36 research outputs found

    Produrre paesaggio: patrimonio e contesto territoriale delle denominazioni geografiche agroalimentari. Il caso studio del Piemonte

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    The indication of the food origin is one of the most important tools to ensure the protection of consumers and farmers. It is also very important to maintain and enhance rural landscape, especially in Italy and within agri-food productions with geographical indications. The strong link in terms of identity and culture between the territory and these products, a heritage preserved by farmers from generation to generation, is apparently intangible, but actually, it emerges in the fields configuration and in the traditional landscape features. Supporting agri-food production with deep territorial and cultural origins, means promoting a model anchored in local economies and rural communities. However, the risk of losing this heritage is still real, especially in our country and despite the several tools of protection and promotion in the agri-food sector. In this paper, the author shows the authenticity of the link between landscape and agri-food products through the analysis of a Piedmont case and the spatial analysis of the geographical context and territorial relationship (protection, naturalness, visual integrity and accessibility). In addition, the paper suggests some technical and political issues that can contribute to the debate on the heritage integrated vision, considered also as a potential lever of development

    Agricoltura Metropolitana. Politiche, pratiche e opportunitĂ  per l'innovazione territoriale nel torinese

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    Progetto di ricerca “Urban agriculture innovating Torino metropolitan area. Tools for governance and planning of a complex system” condotto da Enrico Gottero nell'ambito della borsa di ricerca applicata Lagrange 2015, finanziata dalla Fondazione CRT, Fondazione ISI e IRES Piemonte, con la supervisione scientifica del dott. Stefano Aimone (IRES) e della prof.ssa Claudia Cassatella (Politecnico di Torino – DIST), Novembre 2015 - Ottobre 2016.- Indice #4- Prefazioni #5- Introduzione #4- Parte I - Il quadro concettuale sull'agricoltura urbana #14- Parte II – L'agricoltura metropolitana torinese #50- Parte III – Ostacoli e prospettive di un modello territoriale agro-urbano #99- Bibliografia #109- Allegati #12

    Identifying vulnerable farmland: An index to capture high urbanisation risk areas

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    Identifying and protecting vulnerable agricultural areas is a major priority, especially in Europe, in the context of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and zero net land degradation target. Although it has generated serious public attention for its implications for rural development, bio-economy and land use development and change, the vulnerability of farmland in the face of competing land uses has been an issue that few studies have con- sidered in a holistic way. On the one hand, effective planning tools are lacking, especially in terms of tools to identify urbanisation risk areas. On the other hand, in some cases, there are not even comprehensive government procedures to support the protection of vulnerable farmland and encourage sustainable development of farm activities. In this paper, the author shows how integrated planning tools and methods are probably the most promising solutions to protect farmland and strengthen its cultural and socio-ecological values. The paper fo- cuses on an index to identify risk areas (particularly by using an Italian case study), in order to respond to the current operational gap, as well as to support the difficult decision process oriented to overcome land related conflicts. The index could be used at several decision-making levels and in many sectoral plans, especially in the frame of European spatial planning and rural policie