276 research outputs found
The purpose of this research is to examine the positive and negative aspects of foreign athletes competing under the name of Turkish athletics in international competitions, which have often occurred in recent years. What do Turkish sportsmen and coaches think about the foreign athletes who are competing in the name of Turkish athletics? What do these athletes think about their contribution to the sport of the country? What are the achievements of them? What are the difficulties seen in the work with them? Answering these and other questions guides to possible methods to eliminate the difficulties that can be experienced in working with foreign sports athletes competing under the name of Turkey and under the flag of Turkey. This research has been limited to answers given by participants which they had been questioned to collect data. 20 sportsman 15 coaches participated in this research. 15 questions were asked to coaches and 16 questions to sportsmen for prepare interview record. All interviews were recorded and written. In conclusion findings shown that sportsman that converted to Turkish citizenship won some medals but in higher goals like to promote Turkey's recognition by other countries and to advertise Turkey, they have failed. Article visualizations
A Turbulence Model for the Heat Transfer Near Stagnation Point of a Circular Cylinder
A one-equation low-Reynolds number turbulence model has been applied successfully to the flow and heat transfer over a circular cylinder in turbulent cross flow. The turbulence length-scale was found to be equal 3.7y up to a distance 0.05δ and then constant equal to 0.185δ up to the edge of the boundary layer (wherey is the distance from the surface and δ is the boundary layer thickness).
The model predictions for heat transfer coefficient, skin friction factor, velocity and kinetic energy profiles were in good agreement with the data. The model was applied for Re ≤250,000 and Tu∞≤0.07
Evaluation of strategies for managing stress among muay thai sportsmen participating in intervarsity sports competitionsÜniversiteler arası spor müsabakalarına katılan muay thai sporcularının stres ile başa çıkma stratejilerinin değerlendirilmesi
Sports competition is one of most intense occasions where stress is felt quite intensely. Fierce competition environment, expectations, psychological pressure, will to win, and anxiety about backfire, will undermine sportive performance. The main aim of this research is to determine different strategies that various muay thai sportsmen participating in sports competition among universities use in coping with stress.In order to measure the stress coping strategies of athletes, stress coping style scales adapted to Turkish by Şahin and Durak (1995) developed by Folkman and Lazarus (1984) were used. Cronbach Alpha internal consistency method was used to calculate the reliability coefficient of the test, Reliability Score of the scale. 0.875 respectively.Working Group consists of a total of 101 athletes including 46 women and 55 men participating in muay thai intervarsity competition.According to George and Mallery (2010), the data are considered as showing normal distributions when the values of skewness and lowness are between +2 and -2, and the evaluation is done accordingly (George and Mallery, 2010).Parametrik methods were applied to the data that show normal distribution. Independent sample t test was used to compare two independent variables. One-way variance analysis ANOVA was used to compare multiple independent variables. Post hoch-scheffe tests were applied to find out which variables have significant differences among more than two independent variables. In addition, the descriptive statistical values of the data are also included in the study. As a conclusion; strategies for managing stress by sportsmen were evaluated in terms of age, sexuality and duration of sports. If sexuality variable is considered, it is found that female sportsmen score higher than male participants regarding managing their stress. Significant differences were observed as a result of evaluation regarding active planning, external assistance search, escape abstraction (Bio-Chemical) and acceptance-cognitive (restructuring) sexuality variation while comparing these variables (p<0,05). Taking age and duration of sports into consideration, there is no significant difference in managing stress scores and sub-dimensions (p>0,05).Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetStresin en yoğun yaşanabileceği ortamlardan biriside spor müsabakaları olarak nitelendirilebilir. Yoğun rekabet ortamı, beklentiler, psikolojik baskılar, kazanma isteği ve bunların olumsuzluk ile sonuçlandırılma kaygısı sportif performansı son derece aşağılara çekecektir.İşte bu etkiyi incelebilmek için üniversiteler arası spor müsabakalarına katılan muay- thai sporcularının stres ile başa çıkmada kullandıkları farklı stratejileri tespit edebilmek çalışmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır.Sporcu öğrencilerin stres ile başa çıkma stratejilerinin ölçülmesi için; Folkman ve Lazarus’un geliştirdiği (1984) Şahin ve Durak (1995) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanan Stresle başa çıkma tarzları ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenirlik katsayısının hesaplanması için Cronbach Alpha iç tutarlılık yöntemi kullanılmış, Ölçeğin Güvenilirlik puanı. 0,875 olarak bulunmuştur.Çalışma Grubu Üniversiteler arası muay thai müsabakalarına katılan 46 kadın ve 55 erkek toplam 101 sporcudan oluşmaktadır.George ve Mallery (2010)’a göre çarpıklık ve basıklık değerlerinin +2 ile -2 arasında bir değerin almasına göre verilerin normal dağılım gösterdikleri kabul edilmiş ve buna göre değerlendirme yapılmıştır (George ve Mallery, 2010). Normal Dağılım gösteren verilere parametrik olan yöntemler uygulanmıştır. İki bağımsız değişkenin karşılaştırılmasında bağımsız örneklem t testinden yararlanılmış, İkiden fazla bağımsız değişkenlerin karşılaştırılması için ise tek yönlü varyans analiz anova kullanılmıştır. İkiden fazla bağımsız değişkenlerin hangisinin arasında anlamlı farklılık olduğunu bilmek açısından post hoch- scheffe testleri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca çalışmada verilere ait tanımlayıcı istatistik değerlerine de yer verilmiştir.Sonuç olarak; Muay Thai Sporcularının stres ile başa çıkma stratejileri yaş, cinsiyet ve spor yapma süresi açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Cinsiyet değişkeni değerlendirildiğinde; kadın sporcuların stres ile başa çıkma stratejisi puan ortalaması erkek katılımcılara göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Değişkenlerin karşılaştırmasında ve ölçeğin alt boyutları olan; aktif planlama, dış yardım arama, kaçma soyutlama (Biyo-Kimyasal) ve kabul-bilişsel (Yeniden yapılanma) cinsiyet değişkeni açısından değerlendirilmesi sonucunda anlamlı farklılıklar görülmüştür (p<0,05).Yaş ve spor yapma süresi değişkenleri açısından ise stres ile başa çıkma puan ortalamaları ve alt boyutlarında anlamlı farklılık görülmemiştir (p>0,05)
Investigation of musculoskeletal system injuries in athletes doing bodybuilding and fitness sportsVücut geliştirme ve fitness sporu yapanlarda, kas, iskelet sistemi sakatlıklarının belirlenmesi
The aim of this research is to investigate the musculoskeletal system injuries in athletes doing bodybuilding and fitness sports.The population of the study consists of 143 female (34.5%) and 272 (65.5%) male participants aged between 16-60 (26.16 ± 8.83) doing body building and fitness training in the gymnasiums located in İzmir, Denizli, Aydın, Manisa and Muğla. The "Extended Nordic Musculoskeletal System Questionnaire (ENMSQ)" was used to question musculoskeletal disorders. ENMSQ asks yes / no whether there is pain, pain or discomfort in the nine body regions up to now, within the last 12 months, within the last four weeks, and on the day the assessment is made. The Nordic Musculoskeletal The data obtained from ENMSQ was calculated at a significance level of 0.05 in the 95% confidence interval by the SPSS 22.0 package program.In the study, it was found that there was no significant difference between individuals in terms of getting injured according to variables such as gender, sports training, warming exercises before training (p>0.05); There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between individuals in the knee region according to age variable; on shoulder and knee regions according to BMI values, elbow, hand-wrist and forearm and foot-to-foot area according to frequency of weekly training.In the study, it was concluded that increase in the likelihood of getting injured in the knee and shoulder regions due to increase in age and BMI values for the athletes doing body building and fitness sports. Therefore, doing regular physical activity, adequate and balanced diet should be regulated the body weight according to height in order to avoid injuries in knee and shoulder areas. In addition, the study found that as the frequency of weekly training decreased in those engaged in body building and fitness, there were increases in elbows, hand-wrists and injuries to the forearms and foot-to-foot areas of them. Therefore, the likelihood of getting injured in the elbow, hand-wrist and forearm and foot-ankle regions can be reduced by increasing the frequency of weekly training and broadening its scope.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı vücut geliştirme ve fitness sporu yapanlarda görülen, kas-iskelet sistemi sakatlıklarının belirlenmesidir.Araştırmanın örneklemini İzmir, Denizli, Aydın, Manisa ve Muğla illerinde bulunan spor salonlarında vücut geliştirme ve fitness antrenmanlarına katılan, yaşları 16-60 (26.16±8.83) arasında değişen, 143’ü kadın (%34.5) ve 272‘si erkek (%65.5) olmak üzere 415 gönüllü kişi oluşturmuştur. Kas iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını sorgulamak amacıyla “Genişletilmiş Nordic Kas İskelet Sistemi Anketi (GNKİSA)” kullanıldı. GNKİSA, dokuz vücut bölgesinde şimdiye kadar, son 12 ay içinde, son dört hafta içinde ve değerlendirmenin yapıldığı gün, acı, ağrı veya rahatsızlık olup olmadığını evet/hayır şeklinde sorgular. GNKİSA’dan elde edilen veriler SPSS 22.0 paket programında %95 güven aralığında 0.05 anlamlılık düzeyinde değerlendirildi.Yapılan istatistiki analizlerde yaş değişkenine göre diz bölgesinden; BKİ değerlerine göre omuz ve diz bölgelerinden; haftalık antrenman yapma sıklığına göre dirsek, el-el bileği ve ön kol ile ayak-ayak bileği bölgelerinden sakatlık geçiren ve geçirmeyen bireyler arasında anlamlı bir farklılığın olduğu görüldü (p<0.05).Araştırmada vücut geliştirme ve fitness sporuyla uğraşanlarda yaş ve BKİ değerlerinin artışına bağlı olarak diz ve omuz bölgelerinde sakatlıklarının görülme oranında artışların olduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı. Bu nedenle diz ve omuz bölgelerinde sakatlıklarla karşılaşmamak için düzenli fiziksel aktiviteye katılım, yeterli ve dengeli beslenme ile boy uzunluğuna uygun vücut ağırlığının denetimi sağlanmalıdır. Buna ek olarak, araştırmada vücut geliştirme ve fitness sporuyla uğraşanlarda haftalık antrenman sıklığı azaldıkça dirsek, el-el bileği ve ön kol ile ayak-ayak bileği bölgelerinde görülen sakatlıklarda artışların olduğu ortaya konuldu. Bundan dolayı haftalık antrenman sıklığının arttırılması suretiyle kapsam genişletilerek dirsek, el-el bileği ve ön kol ile ayak-ayak bileği bölgelerinde sakatlık görülme olasılığı azaltılabilir
The health literacy level and eating behaviours of the teachers working at the city center of Eskisehir Turkey
Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the level of Health Literacy of teachers who work at the city center of Eskisehir and to evaluate the relation with eating behaviors and some of possible related variables.Methods: This cross-sectional research study was conducted between 1st of March and 28th of April 2017 with the primary, secondary and high school teachers. Study group consists of 825 teachers who agreed to participate to the study. The Questionnaire form includes the socio-demographic variables of teachers, potential factors associated with the health literacy, Turkish Health Literacy Scale 32 (THLS-32) and The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire.Results: The mean age was 41.91±8.80 years ranging from 22 to 65 years. The median score of the general index of the THLS-32 was found to be as 32.81 and 52.1% of our study population were found to be above the median score. The participants showed a negative correlation between the scores of ‘emotional eating’,‘uncontrolled eating’ scale and THLS-32, positive correlation between ‘cognitive restraint’ eating scale THLS-32.Conclusions: The health literacy level of teachers is important because of effecting both themselves and students. The teachers and the health care providers should collaborate on the topic more and they should be encouraged to participate in health related programmes
The Role of EREG, PTPN1, and SERPINB7 Genes in the Pathogenesis of Psoriasis: May SERPINB7 Be Protective and a Marker of Severity for Psoriasis?
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatological disease with complex pathogenesis in which many immune system cells, including keratinocytes, play a role. Many genes regulate the proliferation of keratinocytes and other immune cells that have essential roles in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.The expressions of EREG, PTPN1, and SERPINB7 genes were shown as upregulated in psoriatic skins in a few studies previously.
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the expressions of these genes in psoriatic lesional skin and com-pared them with non-lesional adjacent skin of the same patients and normal skin of healthy controls.
Results: Our results revealed that the expressions of EREG and PTPN1 genes were upregulated,whereas the SERPINB7 gene expression was down regulated in the psoriatic skin of the patients than normal skin of controls. Moreover, the expression level of the SERPINB7 gene was also negatively correlated with the severity of the disease among patients.
Conclusions: According to our results, overexpression of EREG and PTPN1 genes, and decreased expression of SERPINB7 gene may lead to the development of psoriasis
The evaluation of vitamin K status in children with febrile seizure
Background: Febrile seizure is the most common neurological disorder in childhood. The exact pathophysiology of febrile seizures is unknown. Recent studies showed the role of vitamin K in nonhematological and inflammatory disorders. This study aimed to investigate the serum vitamin K levels in children with febrile seizures. Aims: To evaluate vitamin K levels in children with febrile seizures. Study Design: Prospective case-control study. Methods: This multicenter study examined representative populations in 8 different cities in Turkey between April 1, 2018 and April 1, 2019. Blood samples were taken from all children at presentation. Vitamin K1, vitamin K2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interleukin 6 levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: A total of 155 children were included in the study—84 children with febrile seizures and 71 children in febrile control group. Serum vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels were also higher in children with febrile seizures than in the controls. The results of statistical analysis showed that vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels were correlated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin 1 beta, and interleukin 6 levels. The median vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels of children experiencing their first febrile seizure were higher than those in children with recurrent febrile seizures. Type of febrile seizure has no effect on serum vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels. Conclusion: In children with febrile seizures, vitamin K levels are higher than those in the control group. These new findings may contribute to elucidating the etiopathogenesis of febrile seizures
Measurement of the Splitting Function in &ITpp &ITand Pb-Pb Collisions at root&ITsNN&IT=5.02 TeV
Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.Peer reviewe
Measurement of nuclear modification factors of gamma(1S)), gamma(2S), and gamma(3S) mesons in PbPb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
The cross sections for ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S), and ϒ(3S) production in lead-lead (PbPb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV have been measured using the CMS detector at the LHC. The nuclear modification factors, RAA, derived from the PbPb-to-pp ratio of yields for each state, are studied as functions of meson rapidity and transverse momentum, as well as PbPb collision centrality. The yields of all three states are found to be significantly suppressed, and compatible with a sequential ordering of the suppression, RAA(ϒ(1S)) > RAA(ϒ(2S)) > RAA(ϒ(3S)). The suppression of ϒ(1S) is larger than that seen at √sNN = 2.76 TeV, although the two are compatible within uncertainties. The upper limit on the RAA of ϒ(3S) integrated over pT, rapidity and centrality is 0.096 at 95% confidence level, which is the strongest suppression observed for a quarkonium state in heavy ion collisions to date. © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3.Peer reviewe
Electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions root s =13 TeV
A measurement of the electroweak (EW) production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV is presented, based on data recorded in 2016 by the CMS experiment at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1). The measurement is performed in the lljj final state with l including electrons and muons, and the jets j corresponding to the quarks produced in the hard interaction. The measured cross section in a kinematic region defined by invariant masses m(ll) > 50 GeV, m(jj) > 120 GeV, and transverse momenta P-Tj > 25 GeV is sigma(EW) (lljj) = 534 +/- 20 (stat) fb (syst) fb, in agreement with leading-order standard model predictions. The final state is also used to perform a search for anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. No evidence is found and limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators are given in the framework of an effective field theory. The corresponding 95% confidence level intervals are -2.6 <cwww/Lambda(2) <2.6 TeV-2 and -8.4 <cw/Lambda(2) <10.1 TeV-2. The additional jet activity of events in a signal-enriched region is also studied, and the measurements are in agreement with predictions.Peer reviewe
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