7,351 research outputs found

    Constraining neutrino masses with the ISW-galaxy correlation function

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    Temperature anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) are affected by the late Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (lISW) effect caused by any time-variation of the gravitational potential on linear scales. Dark energy is not the only source of lISW, since massive neutrinos induce a small decay of the potential on small scales during both matter and dark energy domination. In this work, we study the prospect of using the cross-correlation between CMB and galaxy density maps as a tool for constraining the neutrino mass. On the one hand massive neutrinos reduce the cross-correlation spectrum because free-streaming slows down structure formation; on the other hand, they enhance it through their change in the effective linear growth. We show that in the observable range of scales and redshifts, the first effect dominates, but the second one is not negligible. We carry out an error forecast analysis by fitting some mock data inspired by the Planck satellite, Dark Energy Survey (DES) and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). The inclusion of the cross-correlation data from Planck and LSST increases the sensitivity to the neutrino mass m_nu by 38% (and to the dark energy equation of state w by 83%) with respect to Planck alone. The correlation between Planck and DES brings a far less significant improvement. This method is not potentially as good for detecting m_nu as the measurement of galaxy, cluster or cosmic shear power spectra, but since it is independent and affected by different systematics, it remains potentially interesting if the total neutrino mass is of the order of 0.2 eV; if instead it is close to the lower bound from atmospheric oscillations, m_nu ~ 0.05 eV, we do not expect the ISW-galaxy correlation to be ever sensitive to m_nu.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. References added. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    How to distinguish between interacting and noninteracting molecules in tunnel junctions

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    Recent experiments demonstrate a temperature control of the electric conduction through a ferrocene-based molecular junction. Here we examine the results in view of determining means to distinguish between transport through single-particle molecular levels or via transport channels split by Coulomb repulsion. Both transport mechanisms are similar in molecular junctions given the similarities between molecular intralevel energies and the charging energy. We propose an experimentally testable way to identify the main transport process. By applying a magnetic field to the molecule, we observe that an interacting theory predicts a shift of the conductance resonances of the molecule whereas in the noninteracting case each resonance is split into two peaks. The interaction model works well in explaining our experimental results obtained in a ferrocene-based single-molecule junction, where the charge degeneracy peaks shift (but do not split) under the action of an applied 7-Tesla magnetic field. This method is useful for a proper characterization of the transport properties of molecular tunnel junctions.Comment: Main text: 7 pages, 5 figures; SI: 2 pages, 2 figures. Accepted to RSC Nanoscal

    Renormalisation group determination of the order of the DNA denaturation transition

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    We report on the nature of the thermal denaturation transition of homogeneous DNA as determined from a renormalisation group analysis of the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model. Our approach is based on an analogy with the phenomenon of critical wetting that goes further than previous qualitative comparisons, and shows that the transition is continuous for the average base-pair separation. However, since the range of universal critical behaviour appears to be very narrow, numerically observed denaturation transitions may look first-order, as it has been reported in the literature.Comment: 6 pages; no figures; to appear in Europhysics Letter

    Non-locality and short-range wetting phenomena

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    We propose a non-local interfacial model for 3D short-range wetting at planar and non-planar walls. The model is characterized by a binding potential \emph{functional} depending only on the bulk Ornstein-Zernike correlation function, which arises from different classes of tube-like fluctuations that connect the interface and the substrate. The theory provides a physical explanation for the origin of the effective position-dependent stiffness and binding potential in approximate local theories, and also obeys the necessary classical wedge covariance relationship between wetting and wedge filling. Renormalization group and computer simulation studies reveal the strong non-perturbative influence of non-locality at critical wetting, throwing light on long-standing theoretical problems regarding the order of the phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Lensing Corrections to Features in the Angular Two-Point Correlation Function and Power Spectrum

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    It is well known that magnification bias, the modulation of galaxy or quasar source counts by gravitational lensing, can change the observed angular correlation function. We investigate magnification-induced changes to the shape of the observed correlation function w(\theta) and the angular power spectrum C_{\ell}, paying special attention to the matter-radiation equality peak and the baryon wiggles. Lensing mixes the correlation function of the source galaxies with the matter correlation at the lower redshifts of the lenses. Since the lenses probe structure nearer to the observer, the angular scale dependence of the lensing terms is different from that of the sources, thus the observed correlation function is distorted. We quantify how the lensing corrections depend on the width of the selection function, the galaxy bias b, and the number count slope s. The correction increases with redshift and larger corrections are present for sources with steep number count slopes and/or broad redshift distributions. The most drastic changes to C_{\ell} occur for measurements at z >~1.5 and \ell <~ 100. For the source distributions we consider, magnification bias can shift the matter-radiation equality scale by 1-6% at z ~ 1.5 and by z ~ 3.5 the shift can be as large as 30%. The baryon bump in \theta^2w(\theta) is shifted by <~ 1% and the width is typically increased by ~10%. Shifts of >~ 0.5% and broadening of >~ 20% occur only for very broad selection functions and/or galaxies with (5s-2)/b>~2. However, near the baryon bump the magnification correction is not constant but a gently varying function which depends on the source population. Depending on how the w(\theta) data is fitted, this correction may need to be accounted for when using the baryon acoustic scale for precision cosmology.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 5 figures, text and figures condensed, references adde

    Pion transition form factor in the Regge approach and incomplete vector-meson dominance

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    The concept of incomplete vector-meson dominance and Regge models is applied to the transition form factor of the pion. First, we argue that variants of the chiral quark model fulfilling the chiral anomaly may violate the Terazawa-West unitarity bounds, as these bounds are based on unverified assumptions for the real parts of the amplitudes, precluding a possible presence of polynomial terms. A direct consequence is that the transition form factor need not necessarily vanish at large values of the photon virtuality. Moreover, in the range of the BaBar experiment, the Terazawa-West bound is an order of magnitude above the data, thus is of formal rather than practical interest. Then we demonstrate how the experimental data may be properly explained with incomplete vector-meson dominance in a simple model with one state, as well as in more sophisticated Regge models. Generalizations of the simple Regge model along the lines of Dominguez result in a proper description of the data, where one may adjust the parameters in such a way that the Terazawa-West bound is satisfied or violated. We also impose the experimental constraint from the Z -> pi0 gamma decay. Finally, we point out that the photon momentum asymmetry parameter may noticeably influence the precision analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure