20 research outputs found

    The Antiresorptive Effect of Intracanal Application of Alendronate in Canine Model

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    Koristiti se tvarima koje sprječavaju resorpciju korijena bila bi alternativa slučajevima neuspjeÅ”nih replantacija zuba. Svrha: Željelo se ispitati otopinu alendronata (ALNa) kao intrakanalnog terapijskog sredstva za kasno reimplantirane zube. Materijali i postupci: Upotrijebljeni su zreli korjenovi mandibularnih premolara četiriju pasa. Bili su endodontski tretirani, zatim ekstrahirani i suÅ”eni 45 minuta. Nakon toga su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: u prvoj skupini intrakanalno su ispirani otopinom 1mMola ALN-a te topikalnom aplikacijom ALN-a 1mMola; u drugoj skupini učinjena je topikalna aplikacija ALN-a 1mMola. Zubi su replantirani u njihove odgovarajuće alveole. Životinje su žrtvovane četiri mjeseca nakon reimplantacije te su uzorci procesirani za morfometrijsku i mikroskopsku analizu. Preostala korijenska masa mjerena je kako bi se dobio opseg gubitka strukture korjenova. Rezultati: Statistička analiza bila je obavljena multiplim usporednim testom Scheffe F i pokazala je znatnu razliku između tretiranih skupina (p<0,005). Zaključak: Rezultati upućuju na to da alendronati mogu smanjiti resorpciju korijena ako se primjenjuju u obliku intrakanalne i topikalne otopine i to mnogo uspjeÅ”nije nego kada se rabe samo kao topikalna otopina.Use of root resorption-inhibiting substances may be an alternative in cases of unsuccessful reimplantation of the teeth. Objective: The aim of this study was to test a solution of Alendronate (ALN), as an intracanal therapeutic agent for late replanted teeth. Material and methods: Mandibular premolar mature roots of four dogs were used in the study. The roots were endodontically treated, then extracted and bench dried for 45 minutes. Thereafter, the teeth were divided into two groups: Group I: intracanal dressing with solution of 1mMol ALN and topical application of ALN 1mMol, Group II: topical application of ALN 1mMol. Teeth were then replanted in their respective sockets. The animals were sacrificed four months after replantation and the samples processed for morphometric and microscopic analysis. The residual root mass was measured to determine the extent of root structure loss. Results: Statistical analysis performed with the Scheffe F multiple comparison test revealed significant differences among treatment groups (p<0.005). Conclusion: The results indicate that alendronate was able to reduce root resoprtion when applied as intracanal solution and topical solution more efficiently than when applied solely as topical solution

    Dental Age Estimation Among Children Aged 5ā€“14 Years Using the Demirjian Method in Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    Određivanje dentalne dobi kod djece u razvoju važno je u pedodonciji, ortodonciji i forenzičnoj znanosti. NajčeŔće se primjenjuje postupak prema Demirjianu nastao na francusko-kanadskom uzorku djece 1973. godine na temelju Tanner-Whitehousova postupka (TW-a) procjene skeletne zrelosti. Svrha: Željela se ispitati točnost Demirjianova postupka za određivanje dentalne dobi kod djece u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). Ispitanici i postupci: Prilagođene Demirjianove tablice razvojnih stadija sedam zuba s lijeve strane mandibule iz 1976. godine ispitane su na ukupno 1106 panoramskih snimki bosansko-hercegovačke djece (597 djevojčica i 509 dječaka dobi od 5 do 14 godina). Nakon toga je T-testom za zavisne uzorke dentalna dob bila uspoređena s kronoloÅ”kom. Rezultati: Razlika između dentalne i kronoloÅ”ke dobi bila je u rasponu od 0,60 do 2,17 godina kod djevojčica i 0,63 do 2,60 kod dječaka. Rezultati upozoravaju na precijenjenost dentalne dobi u usporedbi s Demirjianovim standardima iz 1976. Zaključak: Demirjianovi standardi za francusko-kanadsku djecu prema kojima se određuje dentalna dob nisu adekvatni za primjenu kod djece u Bosni i Hercegovini. Nužno je i dalje istraživati na većem uzorku i odrediti specifične standarde za određivanje dentalne dobi kod bosansko-hercegovačke djece.Dental age assessment in developing children has importance in pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and forensic science. Demirjian method, based on French-Canadian children, described in 1973 and based on Tanner-Whitehouse (TW) skeletal maturity technique, was mostly used. Aim: To evaluate the validity of Demirjianā€™s method for dental age estimation in Bosnian-Herzegovian (BH) children. Subjects and Methods: Adopted (Demirjian dental) development scores from 1976 of the seven left mandibular teeth were tested on panoramic radiographs of 1106 children (597 girls and 509 boys, ages 5-14). The paired samples t-test was used to compare a dental and chronological age. Results: The mean difference in each age group between the dental age and chronological age ranged from 0.60 to 2.17 years in girls and from 0.63 to 2.60 years in boys. The results showed that the BH children demonstrated a more advanced dental age compared to Demirjianā€™s standards from 1976. Conclusion: The Demirjianā€™s standards of dental age assessment for French-Canadian children are not suitable for BH children. Further research, including greater sample should result a specific, BH based standards of dental age assessment for children

    The Need for Orthodontic Treatment Among 12 - 14 Years Old Bosnian Schoolchildren

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    Svrha: Ovim se istraživanjem željelo odrediti je li potrebno ortodontsko liječenje Å”kolske djece u Bosni i to na uzorku dječaka i djevojčica u dobi između 12 i 14 godina, a rabila se IOTN-ova komponenta dentalnoga zdravlja (Dental Health Componenta ā€“ DHC) i estetska komponenta (Aesthetic Componenta ā€“ AC). Nastojali su se odrediti i mogući povezni čimbenici. Metode: Pregledano je 295 učenika (152 dječaka i 143 djevojčice) iz četiriju osnovnih Å”kola u Sarajevu koji nisu bili podvrgnuti ortodontskoj terapiji. To je učinio jedan ispitivač koji je prije toga dobio upute iz Indeksa potrebe za ortodontsku terapiju. Rezultati: Prema DHC-u ustanovljeno je da 53,6 posto ispitanika treba ortodontsku terapiju, a pronađena je i statistički značajna razlika među spolovima. Potreba za ortodontskom terapijom prema AC-u pronađena je samo kod 3,7 posto sudionika i nije ustanovljena statistički značajna razlika među spolovima. Zaključci: Rezultati ovog istraživanja daju osnovu za podatke o nužnoj ortodontskoj terapiji kod djece iz Bosne u dobi između 12 i 14 godina te mogu pomoći u planiranju, određivanju prioriteta i raspodjeli resursa dentalne zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Budući da je potreba za ortodontskom terapijom među djecom u Bosni ā€“ ustanovljena prema IOTN-u ā€“ vrlo visoka i rezultat je loÅ”eg oralnog zdravlja, prijeko su potrebne preventivne mjere.Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the orthodontic treatment need in a sample of 12 ā€“ 14 year-old Bosnian schoolchildren, using the Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of IOTN as well as to determine the possible factors associated with this necessity. Methods: Two hundred and ninety-five schoolchildren (152 boys and 143 girls) from four primary schools in Sarajevo, who had not previously received orthodontic treatment, were examined. One examiner, who had been previously trained in the use of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need, screened all the schoolchildren. Results: According to DHC, definite need for orthodontic treatment was found in 53.6 % of subjects; and there was statistical significantly difference between genders. Orthodontic treatment need, according to AC, was found only in 3.7 % of subjects; and there was no statistical difference between genders. Conclusions: The results of this study provide baseline data on the orthodontic treatment needs of 12-14 year-old Bosnian children, which will help to decide the treatment priorities and planning community dental health resources. Since orthodontic treatment need among Bosnian children observed trough the IOTN is very high, which is the result of poor oral health, it is necessary to develop and implement preventive measures

    Assessment of Stress among Doctors of Dental Medicine

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    Uvod: Svako radno mjesto može biti izvor stresa. Jedno od stresnih zanimanja jest i zanimanje doktora dentalne medicine. To pokazuju mnogi čimbenici. Svrha: Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati razinu stresa doktora dentalne medicine u dobi između 25 i 45 godina. Materijal i metode: U ovu presječnu studiju bilo je uključeno 105 doktora dentalne medicine u dobi od 25 do 45 godina iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine. Istraživanje je provedeno povjerljivom internetskom anketom. Naravno, svi su ispitanici potpisali informirani pristanak. Za istraživanje je odabran mjerni instrument Ljestvica percepcije stresa (Perceived Stress Scale ā€“ PSS 10), a za statističku obradu koriÅ”teni su paketi IBM Statistics SPSS v. 21 i Microsoft Excel 2010. KoriÅ”tena je i deskriptivna statistika te postupci inferencijalne statistike X2 test i T-test. Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika (n = 105), njih 66 (63 %) bile su žene i prevladavale su u usporedbi s kolegama kojih je bilo 39 (37 %). Prosječna srednja vrijednost skora iznosila je 23 (Mean = 23,080), pa možemo zaključiti da populacija u dobi od 25 do 45 godina koja je sudjelovala u ovom istraživanju pokazuje visoku razinu stresa na temelju odgovora dobivenih na pitanja u upitniku. Zaključak: Procijenjena razina stresa bila je visoka u oba spola, bez statistički značajne razlike između žena i muÅ”karaca.Introduction: The workplace can be a source of stress. One of the most stressful professions is the profession of doctor of dental medicine (dentist). Multiple forms of stressors lead to such occupational stress. Objective: The research objective was to examine stress levels among dentists in the 25 to 45 year age group. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study included 105 doctors of dental medicine throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged between 25 and 45 years. The research was conducted by means of a confidential on-line survey. All participants signed the informed consent, and voluntarily filled out the survey form. The research used the PERCEIVED STRESS SCALE-PSS 10. The statistical analysis used the IBM Statistics SPSS v.21 statistics packages and Microsoft Excel 2010. Descriptive statistics, X2 test, and T-test were also used. Results: Of the total number of respondents, n=105, 66 (63%) of them were female and 39 (37%) male respondents. The mean median value of the score was 23 (Mean = 23.080), as a result of which we can conclude that the respondents in the 25-45 year age population group that participated in this study showed a high level of stress based on the completed questionnaire and the answers received from the respondents. Conclusion: The estimated level of stress has been shown to be high in both genders, with no statistically significant difference between genders

    Multiple Supernumerary Teeth not Associated with Complex Syndromes: a Case Report

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    Prekobrojni zubi vrlo su rijedak nalaz često povezan s rascjepom usne i nepca ili sindromima poput Gardnerova te s kleidokranijalnom displazijom. U literaturi su opisani neki slučajevi. U ovom je radu predstavljena izolirana pojava viÅ”estrukih prekobrojnih zuba u objema čeljustima - kod jedne pacijentice i njezina brata. Liječnici su analizirali kliničke manifestacije te promjene i učinke nastale zbog prekobrojnih zuba. Predložili su i moguću terapiju te slučaj usporedili sa sličnim nalazima drugih autora.Occurrence of the supernumerary teeth is a very rare phenomenon and it is usually associated with conditions as cleft lip and palate or some syndromes like Gardnerā€™s syndrome, Cleidocranial dysplasia. In the literature reviewing some isolated cases of the multiple supernumerary teeth were described. This report presents a case of the isolated occurrence of multiple supernumerary teeth located in both jaws, in a female patient and her brother. Clinical manifestations, changes and effects which were caused by the supernumerary teeth, and eventually the treatment plan, were discussed and compared to the similar findings of the other authors

    The Correlation between Third Molar Eruptive Stages and Dental Age in Bosnian and Herzegovinian Children and Adolescents

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    Svrha: Svrha istraživanja bila je pronaći poveznicu između eruptivnih stadija trećih maksilarnih i mandibularnih kutnjaka s lijeve i desne strane čeljusti. Materijali i metode: Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 529 ortopantomograma (OPG-a) ā€“ 264 (49,9 %) pripadalo je muÅ”kom spolu, a 265 (50,1 %) ženskom spolu u dobi između 8 i 25 godina. Sudionici su bili prema Olzeovoj metodi podijeljeni u Å”est dobnih skupina. Rezultati: Dobivene su visoke vrijednosti Spearmanova koeficijenta povezanosti između eruptivnih stadija lijevih i desnih maksilarnih i mandibularnih trećih molara. Između spolova nisu pronađene statistički značajne razlike u eruptivnim stadijima. Zaključak: Prema dobivenim rezultatima za procjenu dentalne dobi u bosansko-hercegovačkoj populaciji, preporučujemo Olzeovu metodu i treće mandibularne molare. Treba istaknuti da su moguće razvojne asimetrije i da svaki dentalni antropolog mora biti svjestan te činjenice. Svaka strana čeljusti trebala bi se posebno procjenjivati.Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the correlation of eruptive stages of third molars between right and left side in upper and lower jaws. Material and methods: The sample for this study consisted of 529 OPGs of 264 (49.9%) male and 265 (50.1%) female subjects, aged 8 to 25 years, divided into six groups, with known chronological age, by Olze method. Results: there was a high Spearmanā€™s correlation coefficient between eruptive stages of the right and left lower and upper third molars. Overall, no significant differences were found in third molar eruption between males and females. Conclusion: We recommend using third molars in lower jaws for assessing the dental age by Olze method on Bosnian and Herzegovinian population by using our results. It is important to mention that forensic odontologists must be aware of the fact that asymmetry in development is possible. Both sides should be independently evaluated

    Radiological Evaluation of Dental Age Assessment Based on the Development of Third Molars in Population of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Sažetak: Razvoj trećih kutnjaka koristan je pri procjeni dentalne dobi u adolescentnom i ranom adultnom razdoblju. Svrha: Ispitali smo ponovljivost i točnost triju radiografskih metoda za određivanja dentalne dobi (Olze, Demirjian, Solari i Abramovitch) i procijenili koja je učinkovitija. Također smo obavili testiranje kako bismo pronaÅ”li povezanost između procijenjene dentalne i kronoloÅ”ke dobi s pomoću tih triju metoda.Materijal i metode: Ortopantomograme (OPG-e) 1007 po-jedinaca (8 ā€“ 25 godina) podijelili smo u dvije skupine (oko 500 OPG-ova) ā€“ jedna skupina sadržavala je sva četiri treća kutnjaka, a u drugoj su se nalazile OPG snimke s hipodoncijom jednoga, dvaju ili triju trećih kutnjaka. Te su snimke analizirane kako bi se potvrdila točnost svih triju metoda (Ol-ze, Demirjian te Solari i Abramovitch) za procjenu dobi na temelju razvoja trećeg kutnjaka. Rezul-tati: Zabilježena je visoka statistička značajnost Spearmanova koeficijenta korelacije između razvo-jnih stadija trećeg kutnjaka i kronoloÅ”ke dobi ispitanika. Zaključak: Na temelju dobivenih rezultata preporučuje se koriÅ”tenje trećih kutnjaka pri procjeni dentalne dobi metodama prema Olzeu, Demir-jianu te prema Solariju i Abramovitchu na populaciji iz Bosne i Hercegovine.Objectives: The development of third molars can be helpful in dental age estimation of adolescents and in early adult period. We tested the repeatability and accuracy of the three dental age radio-graphic methods (Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch) and evaluated which method is more useful. We also aimed at testing to find the correlation of estimated dental and chronological age by these three methods. Material and methods: The orthopantomographs (OPGs) of 1007 individuals (8 - 25 years) were divided into two groups (cca 500 OPGs) ā€“ one group of OPGs has been presented with all four third molars, while another one was registered with third molar/s hypodontia. And all of OPGs were assessed, to verify the three methods (Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch) for age estimation based on third molar development. Results: There was a high Spearmanā€™s correlation coefficient between stages of development of wisdom tooth and chronological age of subjects by all these three methods. Conclusion: We may recommend using third molars for assessing the dental age by Olze, Demirjian and Solari and Abramovitch dental method as well, on Bosnian and Herzegovinian population