6 research outputs found

    A new Test of Uncovered Interest Rate Parity: Evidence from Turkey

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    This paper examines if uncovered interest rate parity condition holds for Turkey. In this paper, an empirical analysis is provided for the dates between December 2001 and June 2007 by using monthly data for Turkey and the U.S. Main finding is that UIP does not hold for Turkey. In addition to this, UIP deviation goes up over time, AR (1) fits the data well, there is an ARCH effect and GARCH (1,1) specification is significant for Turkish case.Uncovered Interest Rate Parity; Unit Root Test; AR Process; ARCH and GARCH Models

    Indeterminate Equilibria in New Keynesian DSGE Model: An Application to the US Great Moderation

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    This paper tests “Bad Policy” Hypothesis which refers to the Great Moderation in the US. We examine this hypothesis by simulating model based impulse response functions for the both pre-Volcker period and post 1982 period. Deriving and simulating standard New Keynesian DSGE Model explicitly, we find that while post 1982 policy i.e. active policy, is consistent with the unique stable equilibrium characteristics; pre-Volcker or passive monetary policy generates equilibrium indeterminacy. Moreover, our simulated-impulse response functions show that the response of inflation and the output gap in post 82 period is weaker than the macroeconomic responses of the pre-Volcker period.The Great Moderation, Indeterminacy, Determinate Equilibrium, New Keynesian DSGE Model, Monetary Policy, Sunspot shocks

    A new Test of Uncovered Interest Rate Parity: Evidence from Turkey

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    This paper examines if uncovered interest rate parity condition holds for Turkey. In this paper, an empirical analysis is provided for the dates between December 2001 and June 2007 by using monthly data for Turkey and the U.S. Main finding is that UIP does not hold for Turkey. In addition to this, UIP deviation goes up over time, AR (1) fits the data well, there is an ARCH effect and GARCH (1,1) specification is significant for Turkish case

    Indeterminate Equilibria in New Keynesian DSGE Model: An Application to the US Great Moderation

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    This paper tests “Bad Policy” Hypothesis which refers to the Great Moderation in the US. We examine this hypothesis by simulating model based impulse response functions for the both pre-Volcker period and post 1982 period. Deriving and simulating standard New Keynesian DSGE Model explicitly, we find that while post 1982 policy i.e. active policy, is consistent with the unique stable equilibrium characteristics; pre-Volcker or passive monetary policy generates equilibrium indeterminacy. Moreover, our simulated-impulse response functions show that the response of inflation and the output gap in post 82 period is weaker than the macroeconomic responses of the pre-Volcker period