670 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of wide-field specular microscopy. II. Precision of sampling from the central corneal endothelium

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    The precision of the measurement of mean endothelial cell area obtained by sampling with small-field and wide-field specular microscopy from the central 4 mm of human corneal endothelium was studied by comparing endothelial cell parameters from individual specular micrographs in vivo to the results obtained by montaging the micrographs from the entire central 4 mm of the same corneas. The small samples were at least 10% from the true mean cell size of all cells of the central 4 mm in any endothelium other than that with the most homogeneous pattern. A new algorithm for sampling with these two specular microscopes will need to be derived to permit a more precise measure of the mean area of endothelial cells in the central 4 mm of the human corneal endothelium

    The Landau-Ginzburg to Calabi-Yau Dictionary for D-Branes

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    Based on work by Orlov, we give a precise recipe for mapping between B-type D-branes in a Landau-Ginzburg orbifold model (or Gepner model) and the corresponding large-radius Calabi-Yau manifold. The D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg theories correspond to matrix factorizations and the D-branes on the Calabi-Yau manifolds are objects in the derived category. We give several examples including branes on quotient singularities associated to weighted projective spaces. We are able to confirm several conjectures and statements in the literature.Comment: 24 pages, refs added + minor correctio

    Integrability of the N=2 boundary sine-Gordon model

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    We construct a boundary Lagrangian for the N=2 supersymmetric sine-Gordon model which preserves (B-type) supersymmetry and integrability to all orders in the bulk coupling constant g. The supersymmetry constraint is expressed in terms of matrix factorisations.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages, no figures; v2: title changed, minor improvements, refs added, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Fractional two-branes, toric orbifolds and the quantum McKay correspondence

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    We systematically study and obtain the large-volume analogues of fractional two-branes on resolutions of orbifolds C^3/Z_n. We study a generalisation of the McKay correspondence proposed in hep-th/0504164 called the quantum McKay correspondence by constructing duals to the fractional two-branes. Details are explicitly worked out for two examples -- the crepant resolutions of C^3/Z_3 and C^3/Z_5.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures, LaTeX (JHEP3 style); (v2) typos corrected; (v3) sec 3 reorganise

    B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    We consider Landau-Ginzburg models with possibly different superpotentials glued together along one-dimensional defect lines. Defects preserving B-type supersymmetry can be represented by matrix factorisations of the difference of the superpotentials. The composition of these defects and their action on B-type boundary conditions is described in this framework. The cases of Landau-Ginzburg models with superpotential W=X^d and W=X^d+Z^2 are analysed in detail, and the results are compared to the CFT treatment of defects in N=2 superconformal minimal models to which these Landau-Ginzburg models flow in the IR.Comment: 50 pages, 2 figure

    D-branes in Toroidal Orbifolds and Mirror Symmetry

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    We study D-branes extended in T^2/Z_4 using the mirror description as a tensor product of minimal models. We describe branes in the mirror both as boundary states in minimal models and as matrix factorizations in the corresponding Landau-Ginzburg model. We isolate a minimal set of branes and give a geometric interpretation of these as D1-branes constrained to the orbifold fixed points. This picture is supported both by spacetime arguments and by the explicit construction of the boundary states, adapting the known results for rational boundary states in the minimal models. Similar techniques apply to a larger class of toroidal orbifolds.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figure

    Defect Perturbations in Landau-Ginzburg Models

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    Perturbations of B-type defects in Landau-Ginzburg models are considered. In particular, the effect of perturbations of defects on their fusion is analyzed in the framework of matrix factorizations. As an application, it is discussed how fusion with perturbed defects induces perturbations on boundary conditions. It is shown that in some classes of models all boundary perturbations can be obtained in this way. Moreover, a universal class of perturbed defects is constructed, whose fusion under certain conditions obey braid relations. The functors obtained by fusing these defects with boundary conditions are twist functors as introduced in the work of Seidel and Thomas.Comment: 46 page

    Rigidity and defect actions in Landau-Ginzburg models

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    Studying two-dimensional field theories in the presence of defect lines naturally gives rise to monoidal categories: their objects are the different (topological) defect conditions, their morphisms are junction fields, and their tensor product describes the fusion of defects. These categories should be equipped with a duality operation corresponding to reversing the orientation of the defect line, providing a rigid and pivotal structure. We make this structure explicit in topological Landau-Ginzburg models with potential x^d, where defects are described by matrix factorisations of x^d-y^d. The duality allows to compute an action of defects on bulk fields, which we compare to the corresponding N=2 conformal field theories. We find that the two actions differ by phases.Comment: 53 pages; v2: clarified exposition of pivotal structures, corrected proof of theorem 2.13, added remark 3.9; version to appear in CM

    Recanalization of chronically occluded aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass grafts by extended infusion of urokinase: Initial results and short-term clinical follow-up

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    AbstractChronic occlusion of saphenous vein aortocoronary bypass grafts is a common problem. Although percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of a saphenous vein with a stenotic lesion is feasible, angioplasty alone of a totally occluded vein graft yields uniformly poor results. Patients with such occlusion are often subjected to repeat aortocoronary bypass surgery. Experience with a new technique that allows angioplasty to be performed in a totally occluded saphenous vein bypass graft is reported. This technique utilizes infusion of prolonged low dose urokinase directly into the proximal portion of the occluded graft.Forty-six consecutive patients with 47 totally occluded grafts were studied. Patients had undergone end to side saphenous vein bypass grafting 1 to 13 (mean 7) years previously. All patients presented with new or worsening angina pectoris with ST-T changes or non-Q wave acute myocardial infarction and all had a totally occluded saphenous vein bypass graft. The new technique entailed the positioning of an angiographic catheter into the stub of the occluded graft and the advancement of an infusion wire into the graft. Patients were returned to the coronary care unit, where urokinase was delivered at a dose of 100,000 to 250,000 U/h. The total dose of urokinase ranged from 0.7 to 9.8 million U over 7.5 to 77 h (mean 31). After therapy, recanalization was seen in 37 (79%) of the 47 grafts.In 20 successfully treated patients, angiography was performed 1 to 24 (mean 11) months after treatment; 13 (65%) of these grafts were patent. It is concluded that direct, extended, low dose infusion of urokinase in a totally occluded saphenous vein bypass graft offers a promising alternative to repeat bypass surgery

    Evolution of the nuclear modification factors with rapidity and centrality in d+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    We report on a study of the transverse momentum dependence of nuclear modification factors RdAuR_{dAu} for charged hadrons produced in deuteron + gold collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200GeV, as a function of collision centrality and of the pseudorapidity (η=0,1,2.2,3.2\eta = 0,1,2.2,3.2) of the produced hadrons. We find significant and systematic decrease of RdAuR_{dAu} with increasing rapidity. The midrapidity enhancement and the forward rapidity suppression are more pronounced in central collisions relative to peripheral collisions. These results are relevant to the study of the possible onset of gluon saturation at RHIC energies.Comment: Four pages, four figures. Published in PRL. Figures 1 and 2 have been updated, and several changes made to the tex
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