14 research outputs found

    The capacity of protecting the laser and neemazal products against the proliferation of the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata say) in the concept of organic culture at the potato

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    In the treatment schemes for the Colorado beetle we can take into account among the chemical products which are largely used, the biological products of control, especially if it’s intended to obtain an organic culture of potato. The present paper intends to approach the efficiency of two bio-insect powders Lazer and NeemAzal on the viability of the pest in the conditions from Suceava, the experiments were carried out at S.C. D.A. Suceava in the year 2008 in field and laboratory. If we compare with the untreated witness, the egg hatching was in the ratio of 70-80% in 2-days period, on the treated lots with the two products, the hatching in the ratio of 60-70% was registered only after a few days, the “inhibitory” action of the hatching process maintaining even after the end of this process on the untreated lots

    The influence of the moderate fertilization on the production of timothy grass (Phleum pretense) in pure culture and in mixture with the clover (Trifolium pratense)

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    The researches were made in the period 2005-2007 at the Agricultural Researches Center Pojorata, at an altitude of 700 m, on a lithic alluvial soil situated on the first terrace of Moldova river with a pH 8 water) 5.1, P (Al) 75 ppm, K (al) ppm and a humus content of 2.9.%. It was followed in a bifactorial experience of the 2 x 3 type in four repetitions the factors: A- the species or the mixture with two graduations: of the Phleum pratense 80% + Trifolium pratense 20%, a2- Phleum pratense 100%. B-the fertilization with three graduations: b1-0 N 0 P2O5; b2-50 N 50 P2O5; b3- 100N 50 P2O5; The harvesting was made as it follows: the Phosphorus was applied in autumn and the nitrogen in the spring before the starting of the vegetation. The results of the researches underlined the superiority of the Phleum pratense species in the pure culture in comparison with the mixture between Phleum pratense 80% and Trifolium pratense 20% from the production point of view and of the floristic compositio

    Some peculiarities of the pluviometric regime in Suceava

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    This paper is part of a comprehensive study on the meteorological characteristics of Suceava locality and presents some peculiarities of the pluviometric regime since 1922. In the 83 years the prevailing frequencies (40-60%) were between 401- 500 mm in the period 1922-1966, while in the period 1967-1986 dominant were the quantities of 601-700 mm annually. The largest share (56%), over the entire 83-year period, had the precipitations between 400 and 600 mm annually, and precipitations below 400 mm were recorded only in two years out of 83 years, respectively 1935 and 1986

    General aspects of influence of meteorological factors on the development of the Colorado beetle, in conditions of Suceava country

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    The study of Colorado potato beetle biology is conducted in close correlation with the meteorological factors from the hibernal period development. The research was conducted in a potato crop in Suceava over four years. For the study on the evolution and hibernation pest were conducted 15 surveys on soil depth of 0-90 cm the autumn and harmful samoles were collected from 5 to 5 cm. The adults density was recorded by executing a ten polls in monoculture determining the load of adults per m². Following the application the 15 ground polls in potato crop to a decreased biological reserve, in the layer of 30-40 cm more severe winter in 2009-2010 and in milder winters 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 the depth of 25-30 cm. Hibernal adult mortality is dependent on both the amount of freezing soil temperatures during and the amount of rainfall recorded in winter

    Rolul volatilelor emise de plante în „pregătire” (priming) la atacul erbivorelor

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    Jasmonates are the main signals in plant defence against herbivores, also being new weapons in plant defences. Oral secretions of insects are molecular patterns that trigger tritrofic relationships plant-pest- entomophagous, by releasing volatile. Priming plant by influence of volatile or internal signals produced by jasmonates, provides an increased resistance to pest attack. Only molecular approach in fundamental researches and in the management of the pests, assures knowledge of life phenomenology between plant and insect

    The pedo-climatic microzones on the habitat of Cornu Luncii village

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    The territory where is placed the village Cornu Luncii, belong from point of geomorphologic of view on extra Carpathian passage of Moldavia (Baia Depression ), which is interpose between Suceava Plateau, from the north of passage and sub Carpathian hills fromthe north of Culmea Pleşului, from south of passage. Thus, the relief of this territory formed through a selective evolution, in the longway of Moldavia valley, dominating the fluvial accumulation process and on the slopes and sub Carpathian tops, prevailing the fluviodedutionale process. The main role in the relief shaping belonged of the hydrographic arteries in the context of the epeirogenesis movements and of climatic quaternary variations. On the territory of the village Cornu Luncii there are 2 pedo-climatic micro zones (III-O-SPwith numerical code 82 habitat 2, which cover 611,29 ha, that mean 12,02 % and III-LSA, with numerical code 93 habitat 1, which cover 4539,19 ha, that mean 87,98 %).</p

    The treatment effect of plant metabolites and bioinsecticides o ponte and young larvae’s of Colorado potato beetle

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    In the first years after the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle, the used insecticides were very efficiently, in most countries this pest becoming of minor importance. The situation has changed dramatically in the mid-50s after development of resistance phenomenon. Due to the use of more intense and in the same time the utilization of increasing amounts of insecticides, have been observed negative side effects of chemical treatments. Because of this, in recent years in the control schemes against the Colorado potato beetle it was included a number of biological products that have a role just counteract the negative effects of synthetic insecticides. A number of commercial bioinsecticides such as Laser 240 SC resulted in 100% mortality in few hours after application, NeemAzal T/S also causes higher mortality than 80-90% and a strong ovicidal action. Even if some plant extracts are not like commercial bioinsecticides or synthetic insecticides, they are a viable alternative to eradicate pests of potato crops

    The influence of the climatic conditions which contribute to the emergence of the hibernate adults of the Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata say) at Suceava

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    The reduced quantity of rainfall in the period preceding the emergence of the hibernate adults correlated with the mild and gradual warming of the soil and with the growth of the shinning period of the sun it makes that their emergence to be made with a few days earlier until two weeks. From a total of 25 emergences in the year 1976-1995 and 2005-2009, 68% from these were produced in April and only 32% in May. During 1976-1991 the tendency of emergence of the hibernate adults was towards the end of April and the first decade of May, following that in the last 10-15 years due to the general global worming, the apparition of the hibernate adults to be produced earlier, respectively the decade second and third of April

    Control of Colorado potato beetle larvae’s with bioinsecticides and plants metabolic extracts

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    Synthetic chemical insecticidesis one ofreal fighting concept sandshows that one of the alternative solutions in bioculture and refers to the use of organic insecticides subststanteas vegetable orvarious compound saffecting the behaviour of insects. Bioactivity plants depends on the presence of bioactive compound sand plantinter ference that occurs from the use of various components of the plant that has the properties of inhibiting feeding insects (the quantum P., et all, Berindei M., 2002). An important rolein the evolution of the ways to fightitare secondary metabolites, especially as they involvea mortality ofover 50%, sometimes 80-90%. Even if the application of plant extract shave not kille but inhibition offeeding

    The effectiveness of plant metabolites extracted from plants on larvae of the first age at Colorado beetle

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    Metabolic extracts obtained from plants harvested in preparation causes mortality between 67-100% over the same extracts made from plants harvested the year before. The same phenomenon was observed in all variants Repellent who used plants harvested in 2014, and those collected in 2013, only the extract from Tanacetum vulgare L. affected by this phenomenon. Also consumption increases exponentially leaf variants harvested in 2013. These phenomena were determined in the laboratory may lead to the idea that some plants by storing a longer period of time may lose some or transformed into other substances chemical combinations leading ultimately to the differences in mortality of larvae. Since we are tempted to say that the plant extracts are preserved better in alcohol and no in water, knowing very well the maintenance of its property, from the results presented herein just the opposite: larval mortality was higher by 10- 30% in the extracts obtained in water at some alternatives to those obtained in alcoho