17 research outputs found

    Integration and Implementation Strategies for AI Algorithm Deployment with Smart Routing Rules and Workflow Management

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    This paper reviews the challenges hindering the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in the healthcare industry, focusing on computer vision applications for medical imaging, and how interoperability and enterprise-grade scalability can be used to address these challenges. The complex nature of healthcare workflows, intricacies in managing large and secure medical imaging data, and the absence of standardized frameworks for AI development pose significant barriers and require a new paradigm to address them. The role of interoperability is examined in this paper as a crucial factor in connecting disparate applications within healthcare workflows. Standards such as DICOM, Health Level 7 (HL7), and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) are highlighted as foundational for common imaging workflows. A specific focus is placed on the role of DICOM gateways, with Smart Routing Rules and Workflow Management leading transformational efforts in this area. To drive enterprise scalability, new tools are needed. Project MONAI, established in 2019, is introduced as an initiative aiming to redefine the development of medical AI applications. The MONAI Deploy App SDK, a component of Project MONAI, is identified as a key tool in simplifying the packaging and deployment process, enabling repeatable, scalable, and standardized deployment patterns for AI applications. The abstract underscores the potential impact of successful AI adoption in healthcare, offering physicians both life-saving and time-saving insights and driving efficiencies in radiology department workflows. The collaborative efforts between academia and industry, are emphasized as essential for advancing the adoption of healthcare AI solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Federated Learning for Breast Density Classification: A Real-World Implementation

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    Building robust deep learning-based models requires large quantities of diverse training data. In this study, we investigate the use of federated learning (FL) to build medical imaging classification models in a real-world collaborative setting. Seven clinical institutions from across the world joined this FL effort to train a model for breast density classification based on Breast Imaging, Reporting & Data System (BI-RADS). We show that despite substantial differences among the datasets from all sites (mammography system, class distribution, and data set size) and without centralizing data, we can successfully train AI models in federation. The results show that models trained using FL perform 6.3% on average better than their counterparts trained on an institute's local data alone. Furthermore, we show a 45.8% relative improvement in the models' generalizability when evaluated on the other participating sites' testing data.Comment: Accepted at the 1st MICCAI Workshop on "Distributed And Collaborative Learning"; add citation to Fig. 1 & 2 and update Fig.

    Use of constructivist approach for medical education: Review of literature

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    Background: In order to improve the quality of medical education, medical faculties of the universities are searching for better pedagogical approaches. To determine the frequency of the articles about new approaches in medical education is our main objective in this study. Method: An exclusive search was conducted in PubMed and other life science journals for biomedical articles. Total of 120 articles were comprised the term constructivism. 6 were conducted between 1980-1989, 41 were conducted between 1990-1999 73 were conducted between 2000-2007. Total of 44 articles were found to include the term IBL. Most of the research (n=32) were conducted in the last decade whereas. Total of 3080 articles were cited that included the term PBL. PBL was the most commonly encountered teaching strategy on the 21st. century (n=2133). Total of 1030 articles were found to comprise the term CL. CL was the most commonly encountered learning strategy on the 1980's (n=161). Conclusion: It is evident that there has been a considerable increase in research about constructivist teaching and learning in the medical field from 1980's to the 21st. Century. More research about constructivism need to be published in the medical journals

    Information Mining Over Heterogeneous and High-Dimensional Time-Series Data in Clinical Trials Databases

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    Abstract—An effective analysis of clinical trials data involves analyzing different types of data such as heterogeneous and high dimensional time series data. The current time series analysis methods generally assume that the series at hand have sufficient length to apply statistical techniques to them. Other ideal case assumptions are that data are collected in equal length intervals, and while comparing time series, the lengths are usually expected to be equal to each other. However, these assumptions are not valid for many real data sets, especially for the clinical trials data sets. An addition, the data sources are different from each other, the data are heterogeneous, and the sensitivity of the experiments varies by the source. Approaches for mining time series data need to be revisited, keeping the wide range of requirements in mind. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for information mining that involves two major steps: applying a data mining algorithm over homogeneous subsets of data, and identifying common or distinct patterns over the information gathered in the first step. Our approach is implemented specifically for heterogeneous and high dimensional time series clinical trials data. Using this framework, we propose a new way of utilizing frequent itemset mining, as well as clustering and declustering techniques with novel distance metrics for measuring similarity between time series data. By clustering the data, we find groups of analytes (substances in blood) that are most strongly correlated. Most of these relationships already known are verified by the clinical panels, and, in addition, we identify novel groups that need further biomedical analysis. A slight modification to our algorithm results an effective declustering of high dimensional time series data, which is then used for “feature selection.” Using industry-sponsored clinical trials data sets, we are able to identify a small set of analytes that effectively models the state of normal health. Index Terms—Clinical trials, information mining, time series. I