708 research outputs found

    Neología en las obras de Julián Ríos

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    Throughout history some writers have coined neologisms in their literary works for diverse creative purposes. Those authors had the ability to extend the linguistic system in a deliberate, motivated and unpredictable manner. Among these writers, one consummate representative is Julián Ríos. He departed from generic conventions and innovated literature in more than one way. This paper describes some of his inventive and highly creative multilingual neology.A través de la historia, ciertos escritores han acuñado neologismos en sus obras literarias por diversos propósitos creativos. Estos autores han tenido la habilidad de extender el sistema lingüístico de una manera deliberada, motivada e impredecible. Entre estos escritores, un representante consumado es Julián Ríos, ya que se ha alejado de convenciones genéricas y ha realizado innovaciones en las letras en más de una forma. El presente artículo describe ciertos aspectos de su inventiva y altamente creativa neología políglota

    Local Whittle estimation of long memory: Standard versus bias-reducing techniques

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    [EN] Frequency domain semiparametric estimation of memory parameters belongs to the standard toolkit of applied time series researchers. These methods are based on a local approximation of the spectral density, which robustifies the estimation methods against misspecification, but induces a loss with respect to the parametric setting, where the spectral density is known up to a finite number of unknown parameters. In particular, standard semiparametric estimators have convergence rates no better than T^2/5 , whereas the rate T^1/2 is achievable under parametric assumptions. Refinements of the local approximation have been developed by means of bias-reducing techniques, implying that rates arbitrarily close to the parametric one are achievable in the semiparametric setting. Two of these approaches to cover more general settings (including non-stationarity) are extended. A Monte Carlo experiment of finite sample performance is used to assess whether the asymptotic advantages of the bias-reducing methods materialize in better finite sample behavior.Research supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant ECO2015-64330-P and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation ERDF grant ECO2016-76884-P

    New chalcolithic anthropomorphic idols from the middle Guadiana basin

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    Se presentan cinco nuevas cabezas de ídolos antropomorfos calcolíticos de caliza marmórea y diversos fragmentos de otros, que proceden de cuatro yacimientos enclavados en la cuenca media del Guadiana. Junto a ellos un nuevo ídolo casi completo encontrado en Llerena. Con estos hallazgos se hace un repaso a los ídolos de silueta antropomorfa del Calcolítico peninsular y de manera especial se busca una mejor definición delos aparecidos en el citado marco geográfico.Here there are five new heads of anthropomorphic idols a several fragments which are from four different places in the middle basin of the Guadiana river, besides an almost complete idol found in Llerena.With these finds a revision of anthropomorphic idols from the peninsular Copper Age is made a those of the middle basin of the Guadiana river are examined especially

    Arqueología rural y estelas del SO (desde la tierra, para la tierra y por la tierra)

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    Se propone una interpretación de las estelas del SO desde el ámbito rural en el que se encuadran, como manifestación polivalente vinculada a la muerte, la tierra y su apropiación

    Fractional Integration Analysis and its Implications on Profitability: the Case of the Mackerel Market in the Basque Country

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    This paper analyses weekly prices for mackerel landed by the inshore fleet at the ports of the Basque Country in 1995-2008, using new econometric techniques never before applied to the fishing market. The idea is to learn to what extent fishermen can pass on the effects of negative shocks (e.g. fuel price increases) to their ex-vessel prices. This will give an idea of the profitability of the fishery in question. To that end, a cyclical ARFIMA model is adjusted to the series analysed, then the impulse-response function is constructed. Among other things, the behaviour of this function shows that possible increases in production costs are not being passed on to prices, which lowers the profitability of fishing. In view of these results, it is suggested that fishermen need to be able to pass the shocks that they suffer on to prices if the profitability of this fleet is to be assured.long memory, seasonality, fishing market, mackerel, impulse response function

    Unpublished archaeological materials from chalcolithic site of la Pestaña (Badajoz)

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    Se dan a conocer los materiales arqueológicos inéditos conservados en el museo arqueológico provincial de badajoz provenientes de la pestaña, un túmulo desmontado a finales del s. Xix. En conjunto, estos materiales y otros documentados pero en paradero desconocido pueden situarse en el Calcolítico, pero cabe plantear si todos provienen de idéntico contexto arqueológico.We present unpublished archaeological material coming from la pestaña, a barrow dismantled towards the end of the 19th century, kept in the provincial archaeological museum of badajoz. These materials and some others previously documented but gone missing may belong to the Chalcolithic period, but there are doubts as to whether all of them belong to the same archaeological context

    Satisfacción del cliente del Departamento de Recaudaciones y Cobranzas de la Municipalidad de Ensenada

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    El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de los clientes del Departamento de Recaudaciones y Cobranzas de la Municipalidad de Ensenada en relación a las siguientes dimensiones: - Las instalaciones, equipos, personal y comunicación. - La capacidad de la prestación del servicio. - La disposición y voluntad de los empleados para dar solución al problema del cliente. - El conocimiento y habilidades de los empleados - La calidad de atención. Al mismo tiempo, se pretende identificar si la calidad del servicio cumple con las necesidades de los usuarios, identificando desvíos y oportunidades de mejora y se compararán los resultados con los obtenidos en la Agencia Platense de Recaudación bajo la misma metodología de análisis. Para dicha comparación se trabajó con el informe final de tesis titulado “Calidad del Servicio de Atención al Usuario de la Agencia de Recaudación Platense” realizada por la Mg. Natacha Bacigalupi y dirigida por el Dr. Aldo Alonso.Facultad de Ciencias Económica

    Intermediate Macroeconomics : Self-evaluation exercises

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    This resource can be particularly helpful to students taking the Intermediate Macroeconomics course, which corresponds to the second year of the current Degree in Economics at the University of the Basque Country UPV/ EHU. The precise content of this resource is a collection of eight chapters of multiple-choice questions. For each question the user is asked to guess which the correct answer is. Finally, the tool will return all the correct answers for the whole test, thereby allowing the user to check the validity of his/her answers. A remarkable feature of the tool is that it has been edited in three versions, for the three languages (Spanish, Basque and English) in which the subject is taught at the UPV/EHU.26 p.This is a self-evaluation learning tool which is designed to serve as a supporting tool for all those interested in macroeconomic theory at an introductory level to medium

    Demand for culture in Spain and the 2012 VAT rise

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    [EN] This paper analyzes the effects that the 2012 VAT rise in Spain had on household’ demand for cultural goods and services. Household’ demands are modeled as a two-stage QUAIDS. After estimating price and expenditure elasticities, and the pass-through parameter associated with the reform, our results show that the individual welfare loss and the increment in the tax bill increase, but less than proportionately, with income. Consequently, the reform can be considered as regressive. Relating the effects of the VAT reform to households’ incomes also implies a low quantitative effect, because of the low proportion of total household expenditure that cultural expenditure represents. From a social perspective, the size of the induced welfare loss would positively depend on society’s inequality aversion. Regardless of the latter, it cannot be concluded whether the reform would have increased or reduced inequality in the distribution of cultural spending. Our results prove qualitatively robust to alternative values of the pass-through parameter.This study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Fund of Regional Development (Grant Numbers ECO2015-64467-R and ECO2016-76884-P (MINECO/FEDER)) and by the Basque Government (Grant Numbers DEUI-IT-793-13 and DEUI-IT-783-13)