41 research outputs found

    Characterization Adsorption and Antibacterial Properties of Silver-Modified Kaolinite Clay from Kwi, Plateau State Nigeria

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    Clay samples from Kwi, Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria was purified and characterized using XRF, FT-IR and XRD. Silver-modified clay was prepared in order to develop an antibacterial and adsorptive material. The modified and purified clays were tested for antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacteriae, pseudomonas aureus and salmonella typha by microbiological test as well as adsorptive properties against Chromium (III), Nickel (II), and Lead(II) from leather ternary effluent. From the results the silica content (SiO2) was found to be 56.12%, followed by alumina (Al2O3) 23.90%, iron (III) oxide 2.31% among others. The X-Ray diffraction studies showed that the clay deposit consist predominantly of kaolinite with d-spacing of 7.14639Ă… and 3.57632Ă… respectively and traces of quartz with d-spacing of 3.34520Ă… as well as orthoclase. The FT-IR spectral analysis of the clay samples reveals wave number and absorption band at 3688.02 and 3618.58cm-1 which arise from the internal surface OH group indicative of kaolinite and also deformation band at 1003.02 and 910.43cm-1. Results have shown a strong antimicrobial activity of the Ag modified clay, which considerably inhibited the growth of ordinary microorganisms, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The Ag-clay reacted positively to organisms that had hitherto shown resistance to common antibiotic drugs. Also upto 64% of Cr ions and 94% of Ni ions were removed from ternary wastewater by Ag-modified and purified clays respectively. The results have confirmed the strong anti-bacterial activity of Silver ion. Keywords: Clay characterization, adsorption, anti-microbial Properties, ternary wastewater DOI: 10.7176/CMR/13-1-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Elsie Ezinnwa Nwoko: An Art Music Composer and Music Education Practioner

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    An art music composer as the term imply refers to a person or persons who were academically or formally trained in the art and techniques involved in music composition.  These categories of composers are broadly divided into two – those whose compositional styles reflect that of western classical music and those whose creative styles seek to leave imprints of Africanness on their works.  On the other   hand, a music education practitioner is one who had had formal training in the field of music education conceptually, theoretically and practically – who in turn trains and or transmit musical knowledge to learners.  In other words, a music education practitioner could be called a music educator.  In Nigeria today abounds art music composers and music education practitioners.  Examples are professor J.H.K, Nketia, T.K.E, Philips, professor Omibiyi-Obidike, Ephraim Amu, professor W.W.C, Echezona, Fela Sowande, professor Richard Okafor to mention a few. This paper focuses on Elsie E. Nwoko as one of the founding fathers of African musical arts education in Nigeria. The topic shall be examined under the following headings: Elsie Nwoko’s biographical data, Elsie Nwoko as an art music composer and music educator, her works and contributions to African musical arts education and conclusion.  In order to achieve the objective of this paper, related materials were perused and reviewed.  Oral interview and random sampling methods were also employed.

    Neonatal mortality in a referral hospital in Cameroon over a seven year period: trends, associated factors and causes.

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    Background: The fourth Millennium Development Goals targets reduction by 2/3 the mortality rate of under-fives by 2015. This reduction starts with that of neonatal mortality representing 40% of childhood mortality. In Cameroon neonatal mortality was 31‰ in 2011.Objectives: We assessed the trends, associated factors and causes of neonatal deaths at the Yaounde Gynaeco-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital.Methods: The study was a retrospective chart review. Data was collected from the hospital records, and included both maternal and neonatal variables from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2010.Results: The neonatal mortality was 10%. Out-borns represented 49.3% of the deceased neonates with 11.3% born at home. The neonatal mortality rate followed a downward trend dropping from12.4% in 2004 to 7.2% in 2010. The major causes of deaths were: neonatal sepsis (37.85%), prematurity (31.26%), birth asphyxia (16%), and congenital malformations (10.54%). Most (74.2%) of the deaths occurred within the first week with 35% occurring within 24hours of life. Mortality was higher in neonates with birth weight less than 2500g and a gestational age of less than 37 weeks. In the mothers, it was high in single parenthood , primiparous and in housewives and students.Conclusion: There has been a steady decline of neonatal mortality since 2004. Neonatal sepsis, prematurity, birth asphyxia and congenital malformations were the major causes of neonatal deaths. Neonatal sepsis remained constant although at lower rates over the study period.Key words: mortality, neonates, referral hospital, Cameroo

    Tinjauan Teologis Terhadap Budaya Pemanggilan Arwah Orang Mati Pada Suku Pamona

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    Bagi orang Pamona menghargai orang yang telah mati adalah sebuah kewajibanmutlak yang harus dilakukan, karena bagi suku Pamona orang mati dapat memberi berkat,memelihara serta memberi umur panjang. Namun sebaliknya, orang-orang Pamona meyakinibahwa orang mati juga dapat mendatangkan malapetaka dan kutukan bagi mereka yangtidak menghargai arwah orang mati itu.menurut Firman Tuhan, berhubungan dengan dengan orang mati adalah dosa.Itulah sebabnya dapat disimpulkan pula bahwa budaya pemanggilan arwah pada sukuPamona adalah dosa dihadapan Tuhan. Untuk itu, budaya itu tidak boleh dipelihara tetapiharus ditinggalkan agar orang-orang Pamona yang telah menjadi orang-orang percaya dapatbertunbuh dalam iman dan hidup sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan

    Okultisme Dalam Pelayanan Pastoral

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    Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah: Pertama, memberikan pemahamantentang strategi dan pengaruh okultisme dalam pelayanan. Kedua, menunjukkanbagaimana cara melayani orang-orang yang dikuasai oleh okultisme.Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusuanan karya ilmiah ini adalah:memakai metode penelitian studi kepustakaan yakni penulis mengambil data-datadari buku-buku perpustakaan dan tulisan-tulisan lainnya yang memiliki hubungandengan karya ilmiah ini, juga pengalaman penulis dalam pelayanan okultismemerupakan dukungan dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini.Adapun kesimpulan karya ilmiah “Okultisme dalam Pelayanan Pastoral”adalah: Pertama, okultisme dalam pelayanan pastoral merupakan bagian yang kaitmengait dengan pemberitaan Injil. Manusia harus diinjili supaya menerima Yesussebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamatnya dan orang yang telah diselamatkan harus jugadilepaskan dari kuasa gelap atau kuasa setan. Kedua, okultisme dalam pelayananpastoral menjadi sangat penting bagi pelayanan pastoral karena iblis adalah musuhkita. Oleh karena itu, hamba-hamba Tuhan harus yakin bahwa iblis ada dan tetapbekerja memengaruhi umat Tuhan dan hamba-hamba Tuhan harus siap membelaumat Tuhan dengan melawan iblis dengan iman yang teguh. Ketiga, penguraianokultisme dalam pelayanan pastoral adalah merupakan acuan yang dapat dijadikanpedoman oleh hamba-hamba Tuhan dalam mengadakan pelepasan umat Tuhan darikuasa-kuasa gelap, sehingga umat Tuhan menjadi umat pemenang dari kuasa dosadan iblis

    Sistem Pakar untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan Komputer dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    - Sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode Forward Chaining dengan menggunakan basis database yang disusun kedalam berbagai tabel dalam suatu aturan agar seorang pakar dan penggunadapat mengambil kesimpulan dari apa yang sudah didiagnosa oleh sistem pakar ini. Aplikasi system pakar ini dibuat sebagai alat bantu seorang pakar dan pengguna dalam mendiagnosa kerusakan komputer dari analisa menurut seorang praktisi dan media internet. Sistem pakar ini akan menampilkan pertanyaan yang kemudian akan dipilih dan dijawab oleh penggunasampai program menemukan solusi dari diagnosa yang telah dilakukan pada sistem pakar ini. Selain itu sistem pakar ini dilengkapi dengan informasi kerusakan komputer