6 research outputs found

    Uncertainty, shock and anger: Recent loss experiences of first-wave COVID-19 pandemic in Italy

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    The aim of this study is to explore qualitatively bereavement experiences of family members who have lost a significant other to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in relation to mourners' needs and resources. Twenty individuals bereaved by the first wave of COVID-19 from the most heavily impacted Italian region were interviewed via video call between 1 and 3 months after their loss. Through a thematic analysis, four main themes were identified: reconstructions of the loss experience, responses to grief, resources and looking forward. The suddenness of the death and lack of farewell by means of a funeral prevented participants from realizing the loss and undertaking a meaning-making process. When anger was the main reaction to the loss, mourners focussed all their attention on denouncing medical and government institutions. Acceptance occurred particularly in those who found a way to share their grief and use it as a turning point. Participants relied mainly on informal support offered virtually, but mourners may have sought out in-person comfort in the long term. The results of this study propose new insights for COVID-19 bereavement support and trace the path for health promotion within a community shook by a communal grief experience. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article's Community and Social Impact Statement

    Suicide Scripts in Italian Newspapers: Women's Suicide as a Symptom of Personal Problems and Men's Suicide as a Symptom of Social Problems

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    Background: There is substantial variability, by culture, in suicide rates, and also in suicide beliefs and attitudes. Suicide beliefs and attitudes predict actual suicidality. They also are elements of cultural scripts of suicide. Most suicide-scripts research has been conducted in Anglophone countries. Aims: This study investigates women's and men's suicide scripts in Italy. Methods: Italy's suicide scripts, including beliefs about what causes suicide, were explored via analyses of newspaper stories (N = 923) of women's and men's suicides. Results: Italian newspapers mostly featured men's suicide stories, consistent with Italian men's higher suicide mortality. Women's suicide was narrated as an unexpected act signaling personal (e.g., emotional and private-relationship) problems. By contrast, men's suicide was framed as relatively understandable response to serious public-life/social adversities (e.g., an economic downturn), and as a death of legitimate despair. Limitations: Social media suicide stories were not included in this study. Conclusion: In Italy, as in several countries with higher male suicide mortality, female suicide is psychologized and considered irrational while male suicide is viewed as a symptom of serious public-life/social problems, and therefore as deserving respect and empathy. The preference for social explanations of male suicide, together with the empathic attitudes, may contribute to male suicide being relatively more permissible and less stigmatized, and therefore also to men's higher suicide mortality