12 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science dedicated to building systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI tries to solve problems and learn similar to humans. The field of AI has experienced phenomenal development and growth over the past two decades; with the latest developments in digitized data collection, machine learning, and computing infrastructure, AI applications are expanding rapidly, especially in areas that are thought to be reserved for experts in their fields. Artificial intelligence has started to take place rapidly in dental clinical applications. The use of artificial intelligence in dentistry has enormous potential to improve patient care and drive major advances in healthcare. AI in dentistry is being researched for various purposes, such as identifying anatomical and pathological structures, diagnosing diseases and predicting treatment results, and selecting materials to be used. Advances in AI offer healthcare benefits, such as reducing postoperative complications, improving quality of life, and reducing the number of unnecessary procedures. It can also play a great helping role for dentists in increasing the accuracy of diagnosis. This chapter aims to explain the current applications and future predictions of artificial intelligence in dentistry, which is one of the most current topics of recent times

    Comparison of tmj morphology in orthodontic malocclusions using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Evaluation of genial tubercle anatomy using cone beam computed tomography

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    WOS: 000356203400013PubMed ID: 26062865The purpose of this study was to characterize the anatomy of the genial tubercle using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The morphology and detailed anatomy of the genial tubercle were assessed retrospectively in 201 patients (101 females, 100 males) using CBCT images. The parameters examined were the height (GH) and width (GW) of the genial tubercle, the distance from the lower incisors to the superior border of the tubercle (I-SGT), the distance from the inferior margin of the tubercle to the inferior margin of the mandible (IGM-IBM), and the anterior mandible thickness (AMT). Statistical analysis was performed to assess relationships among these parameters, gender, and orthodontic malocclusion (P 0.05). However, IGM-IBM was larger for class III than for class I and class II male patients, and larger than for class I female patients. AMT in class III patients was greater than in class I and II patients (P < 0.05). The use of CBCT, which employs less radiation, is important for dental professionals, especially those performing surgery for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in order to avoid possible surgical complications

    In-vitro analysis of maxillary first molars morphology using three dimensional Micro-CT imaging: considerations for restorative dentistry

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to determine the differences between the positional relationship of the crown contour and the pulp chamber of left and right maxillary first molars, as well as their morphological characteristics by using micro-CT system with reconstruction from a volumetric rendering software. Materials and methods In total, 21 extracted maxillary first molars, including 11 left and 10 right teeth, were used. The positional relationship between the crown contour, pulp chamber and morphology of the teeth were investigated three-dimensionally by means of micro-CT imaging. Results Closest distance of mesio-buccal pulp horn to enamel surface in mm was calculated as 2.5±0.20 mm for right and 2.29±0.17 mm for left teeth. This difference was statistically significant (p=0.017). The means of closest distance of disto-buccal pulp horn to enamel surface were also significantly different between left and right teeth (p=0.001). The mean pulp volumes of right side and left side teeth were, respectively, 32.94±3.19 mm3 and 33.71±2.82 mm3 but this difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion These results suggest that right and left maxillary first molars should be treated differently during preparation of cavities. Further studies must be done with larger samples as well as for other molar teeth in different populations to reveal the morphology of the molar for further considerations in restorative dentistry

    Preauricular pilomatricoma: An uncommon entity in a dental pediatric patient

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    Introduction: Pilomatricomas are benign follicular skin appendage tumors, commonly occurring in children and young adults. Most patients admit to dermatologists to seek treatment and are well known by them; however, dental professionals, especially pediatric dentists are not familiar with these tumors. Presentation of case: This report presents a 16-year-old female with preauricular pilomatricoma, located beneath the overlying skin of the temporomandibular region. Clinical examination revealed an asymptomatic lump, the overlying skin revealed no abnormalities. Patient was unaware of the lesion. Discussion: Pilomatricomas are commonly encountered in the maxillofacial region, although not considered in differential diagnosis by dental professionals. They usually present as, asymptomatic, subcutaneous masses; although symptomatic cases have been reported. In literature, common differential diagnosis for head and neck pilomatricoma includes sebaceous cyst, ossifying hematoma, giant cell tumor, chondroma, dermoid cyst, foreign body reaction, degenerating fibroxanthoma, metastatic bone formation, and osteoma cutis. We are of the opinion that temporomandibular joint disease should also be considered in differential diagnosis for preauricular pilomatricoma. Conclusion: Pediatric dentists should be aware of the condition and consider it in the differential diagnosis of pediatric conditions involving the temporomandibular joint

    Kissing molars nadir görülen iki olgu sunumu

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    ‘Kissing molars’ terimi ilk olarak 1973’ te tarif edilmiştir; bu terim, gömülü mandibuler ikinci ve üçüncü molarların aynı folliküler torba içerisinde oklüzal yüzeylerinin birbirleriyle temasta ve kök doğrultularının ters istikamette olmasını açıklamak için kullanılmaktadır. Molar dişlerin ‘rosetting formasyonu gül biçiminde bezek veya öbek ’ veya ‘kissing molars’ formasyonu literatürde mukopolisakkaridosis MPS hastalığı ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Kliniğimize ‘kissing molars’ görüntüsünde dişleri olan iki hasta gelmiştir. 13 yaşındaki mukopolisakkaridosiz ve hiperkolesterolemi rahatsızlığı olan bayan hastanın sağ mandibuler 46 ve 47 nolu dişlerinde, 50 yaşındaki erkek hastanın ise sol mandibuler 36 ve 37 nolu dişlerinde radyolojik muayene sonucunda ‘kissing molars’lara rastlanılmıştır. Birinci olguda ortodonti ile yapılan konsültasyon sonucu 47 nolu diş çekilmiş, 46 nolu dişe sürmesi için braket atılmıştır. Sonuçta diş oklüzyona gelmiştir. İkinci olguda hasta tedaviyi kabul etmemiştir. ‘Kissing molars’ nadir görülen bir vakadır. ‘Rosette formasyonu’ veya ‘kissing molars’ fenomeni çok iyi açıklanamamıştır. Onun için, bu MPS’ nin başka bir özelliği ile ilişkili veya tek başına izole bir özellik olabilir. Sonuç olarak, bu bulgular klinisyenleri benzer durumlarla ilişkisi hakkında kesin kurallar oluşturmak için özellikle MPS ile ilgili daha fazla araştırma yapmak için teşvik etmelidir

    İntraoral ortodontik braketlerin manyetik rezonans görüntüler üzerine etkilerinin değerlendirilmesi - 3 Tesla'da bir kadavra çalışması

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    Aim: Artifacts caused by orthodontic attachments limit the diagnostic value and lead to the removal of these appliances before magnetic resonance imaging. The magnet strength can influence the artifact size due to orthodontic appliances. Moreover, new (ceramic/clear) brackets have not evaluated. Hence, the purpose of this study was to quantitively evaluated the artifacts and heat due to different intra-oral appliances on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Material and Method: The study based on a fresh cadaver head. Three intra-oral orthodontic appliances (i.e. metal/metalceramic and ceramic clear brackets) together with metallic wires were scanned in a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance device (3-Tesla Philips Achieva) using different sequences. Artifact areas were determined and the temperature evaluated before and after MRI scanning. Results: The smallest artifact was produced by Ceramic (clear) Brackets scanned in a 3D FLAIR sequence with a dimension of 9,1 mm on sagittal images. The steel-containing orthodontic devices were associated with radius artifacts ranging from 34,45 mm to 47,35 mm. No significant difference found for heat before and after scanning (p ≤0.05). Conclusion: Consequently, the choice of intra-oral orthodontic appliances and awareness of the composition of appliances together with magnetic interference is crucial for head and neck magnetic resonance scanning that has to take into consideration by both orthodontic consultants and the radiologists.Amaç: Ortodontik aygıtların neden olduğu artefaktlar teşhis değerini kısıtlamaktadır. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemeden önce bu aygıtların çıkarılması gerekmektedir. Bunula birlikte manyetik kuvvetin büyüklüğü ortodontik aygıtlardan dolayı oluşan artefaktalrın boyutunu etkilemektedir. Bugüne kadar, tamamen seramik olan yeni braketlerin oluşturabileceği artefakt boyutu detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı ağız içi ortodontik braketlerin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme esnasındaki oluşturdukları artefaktları ve oluşan ısıyı nicel olarak değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma taze bir kadavra kafası ile yapıldı. Üç farklı ortodontik braket (metal / metal-seramik ve seramik şeffaf braketler) dişlere yapıştırıldıktan sonra farklı sekanslar kullanılarak 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans cihazında (3 Tesla Philips Achieva) tarandı. Oluşan artefakt alanları tespit edildi ve MRI taramasından önce ve sonra sıcaklık değişimleri de değerlendirildi. Bulgular: En küçük artefakt çapı, sagittal görüntülerde 9,1 mm boyutlarındaydı. Bu artefakt 3D FLAIR sekansında taranan seramik braketler ile oluştu. Çelik içeren ortodontik braketler 34,45 mm ila 47,35 mm arasında değişen artefakt çaplarına sahipti. Tarama öncesi ve sonrası ısı açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p ≤0.05). Sonuç: Baş ve boyun manyetik rezonans taraması için ağız içi ortodontik braketlerin seçimi ile bunların içeriklerinin ve bu aygıtların manyetik alandan nasıl etkilendiğinin bilinmesi hem ortodontistlerin hem de radyologların göz önünde bulundurması gereken bir durumdur

    Ameloblastoma of the Posterior Mandible: Radical Resection and Reconstruction Using Osteofaciocutaneous Free Fibular Flap

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    This study reports a case of an ameloblastoma in the posterior region of the right mandible in a 38-year-old female patient. The diagnosis was made after needle aspiration biopsy and resection treatment was planned. The resected mandible was constructed via osteofaciocutaneous free fibular flap. Today, this treatment option is considered the gold standard and in the present case, treatment results were favorable


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    Aim: Artifacts caused by orthodontic attachments limit the diagnostic value and lead to the removal of these appliances before magnetic resonance imaging. The magnet strength can influence the artifact size due to orthodontic appliances. Moreover, new (ceramic/clear) brackets have not evaluated. Hence, the purpose of this study was to quantitively evaluated the artifacts and heat due to different intra-oral appliances on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Material and Method: The study based on a fresh cadaver head. Three intra-oral orthodontic appliances (i.e. metal/metalceramic and ceramic clear brackets) together with metallic wires were scanned in a 3 Tesla magnetic resonance device (3-Tesla Philips Achieva) using different sequences. Artifact areas were determined and the temperature evaluated before and after MRI scanning. Results: The smallest artifact was produced by Ceramic (clear) Brackets scanned in a 3D FLAIR sequence with a dimension of 9,1 mm on sagittal images. The steel-containing orthodontic devices were associated with radius artifacts ranging from 34,45 mm to 47,35 mm. No significant difference found for heat before and after scanning (p ≤0.05). Conclusion: Consequently, the choice of intra-oral orthodontic appliances and awareness of the composition of appliances together with magnetic interference is crucial for head and neck magnetic resonance scanning that has to take into consideration by both orthodontic consultants and the radiologists.Amaç: Ortodontik aygıtların neden olduğu artefaktlar teşhis değerini kısıtlamaktadır. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemeden önce bu aygıtların çıkarılması gerekmektedir. Bunula birlikte manyetik kuvvetin büyüklüğü ortodontik aygıtlardan dolayı oluşan artefaktalrın boyutunu etkilemektedir. Bugüne kadar, tamamen seramik olan yeni braketlerin oluşturabileceği artefakt boyutu detaylı bir şekilde değerlendirilmemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı ağız içi ortodontik braketlerin manyetik rezonans görüntüleme esnasındaki oluşturdukları artefaktları ve oluşan ısıyı nicel olarak değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma taze bir kadavra kafası ile yapıldı. Üç farklı ortodontik braket (metal / metal-seramik ve seramik şeffaf braketler) dişlere yapıştırıldıktan sonra farklı sekanslar kullanılarak 3 Tesla manyetik rezonans cihazında (3 Tesla Philips Achieva) tarandı. Oluşan artefakt alanları tespit edildi ve MRI taramasından önce ve sonra sıcaklık değişimleri de değerlendirildi. Bulgular: En küçük artefakt çapı, sagittal görüntülerde 9,1 mm boyutlarındaydı. Bu artefakt 3D FLAIR sekansında taranan seramik braketler ile oluştu. Çelik içeren ortodontik braketler 34,45 mm ila 47,35 mm arasında değişen artefakt çaplarına sahipti. Tarama öncesi ve sonrası ısı açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p ≤0.05). Sonuç: Baş ve boyun manyetik rezonans taraması için ağız içi ortodontik braketlerin seçimi ile bunların içeriklerinin ve bu aygıtların manyetik alandan nasıl etkilendiğinin bilinmesi hem ortodontistlerin hem de radyologların göz önünde bulundurması gereken bir durumdur