18 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is the result of infection ascending through the endocervix to the uterus and fallopian tubes. Inflammation driven by infected host cells appears to be central to the development of tissue damage and associated reproductive complications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) therefore have the potential to reduce the sequelae associated with pelvic infection. METHODS: A search of four electronic reference databases, an internet search for relevant grey literature and a review of the bibliographies of identified publications was used to identify studies evaluating NSAIDs in the management of PID. A predefined search strategy was used to identify studies that included women with PID aged over 16 and diagnosed after 1980. Randomized controlled trials, nonrandomized controlled trials, and cohort studies with comparison group data were included without language restriction. Two reviewers independently assessed the studies against agreed criteria and extracted relevant data using a standardized pro forma. A meta-analysis to calculate the relative risk associated with NSAID use was planned if appropriate. RESULTS: Forty-three studies were identified. After reviewing abstracts or full texts, two randomized controlled trials were found to meet the selection criteria for inclusion. The use of NSAIDs was reported to improve tubal patency, reduce pelvic adhesions and reduce suprapubic pain but the studies were of poor quality with a high risk of bias. Meta-analysis of the data was not performed. CONCLUSIONS: Insufficient data is available to support or refute the efficacy of NSAIDs in the prevention of short or long-term complications of PID

    The Sorghum QTL Atlas: a powerful tool for trait dissection, comparative genomics and crop improvement

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    Key message: We describe the development and application of the Sorghum QTL Atlas, a high-resolution, open-access research platform to facilitate candidate gene identification across three cereal species, sorghum, maize and rice. Abstract: The mechanisms governing the genetic control of many quantitative traits are only poorly understood and have yet to be fully exploited. Over the last two decades, over a thousand QTL and GWAS studies have been published in the major cereal crops including sorghum, maize and rice. A large body of information has been generated on the genetic basis of quantitative traits, their genomic location, allelic effects and epistatic interactions. However, such QTL information has not been widely applied by cereal improvement programs and genetic researchers worldwide. In part this is due to the heterogeneous nature of QTL studies which leads QTL reliability variation from study to study. Using approaches to adjust the QTL confidence interval, this platform provides access to the most updated sorghum QTL information than any database available, spanning 23 years of research since 1995. The QTL database provides information on the predicted gene models underlying the QTL CI, across all sorghum genome assembly gene sets and maize and rice genome assemblies and also provides information on the diversity of the underlying genes and information on signatures of selection in sorghum. The resulting high-resolution, open-access research platform facilitates candidate gene identification across 3 cereal species, sorghum, maize and rice. Using a number of trait examples, we demonstrate the power and resolution of the resource to facilitate comparative genomics approaches to provide a bridge between genomics and applied breeding. © 2018, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Whole-genome sequencing of Chlamydia trachomatis isolates from persistently infected patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Current understanding of the causes of treatment failure in Chlamydia trachomatis is poor and antimicrobial susceptibility data are lacking. We used genome sequencing to seek evidence of antimicrobial resistance in isolates sourced from patients who were persistently infected. METHODS: Genomic DNA was extracted from C. trachomatis isolates cultured in McCoy cell monolayers. Sequencing libraries were prepared using the SureSelectXT Illumina paired-end protocol. Paired reads were mapped against a reference genome and single nucleotide variants (SNVs) were identified. RESULTS: Seven isolates from persistently infected patients and five isolates from successfully treated patients were sequenced. No previously reported SNVs associated with antimicrobial resistance were found. A unique SNV was identified in the gyrA gene of one treatment failure isolate but was located outside of the quinolone resistance determining region; this SNV has been previously reported in other members of the Chlamydiaceae family. CONCLUSION: No genomic evidence was found to explain the differences in clinical outcome for our two groups of patients. A mutation unrelated to antimicrobial susceptibility was found in an isolate from a persistently infected patient. The cause of these persistent infections with C. trachomatis remains unclear

    Phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Chlamydia trachomatis isolates from patients with persistent or successfully treated infections.

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    Objectives Antimicrobial susceptibility data for Chlamydia trachomatis are lacking. Methodologies for susceptibility testing in C. trachomatis are not well-defined, standardized or performed routinely owing to its intracellular growth requirements. We sought to develop an assay for the in vitro susceptibility testing of C. trachomatis isolates from two patient cohorts with different clinical outcomes. Methods Twenty-four clinical isolates (11 from persistently infected and 13 from successfully treated patients) were overlaid with media containing two-fold serial dilutions of azithromycin or doxycycline. After incubation, aliquots were removed from the stock inoculum (SI) and each antimicrobial concentration for total RNA extraction, complementary DNA generation and real-time PCR. The MIC was defined as the lowest antimicrobial concentration where a 95% reduction in transcription was evident in comparison with the SI for each isolate. Results MICs of azithromycin were comparable for isolates from the two patient groups (82% ≤ 0.25 mg/L for persistently infected and 100% ≤ 0.25 mg/L for successfully treated patients). Doxycycline MICs were at least two-fold lower for isolates from the successfully treated patients (53.9% ≤ 0.064 mg/L) than for the persistently infected patients (100% ≥ 0.125 mg/L) (P = 0.006, Fisher's exact test). Overall, 96% of isolates gave reproducible MICs when re-tested. Conclusions A reproducible assay was developed for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of C. trachomatis. MICs of azithromycin were generally comparable for the two different patient groups. MICs of doxycycline were significantly higher in the persistently infected patients. However, interpretation of elevated MICs in C. trachomatis is extremely challenging in the absence of breakpoints, or wild-type and treatment failure MIC distribution data

    The Sorghum QTL Atlas: a powerful tool for trait dissection, comparative genomics and crop improvement

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    We describe the development and application of the Sorghum QTL Atlas, a high-resolution, open-access research platform to facilitate candidate gene identification across three cereal species, sorghum, maize and rice. The mechanisms governing the genetic control of many quantitative traits are only poorly understood and have yet to be fully exploited. Over the last two decades, over a thousand QTL and GWAS studies have been published in the major cereal crops including sorghum, maize and rice. A large body of information has been generated on the genetic basis of quantitative traits, their genomic location, allelic effects and epistatic interactions. However, such QTL information has not been widely applied by cereal improvement programs and genetic researchers worldwide. In part this is due to the heterogeneous nature of QTL studies which leads QTL reliability variation from study to study. Using approaches to adjust the QTL confidence interval, this platform provides access to the most updated sorghum QTL information than any database available, spanning 23\ua0years of research since 1995. The QTL database provides information on the predicted gene models underlying the QTL CI, across all sorghum genome assembly gene sets and maize and rice genome assemblies and also provides information on the diversity of the underlying genes and information on signatures of selection in sorghum. The resulting high-resolution, open-access research platform facilitates candidate gene identification across 3 cereal species, sorghum, maize and rice. Using a number of trait examples, we demonstrate the power and resolution of the resource to facilitate comparative genomics approaches to provide a bridge between genomics and applied breeding

    Extensive variation within the pan-genome of cultivated and wild sorghum

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    Sorghum is a drought-tolerant staple crop for half a billion people in Africa and Asia, an important source of animal feed throughout the world and a biofuel feedstock of growing importance. Cultivated sorghum and its inter-fertile wild relatives constitute the primary gene pool for sorghum. Understanding and characterizing the diversity within this valuable resource is fundamental for its effective utilization in crop improvement. Here, we report analysis of a sorghum pan-genome to explore genetic diversity within the sorghum primary gene pool. We assembled 13 genomes representing cultivated sorghum and its wild relatives, and integrated them with 3 other published genomes to generate a pan-genome of 44,079 gene families with 222.6 Mb of new sequence identified. The pan-genome displays substantial gene-content variation, with 64% of gene families showing presence/absence variation among genomes. Comparisons between core genes and dispensable genes suggest that dispensable genes are important for sorghum adaptation. Extensive genetic variation was uncovered within the pan-genome, and the distribution of these variations was influenced by variation of recombination rate and transposable element content across the genome. We identified presence/absence variants that were under selection during sorghum domestication and improvement, and demonstrated that such variation had important phenotypic outcomes that could contribute to crop improvement. The constructed sorghum pan-genome represents an important resource for sorghum improvement and gene discovery