17 research outputs found

    Acute lithiasis cholecystitis; particularities of diagnosis and treatment in the elderly

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    Objectives. The incidence of acute cholecystitis increases with age, when patients usually associate additional comorbidities. Such comorbidities and the late presentation to the doctor make the treatment more complex, associating higher rates of complications. The present study aims to evaluate the methods of diagnosis and treatment applied to a group of older patients with acute cholecystitis. Materials and Methods. 585 patients were enrolled in the study between 2019 and 2023. The inclusion criteria in the study were represented by the presence of the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis in patients over 65 years of age, while patients who presented complex locoregional pathologies (trauma, cancer, etc.) were excluded. Results. In about 91% of cases, acute cholecystitis was determined by gallstones. 61.19% of cases benefited from laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the rest of the patients requiring additional procedures or open surgery. Morbidity and mortality were not significantly influenced, but some of the patients required complex interventions and longer hospital stay. Conclusions. The clinical manifestations of acute cholecystitis can be diminished in some of the elderly patients (neurological disorders, diabetes, immunosenescence, etc.), being initially appreciated as mild forms. Later it is found (by imaging or intraoperatively) that these are much more severe forms, which often require a customized therapeutic approach

    A systematic review of sinus floor augmentation complications. Does graft type influence the complications rate?

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    Background. Sinus floor elevation is considered a safe procedure to properly augment the height of the edentulous crest. Often, complications may arise due to multiple causes and can lead to a poor outcome of the graft and implant’s osseointegration. A careful surgical approach, a good knowledge of possible obstacles, and careful treatment planning can reduce the risks of complications, as well as their impact on the surgical outcome. This study aims to make a literature review of 40 articles, analyzing the incidence and type of complications related to maxillary sinus graft surgeries and graft materials. Material and methods. A total of 40 articles published between 2015 and 2021 were selected for a systematic literature review on maxillary sinus floor complications. The studies were selected from 2 different internet databases: PubMed and Science Direct. The sinus lift complications were counted and their incidence was organized upon the surgical technique and the timing of occurrence (intraoperative, postoperative). It was also analyzed if the graft material influences the complication rate. Results. In a group of 1757 sinus augmentation surgeries performed on 1605 patients, 363 complications were found. Sinus membrane perforation occurred in 242 cases, 29 procedures resulted in partial or total graft loss, there were 26 postoperative cases of sinusitis, 24 sinus infections, 16 wound dehiscence, 6 bleeding complications, 5 lost implants, and 2 oro-antral fistulas. Conclusion. Sinus lift complications are sometimes inherent circumstances of the procedures, but they can also be prevented through an accurate technique and preoperative plan. The type of bone graft does not influence the incidence of surgical complications

    Diagnosis and management of colon cancer patients presenting in advanced stages of complications

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    Colorectal cancer is an important health problem with a significant impact on the individual and society. Malignancy (including colorectal cancer) is usually slightly symptomatic in its initial stages. This causes cancer to be discovered in some patients accidentally (either through screening tests in predisposed individuals or during routine investigations for other diseases), while in other patients the colorectal cancer is discovered in late stages, when the symptoms are much more intense due to complications. Unfortunately, such advanced cases of the disease have high rates of morbidity and mortality even with treatment. Current treatment methods are usually complex, interdisciplinary, causing significant suffering (physical, mental) to the individual, while the cost of treatment per patient seems to be extremely high. Until finding therapeutic methods that are effective and accessible to most patients with advanced colorectal cancer, several methods of prophylaxis and early diagnosis should be considered, to reduce as much as possible the devastating impact of this disease. The purpose of this review is to present literature data regarding the current methods of diagnosis and treatment of patients presenting to the doctor with colorectal cancer in advanced stages of complications

    Genetic and serological markers in colorectal cancer surgery

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    Colon cancer is relatively asymptomatic in the early stages, the manifestations appearing and intensifying with the evolution of the disease, especially when associated with local and/or systemic complications. In such cases, surgical interventions are often emergency and involve more extensive operations (on metabolically and immune-stressed organisms), so that an early diagnosis (endoscopy, tumor markers, etc.) remains not only desirable but even a priority, especially in predisposed patients (genetic factors, lifestyle, etc.). As a consequence, the involvement of tumor markers in colon neoplasms has become more and more investigated in recent times. This review investigates the roles of serological and genetic markers in the management of patients with colon cancer, focusing on carcinoembryonic antigen, mismatch repair deficiency (dMMR), as well as KRAS and BRAF mutations. As a preliminary conclusion, tumor biomarkers seem to have a significant contribution to the diagnosis, decisions related to operative management, prognosis and postoperative follow-up of colon cancer, both in the categories of patients from high-risk groups and those without a clear predisposition to this condition

    Limb amputations; etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and the multidisciplinary therapeutic approach

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    Despite remarkable advances in medicine, limb amputations remain a therapeutic measure that saves the lives of many patients. Given the varied etiopathogenesis, such operations are performed both as an emergency and as an elective procedure. Such interventions address either only the distal segments of a limb, or even the entire limb, having a great psychological, functional and social impact on the patient. Due to these multiple implications, limb amputations must be performed by specialized teams, in order to achieve the best possible functional and aesthetic results to be compatible with the correction of the remaining deficit with a prosthesis. The main causes leading to amputations and the corresponding preventive measures are presented, as well as the general principles of amputations as a therapeutic solution of last resort. In conclusion, reducing the number of traffic/workplace accidents and effective treatment of chronic diseases affecting the vascular system can contribute to decreasing the need for amputations, a life-saving therapeutic solution, but with a devastating impact on the patient and society

    Barrett\u27s esophagus as a premalignant condition; medical and surgical therapeutic management

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    Barrett\u27s esophagus (BE) represents a special clinical entity, which may have reduced symptoms, but an increased potential for malignant degeneration. The factors that lead to the appearance of Barrett\u27s esophagus are multiple, the most important being gastro-esophageal reflux, as well as smoking and obesity. BE occurs as a result of damage of the esophageal mucosa, caused by acid/basic gastroesophageal reflux and resulting in the transformation of the epithelium from squamous to intestinal type. The diagnosis of BE is primarily based on endoscopic examination. This method has not only a diagnostic role, but also a therapeutic one through the minimally invasive resection of the mucosa with suspicious dysplastic lesions, thus reducing the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma. Conservative therapeutic methods by administering chemoprotective agents (proton pump inhibitors, statins, etc.) are also useful. Surgical treatment of Barrett\u27s esophagus aims to both resect areas of high-grade esophageal dysplasia/adenocarcinoma and reduce the degree of gastroesophageal reflux through various surgical procedures. As a conclusion, the potential for malignant degeneration of BE should not be neglected, the form of treatment largely depending on the patient\u27s age and comorbidities

    Diabetic patients and postoperative complications in colorectal surgery

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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common comorbidities of patients undergoing surgery. Colorectal surgery is frequently associated with postoperative complications, and diabetic patients represent a population that presents a high risk of developing such complications. Understanding the interrelationships between neoplastic disease and diabetes, as well as the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying postoperative complications, are essential for effective therapeutic management. Genetic predispositions, alterations in the gut microbiota, inflammatory response, ischemic, thrombotic and infectious processes contribute significantly to the development of severe surgical complications, such as anastomotic fistulas. Postoperative ileus, characterized by gastrointestinal dysmotility, is common in diabetic patients due to neuropathic dysfunction and altered intestinal metabolism. In addition, diabetic patients are at increased risk of intestinal ischemia, requiring specific perioperative care. The strategies to avoid these complications assume an adequate surgical technique, a personalized anesthesia management, and last but not least, the best possible glycemic control. This article highlights the importance of a better understanding of the interaction between diabetes and postoperative complications, in order to obtain good results with an important impact on the patient\u27s health and well-being. This article highlights the importance of a better understanding of the interplay between diabetes and postoperative complications informs targeted interventions aimed at reducing morbidity and improving patient well-being

    Gastric cancer; actualities and perspectives of early diagnosis and targeted therapy

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    Gastric cancer is an extremely aggressive form of malignancy that, if left untreated, is life-threatening. Improved survival rates depend on early detection of the disease, as well as on the combination of different forms of treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.). Screening methods have brought real benefit in early detection of malignancies, but many cases are still diagnosed at advanced stages. The current study is a review related to actualities and perspectives of early diagnosis and targeted therapy of gastric cancer. After an extensive review of the literature, epidemiological, diagnostic and treatment data are presented. The open surgical approach is used in emergency centers or with a low surgical activity, while the minimally invasive approach (laparoscopic, robotic) is possible in large centers dedicated to the treatment of gastric cancer. In the near future, new diagnostic and therapeutic tools are expected to appear, not only to cure cancer definitively, but also to be able to prevent it, if possible, without radically changing the lifestyle of the population

    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID-19 pandemic; particularities of diagnosis and therapy

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    SARS-COV 2 recently caused a global pandemic, with the first case being reported in Romania in February 2020. Important restrictive measures were imposed, so that the addressability of patients to medical services decreased. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding had more severe forms of evolution at the time of presentation, which required additional methods of diagnosis and treatment. This is a retrospective study performed on 268 patients, which aims to evaluate the type and effectiveness of different treatment methods for upper gastrointestinal bleeding during the COVID 19 pandemic. Severity assessment was performed by measuring the Rockall score and additional methods of diagnosis. The association of COVID-19 with upper gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to much more severe outcomes for the patient, so treatment must be sustained and fast established. If the initial therapeutic methods fail, the other available therapeutic measures should be introduced progressively and without delay to achieve the best possible outcomes

    Menopause and oral health

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    At menopause, a woman's body undergoes radical hormonal changes, which predisposes to damage of the oral cavity. The onset of menopause is a series of morpho functional physiological adaptive changes with systemic and oral action in women. Oral health is closely related to dental hygiene, a major concern in menopause. The addressability of women to dental services tends to increase due to perimenopausal changes that occur in the gums and teeth and the oral microbiome. These changes have a hormonal substrate that significantly influences the evolution of oral health. The purpose of this review is to understand the occurrence and evolution of oro-dental complications in menopause and the systematization of therapeutic regimens. The PubMed and Web Of Science databases searched identified approximately 21 eligible articles. Periodontal damage is the most common, followed by dryness and burning sensation in the mouth. The role of hormone replacement therapy is controversial in terms of prophylaxis or the obvious therapeutic aspect of menopausal women with oral symptoms. The lack of extensive research, at least for the time being, does not establish clear therapeutic protocols to resolve these dental conditions