3 research outputs found

    Wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) on the overgrowing peat bog in Dubravica (north-western Croatia)

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    The peat bog in Dubravica is of spread interest due to its overgrowing by the process of natural succession, causing the habitat to become dryer and shadier. The dominance structure and phenology of wolf spiders on the Dubravica bog was studied. The spiders were collected during the period 09.04.-9.10.1995, using 20 pitfall traps. Altogether 10 lycosid species were found among 723 adult individuals. For six more abundant species phenology graphs are presented. Three species are found to be eudominant: Pardosa lugubris, Trochosa spinipalpis and Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata. The lycosids habitat preferences and dominance structure according the habitat condition and species occurrences on some other European bogs are discussed. 55,2 % caught specimens are hygrophilous species, and only 7,6 % are photophilous. The lycosid fauna and dominance structure does reflect the habitat condition. As overgrowing is not fully progressed yet, the lycosid fauna of this bog is still relatively bog-characteristic

    Biologijska i saprobiologijska istraživanja šljunčare na građevnoj parceli DOKI

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    U radu su izneseni podaci o kvalitativnim i kvantitativnim fitocenološkim i zoocenološkim istraživanjima na šljunčari u blizini Organsko- kemijske industrije u Zagrebu (DOKI), uz koju se gradi nova tvornica polistirena. Odabrane su 3 karakteristične postaje na kojima su uzimani uzorci fitoplanktona i zooplanktona, te fitobentosa i zoobentosa. U planktonu smo utvrdili 13 predstavnika zooplanktona, dok je fitoplankton sa 32 vrste znatno bogatiji. U fitobentosu je nađeno 65 vrsti alga, a u zoobentosu samo nekoliko skupina životinja. Ti rezultati pokazuju samo trenutnu situaciju u vrijeme ispitivanja. Da bi se dobila potpunija slika o bogatstvu životnih zajednica, potrebno je istraživanja proširiti na period od najmanje godinu dana. Izgradnjom nove tvornice polistirena na ovom području doći će do promjene u strukturi biocenoza. Da bi se ispitao utjecaj spojeva ove tvornice, potrebno je terenska i laboratorijska ispitivanja proširiti i na dulje periode