7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Level of Financial Literacy among South African Undergraduate Students

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    The purpose of the study was twofold: to examine the relationship between financial literacy and demographic and other socioeconomic factors of a sample of undergraduate students; and to evaluate how undergraduate students’ financial knowledge correlate with their attitude and behavior towards personal finance issues. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data and logistic regression and Chi-Square statistical procedures were employed to analyse the data using the Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) software. Overall, this pilot study reveals that Bachelor of Commerce(Accounting) students at the University of Venda are not as financially literate as expected, confirming the findings of similar studies conducted on South African university students (Kotzè and Smidt, 2008). There is therefore the necessity to review the academic curriculum in the Bachelor of Commerce programme to include money management course. Furthermore, with more South African university students likely to depend on bank loans to finance their education, it is recommended that financial literacy be made a compulsory course in all undergraduate programmes in South African universities

    Activity based costing (ABC) in the public sector: benefits and challenges

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    Bachelor of Commerce Programme and employability of University of Venda graduates, South Africa

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    Since its establishment two and half decades ago, the School of Management Sciences at the University of Venda (UNIVEN) has produced hundreds of Bachelor of Commerce (BCOM) graduates for the South African work force. Yet the School has had no formal feedback from its graduates regarding the relevance, usefulness, strengths and weakness of its BCOM programmes. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of the BCOM (Accounting) programme on job prospects of UNIVEN graduates. A structured questionnaire was sent to a sample of 61 graduates of UNIVEN’s BCOMA programme through the Snowball technique of tracing survey respondents. The questionnaire sought the participating graduates’ opinions on several aspects of their educational experience at Univen including adequacy of the training and employability, among others. The study used the IBM SPSS version 21 to analyse the study data. The key findings of the study suggest that the components of the BCOMA programme that need major improvement to increase the employability of graduates are training in practical skills, using computers in Accounting training, as well as improvement in teaching and delivery methods. The study also found that modules offered in the BCOM programme were relevant to the graduate’s job needs

    A Markov regime switching approach to estimating the volatility of Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) returns

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    The study used the Markov regime switching model to investigate the presence of regimes in the volatility dynamics of the returns of JSE All-Share Index (ALSI). Volatility regimes are as a result of sudden changes in the underlying economy generating the market returns. In all, twelve candidate models were fitted to the data. Estimates from the regime switching model were compared to the industry standard non-switching GARCH (1,1) using the Deviance Information Criteria (DIC). The results show that the two-regime switching EGARCH model with skewed Student t innovations describes better the return of the JSE Index. Additionally, we backtest the model results in order to confirm our findings that the two-regime switching EGARCH is the best of the models for the sample period