201 research outputs found

    Information Theoretic Feature Transformation Learning for Brain Interfaces

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    Objective: A variety of pattern analysis techniques for model training in brain interfaces exploit neural feature dimensionality reduction based on feature ranking and selection heuristics. In the light of broad evidence demonstrating the potential sub-optimality of ranking based feature selection by any criterion, we propose to extend this focus with an information theoretic learning driven feature transformation concept. Methods: We present a maximum mutual information linear transformation (MMI-LinT), and a nonlinear transformation (MMI-NonLinT) framework derived by a general definition of the feature transformation learning problem. Empirical assessments are performed based on electroencephalographic (EEG) data recorded during a four class motor imagery brain-computer interface (BCI) task. Exploiting state-of-the-art methods for initial feature vector construction, we compare the proposed approaches with conventional feature selection based dimensionality reduction techniques which are widely used in brain interfaces. Furthermore, for the multi-class problem, we present and exploit a hierarchical graphical model based BCI decoding system. Results: Both binary and multi-class decoding analyses demonstrate significantly better performances with the proposed methods. Conclusion: Information theoretic feature transformations are capable of tackling potential confounders of conventional approaches in various settings. Significance: We argue that this concept provides significant insights to extend the focus on feature selection heuristics to a broader definition of feature transformation learning in brain interfaces.Comment: Accepted for publication by IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineerin

    Auto-context Convolutional Neural Network (Auto-Net) for Brain Extraction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Brain extraction or whole brain segmentation is an important first step in many of the neuroimage analysis pipelines. The accuracy and robustness of brain extraction, therefore, is crucial for the accuracy of the entire brain analysis process. With the aim of designing a learning-based, geometry-independent and registration-free brain extraction tool in this study, we present a technique based on an auto-context convolutional neural network (CNN), in which intrinsic local and global image features are learned through 2D patches of different window sizes. In this architecture three parallel 2D convolutional pathways for three different directions (axial, coronal, and sagittal) implicitly learn 3D image information without the need for computationally expensive 3D convolutions. Posterior probability maps generated by the network are used iteratively as context information along with the original image patches to learn the local shape and connectedness of the brain, to extract it from non-brain tissue. The brain extraction results we have obtained from our algorithm are superior to the recently reported results in the literature on two publicly available benchmark datasets, namely LPBA40 and OASIS, in which we obtained Dice overlap coefficients of 97.42% and 95.40%, respectively. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of our algorithm in the challenging problem of extracting arbitrarily-oriented fetal brains in reconstructed fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets. In this application our algorithm performed much better than the other methods (Dice coefficient: 95.98%), where the other methods performed poorly due to the non-standard orientation and geometry of the fetal brain in MRI. Our CNN-based method can provide accurate, geometry-independent brain extraction in challenging applications.Comment: This manuscripts has been submitted to TM

    Fast Switch Scanning Keyboards: Minimal Expected Query Decision Trees

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems allow people with disabilities to provide input to devices which empower them to more fully interact with their environment. Within AAC, switch scanning is a common paradigm for spelling where a set of characters is highlighted and the user is queried as to whether their target character is in the highlighted set. These queries are used to traverse a decision tree which successively prunes away characters until only a single one remains (the estimate). This work seeks a decision tree which requires the fewest expected queries per decision sequence (EQPD). In particular, we remove the constraint that the decision tree needs to be a row-item or group-row-item style tree and minimize EQPD. We pose the problem as a Huffman code with variable, integer cost and solve it with a mild extension of Golin's method in "A dynamic programming algorithm for constructing optimal prefix-free codes with unequal letter costs", IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (1998). Additionally, we model the user on the query level by their probability of detection and false alarm to derive their expected performance on the character level given some decision tree. We perform experiments which show that the min EQPD decision tree (Karp) may reduce selection times, especially for timed (single switch) switch scanning

    Adversarial Deep Learning in EEG Biometrics

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    Deep learning methods for person identification based on electroencephalographic (EEG) brain activity encounters the problem of exploiting the temporally correlated structures or recording session specific variability within EEG. Furthermore, recent methods have mostly trained and evaluated based on single session EEG data. We address this problem from an invariant representation learning perspective. We propose an adversarial inference approach to extend such deep learning models to learn session-invariant person-discriminative representations that can provide robustness in terms of longitudinal usability. Using adversarial learning within a deep convolutional network, we empirically assess and show improvements with our approach based on longitudinally collected EEG data for person identification from half-second EEG epochs.Comment: Accepted for publication by IEEE Signal Processing Letter

    Hierarchical Graphical Models for Context-Aware Hybrid Brain-Machine Interfaces

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    We present a novel hierarchical graphical model based context-aware hybrid brain-machine interface (hBMI) using probabilistic fusion of electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activities. Based on experimental data collected during stationary executions and subsequent imageries of five different hand gestures with both limbs, we demonstrate feasibility of the proposed hBMI system through within session and online across sessions classification analyses. Furthermore, we investigate the context-aware extent of the model by a simulated probabilistic approach and highlight potential implications of our work in the field of neurophysiologically-driven robotic hand prosthetics.Comment: 40th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC 2018

    Transfer Learning in Brain-Computer Interfaces with Adversarial Variational Autoencoders

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    We introduce adversarial neural networks for representation learning as a novel approach to transfer learning in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The proposed approach aims to learn subject-invariant representations by simultaneously training a conditional variational autoencoder (cVAE) and an adversarial network. We use shallow convolutional architectures to realize the cVAE, and the learned encoder is transferred to extract subject-invariant features from unseen BCI users' data for decoding. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept of our approach based on analyses of electroencephalographic (EEG) data recorded during a motor imagery BCI experiment.Comment: 9th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER'19

    Real-time Deep Pose Estimation with Geodesic Loss for Image-to-Template Rigid Registration

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    With an aim to increase the capture range and accelerate the performance of state-of-the-art inter-subject and subject-to-template 3D registration, we propose deep learning-based methods that are trained to find the 3D position of arbitrarily oriented subjects or anatomy based on slices or volumes of medical images. For this, we propose regression CNNs that learn to predict the angle-axis representation of 3D rotations and translations using image features. We use and compare mean square error and geodesic loss to train regression CNNs for 3D pose estimation used in two different scenarios: slice-to-volume registration and volume-to-volume registration. Our results show that in such registration applications that are amendable to learning, the proposed deep learning methods with geodesic loss minimization can achieve accurate results with a wide capture range in real-time (<100ms). We also tested the generalization capability of the trained CNNs on an expanded age range and on images of newborn subjects with similar and different MR image contrasts. We trained our models on T2-weighted fetal brain MRI scans and used them to predict the 3D pose of newborn brains based on T1-weighted MRI scans. We showed that the trained models generalized well for the new domain when we performed image contrast transfer through a conditional generative adversarial network. This indicates that the domain of application of the trained deep regression CNNs can be further expanded to image modalities and contrasts other than those used in training. A combination of our proposed methods with accelerated optimization-based registration algorithms can dramatically enhance the performance of automatic imaging devices and image processing methods of the future.Comment: This work has been submitted to TM

    Manifold unwrapping using density ridges

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    Research on manifold learning within a density ridge estimation framework has shown great potential in recent work for both estimation and de-noising of manifolds, building on the intuitive and well-defined notion of principal curves and surfaces. However, the problem of unwrapping or unfolding manifolds has received relatively little attention within the density ridge approach, despite being an integral part of manifold learning in general. This paper proposes two novel algorithms for unwrapping manifolds based on estimated principal curves and surfaces for one- and multi-dimensional manifolds respectively. The methods of unwrapping are founded in the realization that both principal curves and principal surfaces will have inherent local maxima of the probability density function. Following this observation, coordinate systems that follow the shape of the manifold can be computed by following the integral curves of the gradient flow of a kernel density estimate on the manifold. Furthermore, since integral curves of the gradient flow of a kernel density estimate is inherently local, we propose to stitch together local coordinate systems using parallel transport along the manifold. We provide numerical experiments on both real and synthetic data that illustrates clear and intuitive unwrapping results comparable to state-of-the-art manifold learning algorithms.Comment: 43 pages, 29 figures, submitted to the Journal of Machine Learning Researc

    An Active RBSE Framework to Generate Optimal Stimulus Sequences in a BCI for Spelling

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    A class of brain computer interfaces (BCIs) employs noninvasive recordings of electroencephalography (EEG) signals to enable users with severe speech and motor impairments to interact with their environment and social network. For example, EEG based BCIs for typing popularly utilize event related potentials (ERPs) for inference. Presentation paradigm design in current ERP-based letter by letter typing BCIs typically query the user with an arbitrary subset characters. However, the typing accuracy and also typing speed can potentially be enhanced with more informed subset selection and flash assignment. In this manuscript, we introduce the active recursive Bayesian state estimation (active-RBSE) framework for inference and sequence optimization. Prior to presentation in each iteration, rather than showing a subset of randomly selected characters, the developed framework optimally selects a subset based on a query function. Selected queries are made adaptively specialized for users during each intent detection. Through a simulation-based study, we assess the effect of active-RBSE on the performance of a language-model assisted typing BCI in terms of typing speed and accuracy. To provide a baseline for comparison, we also utilize standard presentation paradigms namely, row and column matrix presentation paradigm and also random rapid serial visual presentation paradigms. The results show that utilization of active-RBSE can enhance the online performance of the system, both in terms of typing accuracy and speed.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Will be submitted to IEEE transactions on Signal Processin

    Stopping Criterion Design for Recursive Bayesian Classification: Analysis and Decision Geometry

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    Systems that are based on recursive Bayesian updates for classification limit the cost of evidence collection through certain stopping/termination criteria and accordingly enforce decision making. Conventionally, two termination criteria based on pre-defined thresholds over (i) the maximum of the state posterior distribution; and (ii) the state posterior uncertainty are commonly used. In this paper, we propose a geometric interpretation over the state posterior progression and accordingly we provide a point-by-point analysis over the disadvantages of using such conventional termination criteria. For example, through the proposed geometric interpretation we show that confidence thresholds defined over maximum of the state posteriors suffer from stiffness that results in unnecessary evidence collection whereas uncertainty based thresholding methods are fragile to number of categories and terminate prematurely if some state candidates are already discovered to be unfavorable. Moreover, both types of termination methods neglect the evolution of posterior updates. We then propose a new stopping/termination criterion with a geometrical insight to overcome the limitations of these conventional methods and provide a comparison in terms of decision accuracy and speed. We validate our claims using simulations and using real experimental data obtained through a brain computer interfaced typing system
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