10 research outputs found

    Restoration of Severe Bone and Soft Tissue Atrophy by Means of a Xenogenic Bone Sheet (Flex Cortical Sheet): A Case Report

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    The use of xenogenic cortical bone laminas in Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) has been well described in the literature over the past decade. These biomaterials present a very low degree of complications due to their nature (porcine or equine collagenated bone) and the fact that when they become exposed, they simply hydrolyze without major complications. One of the problems related to the first generation of these laminas was their extreme rigidity and return elasticity, often forcing clinicians to anchor them with pins and/or screws. A new generation of bone laminas called Flex Cortical Sheet (FCS) have recently been introduced with machine-made thicknesses of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.9 mm and increased flexibility and adaptability to ridge defects. This paper has the goal of presenting a case of vertical and horizontal reconstruction performed by means of a 0.5 mm FCS and showing the workflow necessary to successfully restore a complex situation. After 8 months of healing, the GBR resulted in a horizontal and vertical augmentation of 8 mm and 8 mm, respectively. The radiographic examination at 18 months demonstrated great stability of new bone around implants

    FT-IR analysis of the Interface between Universal Scotchbond and Oral Mucosa: a preliminary in-vitro study

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    BACKGROUND: The long-term success of implant therapy depends not only on proper osseointegration, but also on the healing of the epithelium and the quality of the biological seal on the abutment and on the implant neck. This study aims to evaluate the possible use of dentinal adhesives on the surface of the transmucosal path of dental implants in order to create a hermetic seal between keratinized epithelium and abutment.METHODS: Four sections of 12 mu m thickness were obtained from a sample of the oral mucosa. Scotchbond TM Uni-versal Adhesive (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) was carefully applied both to the samples and to the transmucosal path of titanium abutment (Win-Six, BioSAFin, Italy). The adhesives were polymerized. FT-IR analysis was performed on: 1) polymerized Scotchbond Universal Adhesive (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany); 2) the interface between the titanium abut-ment and the adhesive; 3) the interface between the adhesive and the mucosa; 4) the mucosa samples.RESULTS: Comparing the spectra, it emerged that the adhesive has established chemical bonds both on titanium and on the keratinized mucosa, involving different types of chemical interactions. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this in-vitro study are encouraging. In the future biocompatibility and comparative study with other adhesives will be required.(Cite this article as: Spirito F, Meme L, Strappa EM, Gallusi G, Bambini F. FT-IR analysis of the Interface between Universal Scotchbond and Oral Mucosa: a preliminary in-vitro study. Minerva Dent Oral Sc 2023;72:45-53. DOI: 10.23736/S2724-6329.22.04749-0

    Modified Periosteal Inhibition (MPI) Technique for Extraction Sockets: A Case Series Report

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    Several Alveolar Ridge Preservation (ARP) procedures have been proposed over the years. The purpose of this study was to describe the new Modified Periosteal Inhibition (MPI) technique for ARP. Seven patients were enrolled (age range: 28–72 years old; 5 males, 2 females). In total, nine hopeless teeth were treated. Following the elevation of a full-thickness flap, atraumatic tooth extraction was conducted, preserving the buccal bone of the alveolar socket. OsteoBiol® Lamina Soft (Tecnoss®, Giaveno, Italy), 0.5 mm thick, was suitably shaped (8–10 mm in height, extending from the mesial and to the distal corners of the socket). The lamina was gently positioned between the buccal periosteum and the buccal bone plate. Tisseel® (Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Deerfield, IL, USA) was applied to seal the cortical membrane. The flaps were sutured with PTFE 4-0 (Omnia, Fidenza, Italy). Postoperative instructions were provided. Patients were strictly monitored during the follow-up. No early or late biological complications were experienced. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) exams were performed at baseline and 4 months later. The thickness of the buccal cortical bone at baseline was 1.18 ± 0.57 mm. The pre-operative and post-operative ridge widths were 10.74 ± 1.54 mm and 11.16 ± 1.57 mm, respectively. A horizontal ridge increase of 0.41 ± 0.21 mm was observed during the healing period. At 4 months of healing, the bone volume was adequate for implant placement and no additional bone regeneration procedures were required. MPI technique was effective in preventing the horizontal contraction of the post-extraction socket. Further studies will be needed in the future to confirm our positive results

    SEM and FT-MIR Analysis of Human Demineralized Dentin Matrix: An In Vitro Study

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    Recently, the demineralized dentin matrix has been suggested as an alternative material to autologous bone grafts and xenografts for clinical purposes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different times of demineralization on the chemical composition and the surface morphology of dentinal particles. Extracted teeth were ground and divided into 5 groups based on demineralization time (T0 = 0 min, T2 = 2 min, T5 = 5 min, T10 = 10 min, and T60 = 60 min) with 12% EDTA. The analysis was performed using Fourier-Transform Mid-Infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (p 43− and CO32− in the specimens (T0 > T2 > T5 > T10 > T60). On the contrary, the organic (protein) component did not undergo any change. The SEM examination showed that increasing the times of demineralization resulted in a smoother surface of the dentin particles and a higher number of dentinal tubules

    Custom-made additively manufactured subperiosteal implant

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    Subperiosteal implants were introduced in the last century. Poor clinical results led those implants to be progressively abandoned. Recently, several Authors suggested a revival of subperiosteal implants as an alternative to regenerative procedures. The purpose of this case report was to describe the clinical application of custom-made additively manufactured subperiosteal implant for fixed prosthetic rehabilitation of edentulous maxilla. Plaster models of the upper and the lower arch were scanned, as well as the mock-up. DICOM data obtained from CBCT were processed through the thresholding procedure. The design of the subperiosteal implant was drawn on the stereolithographic model and scanned. Once the digital project of the subperiosteal implant was completed, it was sent to additive manufacturing. After the surgery, the patient was strictly monitored for up to 2 year. The outcomes were assessed based on the incurrence of biological and mechanical complications, postoperative complications, and implant survival. The patient did not suffer from postoperative complications. Neither biological nor mechanical complications occurred during the follow-up period. At the end of the study, the implant was still in function. Custom-made subperiosteal implants could be considered as an alternative to regenerative procedures for the rehabilitation of severe bone atrophy. Further studies are needed in the future to confirm the positive outcome

    Effect of the Magnetic Field Generated by a New NeFeB Cover Screw on Bone Healing around Endosseous Implants: A Case Series Report from Dental Practice

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of static magnetic field (SMF) generated by innovative cover screws made of NeFeB on early bone healing around dental implants. The study was carried out on humans in a private dental practice. Eight 3i implants (Biomet, Palm Beach, FL, USA) were placed in the posterior mandible at 3.6 and 3.7. The control implants were closed with a conventional screw (G1), while the test implants were closed with a Supercharged® screw (G2). Both groups were compared for stability at 0, 7, 14, 21, 50, and 90 days using a resonant frequency analyzer with Ostell Mentor (Osstell AB, Gothenburg, Sweden). After 50 days, the Supercharged® cover screw was removed. A significant increase in implant stability quotient (ISQ), corresponding to a lower degree of bone resorption, was observed in G2 throughout the follow-up period (p < 0.05), while an initial ISQ decrease was observed until day 21 in G1. In conclusion, the effect of SMF seems to be in the early stages of osseointegration and increases the stability of dental implants

    Oral Appliances for Severe Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Case Report

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    Severe positional obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (POSAS) is a common clinical respiratory disorder with an incidence of 26.7% to 74.5%. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) combined with positional therapy is the gold standard of treatment. However, a mandibular advancement device (MAD) is an effective alternative to CPAP when compliance with CPAP is low or if CPAP is rejected by the patient. A 63-year-old Caucasian male (BMI 26.1 kg/m2) complaining of repeated episodes of daytime sleepiness and heavy snoring was diagnosed with POSAS and treated with a MAD. After two years, polysomnographic (PSG) control analysis showed a significant reduction in the number of obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea episodes per hour (AHI) by 58.9% in the lateral position and 75.5% in the supine position, complete remission of symptoms, a significant reduction in the severity of POSAS, and an overall improvement in quality of life. No adverse events or reduction in compliance were observed during the follow-up period. For severe POSAS, MADs may be an alternative method that is well tolerated by patients and has a good safety profile

    Prediction of Mandibular Third Molar Impaction Using Linear and Angular Measurements in Young Adult Orthopantomograms

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    This retrospective study aimed to evaluate a possible correlation between the characteristics of the mandibular ramus and lower third molar impaction by comparing a group of subjects with an impacted lower third molar and a second group with normal eruption for an early prediction of this pathology. This comparison was made using linear and angular measurements, which were taken on digital panoramic radiographs. Materials and methods: A total of 726 orthopantomographs (OPT) were examined, and 81 were considered suitable for the present study. The results were divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. The control group comprised 38 cases in which patients had at least one lower third molar that had erupted, and the experimental group comprised 43 cases in which patients had at least one lower third molar that was impacted or partially impacted. In total, 16 variables (11 linear, 4 angular, and 1 ratio) were determined and measured by an experienced observer. Results: The control group had a larger retromolar space, a larger impaction angle and a higher ratio of retromolar area to the third molar, compared to the experimental group. In contrast, the experimental group showed a deeper sigmoid notch depth than the control group did. In the control group, moderate positive correlations were found between both the length of the coronoid and the width of the third molar, and the retromolar space. Furthermore, in the experimental group, moderate positive correlations were found between both the angular condyle–coronoid process and the inclination of the lower posterior teeth, and the retromolar space. Conclusion: this study showed that the angle of a lower third molar, in relation to mandibular pain, can be an index for predicting tooth inclusion

    Epithelial Biological Response to Machined Titanium vs. PVD Zirconium-Coated Titanium: An In Vitro Study

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    The aim of this study was to compare the epithelial biological response to machined titanium Ti-6Al-4V grade 5 and titanium Ti-6Al-4V grade 5 coated with zirconia (ZrN) by physical vapor deposition (PVD). Human keratinocytes were cultured in six-well plates. Machined titanium TiAl4V4 grade 5 (T1) and ZrN-coated titanium TiAl4V4 grade 5 (T2) discs were placed in two different wells. The remaining two wells served as control (C). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were performed to compare the T1 and T2 surfaces. Subsequent analyses were performed to explore the effect of T1 and T2 contact with human keratinocyte HUKE cell lines. Cell viability was evaluated using a trypan blue exclusion test and MTT assay. Cell lysates from C, T1, and T2 were Western blotted to evaluate E-cadherin and Integrin-alpha 6 beta 4 expression. SEM revealed that T2 was smoother and more homogeneous than T1. EDS showed homogeneous and uniform distribution of ZrN coating on T2. Cell viability analyses did not show significant differences between T1 and T2. Furthermore, E-cadherin and Integrin-alpha 6 beta 4 expressions of the epithelial cells cultured in T1 and T2 were similar. Therefore, titanium Ti-6Al-4V grade 5 surfaces coated with ZrN by PVD seem to be similar substrates to the uncoated surfaces for keratinocyte adhesion and proliferation

    The Effect and the Potential Use of Magnetic–Dam Barrier in Guided Bone Regeneration: A Laboratory Study

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    Guided bone regeneration (GBR) has been shown to be an optimal technique to accelerate the bone regeneration process thanks to the action of membrane barriers that promote tissue healing through the process of osteogenesis, inducing the repopulation with osteoprogenitor cells that prevent the invasion of non-osteogenic tissue. However, current membranes, such as expanded polytetrafluoroethylene or rubber dam, have some disadvantages that could potentially reduce the effectiveness of GBR. Recently, some scaffolds with magnetic properties have been tested to promote rapid osteogenesis. The aim of this laboratory study was to evaluate the intensity of the magnetic field generated by a custom-made rubber dam magnetised with neodymium-iron-boron (Nd2F14B) (three layers of latex filled with Nd2F14B powder on the inner surface) and to understand the effects of such a membrane on cell viability. A magnetic field of 750 G, 400 G, and 900 G was generated on the surface and on the long and wide sides of 3 and 2 cm in contact with the rubber dam. At a distance of 1 mm from the magnetic dam, a magnetic field of 300 G, 150 G, and 400 G was measured on the surface and on the long and wide sides of the rubber dam, respectively. After 72 h, the MG-63 osteoblast-like line showed a slight decrease in cell proliferation (85 ± 10) compared with the unmodified dam (95 ± 6) and the cell control population. According to our findings, this magnetic cofferdam is able to generate a static magnetic field and significantly affect cell proliferation in contrast to other nonabsorbable membranes. Further laboratory studies and subsequent clinical trials are needed to evaluate the significant improvements that can be achieved by using this type of magnetic rubber dam in GBR