solid, thus reducing their reactivity for oxygen. This is shown in the thickness, composition, and thermal stability of the oxide layer formed on Nb3Sn. The XPS spectra were complemented by grazing incident XRD patterns collected using the ESRF synchrotron radiation facility. The results discussed herein shed light on oxide evolution in the Nb3Sn compound and guide its processing for potential applications of the Nb3Sn-based SRF cavities in accelerators and other superconducting devices