6,290 research outputs found

    Fourier analyses of commensurability oscillations in Fibonacci lateral superlattices

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    Magnetotransport measurements have been performed on Fibonacci lateral superlattices (FLSLs) -- two-dimensional electron gases subjected to a weak potential modulation arranged in the Fibonacci sequence, LSLLSLS..., with L/S=tau (the golden ratio). Complicated commensurability oscillation (CO) is observed, which can be accounted for as a superposition of a series of COs each arising from a sinusoidal modulation representing the characteristic length scale of one of the self-similar generations in the Fibonacci sequence. Individual CO components can be separated out from the magnetoresistance trace by performing a numerical Fourier band-pass filter. From the analysis of the amplitude of a single-component CO thus extracted, the magnitude of the corresponding Fourier component in the potential modulation can be evaluated. By examining all the Fourier contents observed in the magnetoresistance trace, the profile of the modulated potential seen by the electrons can be reconstructed with some remaining ambiguity about the interrelation of the phase between different components.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, added references in Introduction, minor revision

    Heat Kernel for Spin-3/2 Rarita-Schwinger Field in General Covariant Gauge

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    The heat kernel for the spin-3/2 Rarita-Schwinger gauge field on an arbitrary Ricci flat space-time (d>2d>2) is investigated in a family of covariant gauges with one gauge parameter α\alpha. The α\alpha-dependent term of the kernel is expressed by the spin-1/2 heat kernel. It is shown that the axial anomaly and the one-loop divegence of the action are α\alpha-independent, and that the conformal anomaly has an α\alpha-dependent total derivative term in d=2m6d=2m\geq6 dimensions.Comment: 11 pages, latex, ITP-SB-94-3

    Anisotropic transport in unidirectional lateral superlattice around half-filling of the second Landau level

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    We have observed marked transport anisotropy in short period (a=92 nm) unidirectional lateral superlattices around filling factors nu=5/2 and 7/2: magnetoresistance shows a sharp peak for current along the modulation grating while a dip appears for current across the grating. By altering the ratio a/l (with l=sqrt{hbar/eB_perp} the magnetic length) via changing the electron density n_e, it is shown that the nu=5/2 anisotropic features appear in the range 6.6 alt a/l alt 7.2 varying their intensities, becoming most conspicuous at a/l simeq 6.7. The peak/dip broadens with temperature roughly preserving its height/depth up to 250 mK. Tilt experiments reveal that the structures are slightly enhanced by an in-plane magnetic field B_| perpendicular to the grating but are almost completely destroyed by B_| parallel to the grating. The observations suggest the stabilization of a unidirectional charge-density-wave or stripe phase by weak external periodic modulation at the second Landau level.Comment: REVTeX, 5 pages, 3 figures, Some minor revisions, Added notes and reference

    Possible effects of tilt order on phase transitions of a fixed connectivity surface model

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    We study the phase structure of a phantom tethered surface model shedding light on the internal degrees of freedom (IDOF), which correspond to the three-dimensional rod like structure of the lipid molecules. The so-called tilt order is assumed as IDOF on the surface model. The model is defined by combining the conventional spherical surface model and the XY model, which describes not only the interaction between lipids but also the interaction between the lipids and the surface. The interaction strength between IDOF and the surface varies depending on the interaction strength between the variables of IDOF. We know that the model without IDOF undergoes a first-order transition of surface fluctuations and a first-order collapsing transition. We observe in this paper that the order of the surface fluctuation transition changes from first-order to second-order and to higher-order with increasing strength of the interaction between IDOF variables. On the contrary, the order of collapsing transition remains first-order and is not influenced by the presence of IDOF.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    Semimetalic antiferromagnetism in the half-Heusler compound CuMnSb

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    The half-Heusler compound CuMnSb, the first antiferromagnet (AFM) in the Mn-based class of Heuslers and half-Heuslers that contains several conventional and half metallic ferromagnets, shows a peculiar stability of its magnetic order in high magnetic fields. Density functional based studies reveal an unusual nature of its unstable (and therefore unseen) paramagnetic state, which for one electron less (CuMnSn, for example) would be a zero gap semiconductor (accidentally so) between two sets of very narrow, topologically separate bands of Mn 3d character. The extremely flat Mn 3d bands result from the environment: Mn has four tetrahedrally coordinated Cu atoms whose 3d states lie well below the Fermi level, and the other four tetrahedrally coordinated sites are empty, leaving chemically isolated Mn 3d states. The AFM phase can be pictured heuristically as a self-doped Cu1+^{1+}Mn2+^{2+}Sb3^{3-} compensated semimetal with heavy mass electrons and light mass holes, with magnetic coupling proceeding through Kondo and/or antiKondo coupling separately through the two carrier types. The ratio of the linear specific heat coefficient and the calculated Fermi level density of states indicates a large mass enhancement m/m5m^*/m \sim 5, or larger if a correlated band structure is taken as the reference

    Origin of positive magnetoresistance in small-amplitude unidirectional lateral superlattices

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    We report quantitative analysis of positive magnetoresistance (PMR) for unidirectional-lateral-superlattice samples with relatively small periods (a=92-184 nm) and modulation amplitudes (V_0=0.015-0.25 meV). By comparing observed PMR's with ones calculated using experimentally obtained mobilities, quantum mobilities, and V_0's, it is shown that contribution from streaming orbits (SO) accounts for only small fraction of the total PMR. For small V_0, the limiting magnetic field B_e of SO can be identified as an inflection point of the magnetoresistance trace. The major part of PMR is ascribed to drift velocity arising from incompleted cyclotron orbits obstructed by scatterings.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, REVTe

    Collapsing transition of spherical tethered surfaces with many holes

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    We investigate a tethered (i.e. fixed connectivity) surface model on spherical surfaces with many holes by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Our result in this paper reveals that the model has only a collapsing transition at finite bending rigidity, where no surface fluctuation transition can be seen. The first-order collapsing transition separates the smooth phase from the collapsed phase. Both smooth and collapsed phases are characterized by Hausdorff dimension H\simeq 2, consequently, the surface becomes smooth in both phases. The difference between these two phases can be seen only in the size of surface. This is consistent with the fact that we can see no surface fluctuation transition at the collapsing transition point. These two types of transitions are well known to occur at the same transition point in the conventional surface models defined on the fixed connectivity surfaces without holes.Comment: 7 pages with 11 figure

    Effect of Oscillating Landau Bandwidth on the Integer Quantum Hall Effect in a Unidirectional Lateral Superlattice

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    We have measured activation gaps for odd-integer quantum Hall states in a unidirectional lateral superlattice (ULSL) -- a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) subjected to a unidirectional periodic modulation of the electrostatic potential. By comparing the activation gaps with those simultaneously measured in the adjacent section of the same 2DEG sample without modulation, we find that the gaps are reduced in the ULSL by an amount corresponding to the width acquired by the Landau levels through the introduction of the modulation. The decrement of the activation gap varies with the magnetic field following the variation of the Landau bandwidth due to the commensurability effect. Notably, the decrement vanishes at the flat band conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, minor revisio

    Modulation Induced Phase Transition from Fractional Quantum Hall to Stripe State at nu=5/3

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    We have investigated the effect of unidirectional periodic potential modulation on the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) state at filling factors nu=5/3 and 4/3. For large enough modulation amplitude, we find that the resistivity minimum at nu=5/3 gives way to a peak that grows with decreasing temperature. Density matrix renormalization group calculation reveals that phase transition from FQH state to unidirectional striped state having a period sim 4 l (with l the magnetic length) takes place at nu=1/3 (equivalent to nu=5/3 by the particle-hole symmetry) with the increase of the modulation amplitude, suggesting that the observed peak is the manifestation of the stripe phase.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; minor revisio

    Lepton Flavor Violation and Cosmological Constraints on R-parity Violation

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    In supersymmetric standard models R-parity violating couplings are severely constrained, since otherwise they would erase the existing baryon asymmetry before the electroweak transition. It is often claimed that this cosmological constraint can be circumvented if the baryon number and one of the lepton flavor numbers are sufficiently conserved in these R-parity violating couplings, because B/3-L_i for each lepton flavor is separately conserved by the sphaleron process. We discuss the effect of lepton flavor violation on the B-L conservation, and show that even tiny slepton mixing angles \theta_{12} \gsim {\cal O}(10^{-4}) and \theta_{23}, \theta_{13}\gsim {\cal O}(10^{-5}) will spoil the separate B/3-L_i conservation. In particular, if lepton flavor violations are observed in experiments such as MEG and B-factories, it will imply that all the R-parity violating couplings must be suppressed to avoid the B-L erasure. We also discuss the implication for the decay of the lightest MSSM particle at the LHC.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. v2: minor change