6 research outputs found

    Effect of maternal positioning during cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a systematic review and meta-analyses.

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    BACKGROUND: Although rare, cardiac arrest during pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal death. Recently, its incidence has been increasing worldwide because more pregnant women have risk factors. The provision of early, high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) plays a major role in the increased likelihood of survival; therefore, it is important for clinicians to know how to manage it. Due to the aortocaval compression caused by the gravid uterus, clinical guidelines often emphasise the importance of maternal positioning during CPR, but there has been little evidence regarding which position is most effective. METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, Embase, and OpenGrey (updated on April 3, 2021). We included clinical trials and observational studies with reported outcomes related to successful resuscitations. RESULTS: We included eight studies from the 1,490 screened. The eight studies were simulation-based, crossover trials that examine the quality of chest compressions. No data were available about the survival rates of mothers or foetuses/neonates. The meta-analyses showed that resuscitation of pregnant women in the 27°-30° left-lateral tilt position resulted in lower quality chest compressions. The difference is an 19% and 9% reduction in correct compression depth rate and correct hand position rate, respectively, compared with resuscitations in the supine position. Inexperienced clinicians find it difficult to perform chest compressions in the left-lateral tilt position. CONCLUSIONS: Given that manual left uterine displacement allows the patient to remain supine, the resuscitation of women in the supine position using manual left uterine displacement should continue to be supported. Further research is needed to fill knowledge gaps regarding the effects of maternal positioning on clinical outcomes, such as survival rates following maternal cardiac arrest

    The Successful Use of Nitroglycerin for Uterine Hyperstimulation with Fetal Heart Rate Abnormality Caused by a Controlled-Release Dinoprostone Vaginal Delivery System (PROPESS): A Case Report

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    The PROPESS, a controlled-release dinoprostone vaginal delivery system, is a pharmacological cervical ripening intervention and promotes cervical change causing uterine contraction. During insertion of the PROPESS, uterine hyperstimulation could occur and result in fetal heart rate (FHR) abnormality. We report a case of uterine hyperstimulation accompanied with FHR abnormality caused by the PROPESS in a pregnant woman. Postural change, oxygenation, fluid infusion, and the immediate PROPESS removal were ineffective to address the adverse event, so we administered nitroglycerin for acute uterine relaxation. The nitroglycerin resulted in uterine relaxation, and the FHR abnormality was resolved immediately, thereby preventing an emergency cesarean section. Therefore, nitroglycerin could be considered an effective option for uterine hyperstimulation accompanied with FHR abnormality caused by the PROPESS

    Appropriate Method of Administering Vasopressors for Maternal Hypotension Associated with Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia in Elective Cesarean Section: Impact on Postnatal Respiratory Support for Newborns

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    Background and Objectives: Vasopressors are used for treating maternal hypotension. However, the appropriate administration method and effects on newborns have not been reported. We evaluated maternal blood pressure fluctuation and neonatal findings in patients who received continuous vasopressor administration during elective cesarean sections and those who received bolus vasopressor administration upon onset of hypotension. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the data of 220 patients scheduled for elective cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia at Mie University Hospital between April 2017 and March 2021. The patients were classified according to the method of vasopressor administration. Maternal information, intraoperative maternal blood pressure fluctuation, and neonatal findings were examined. A multiple regression analysis was performed for the administration of postpartum neonatal respiratory support using maternal background information and other variables related to blood pressure changes as independent variables. Results: The Continuous group and the Bolus group were composed of 98 and 122 patients, respectively. No difference was observed in maternal background information between the groups. Significant changes were noted in several blood pressure parameters between both groups. As for neonatal parameters, newborns of Bolus group patients had lower pO2, 1 min and 5 min Apgar scores, and required more respiratory support than those of Continuous group patients. In the multiple regression analysis, the groups and maternal post-anesthesia diastolic blood pressure variability were considered explanatory variables. Conclusions: Maternal hypotension and the need for neonatal respiratory support associated with anesthesia administration in elective cesarean section may be improved by continuous vasopressor administration upon induction of combined spinal–epidural anesthesia

    Accurate evaluation of the progress of delivery with transperineal ultrasound may improve vaginal delivery: a single-center retrospective study

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    Abstract Although digital examination of the cervix is the standard method used worldwide for evaluating the progress of delivery, it is subjective. Transperineal ultrasound (TPU) is combined with digital evaluation for accurate assessment of fetal descent and rotation of the advanced part of the fetus. This retrospective study aimed to clarify the impact of introducing TPU on perinatal outcomes at Mie University Hospital. We analyzed singleton pregnant women who underwent delivery management at our hospital between April 2020 and March 2021. Perinatal outcomes were compared between patients who used TPU (TPU+ group) and those who did not (TPU− group). The angle of progression and head direction were measured. The rate of vaginal delivery was significantly increased (90.9% vs. 71.6%; P = 0.0017), and the second stage of labor was significantly prolonged in the TPU+ group (148.1 vs. 75.8 min; P < 0.0001). A significant difference was observed in termination in the latent phase between the TPU+ group [3/8 (37.5%) cases] and TPU− group [20/25 (80.0%) cases] (P = 0.036). The rate of vaginal delivery can be increased through accurate evaluation of the progress of delivery with TPU

    Developmental Evaluation of Infants Who Have Received Tadalafil in Utero for Fetal Growth Restriction

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    To assess the long-term effects of tadalafil, a therapeutic agent for fetal growth restriction (FGR), we evaluated the developmental progress of 1.5-year-old infants whose mothers had taken tadalafil during pregnancy. Twenty-four infants were assessed. We evaluated infant body weight, height, and head circumference, and performed the Kyoto Scale of Psychological Development (KSPD) test, a standardized developmental assessment covering Postural&ndash;Motor (P&ndash;M), Cognitive&ndash;Adaptive (C&ndash;A), and Language-Social (L&ndash;S) functions. The sum score was converted to a developmental quotient (DQ). The mean gestational week of the included cases was 36.1 (29&ndash;39) weeks, and the mean birth weight was 1841 (874&ndash;2646) g. Twenty-one and 20 out of the 24 cases, respectively, attained body weight and height similar to those of age-matched normal infants (within the 3rd percentile); all cases caught up in head circumference. KSPD was performed for 18 cases at 1.5 years of corrected age. The mean DQ scores were 87 (in total): 82 in P&ndash;M, 90 in C&ndash;A, and 88 in L&ndash;S. The total DQ score in one case (5.6%) was less than 70, and ranged from 70 to 85 in five cases (27.7%), and was more than 85 in 11 cases (61.1%). The growth and development of infants born of tadalafil-treated mothers seem to show good progress at a corrected age of 1.5 years