120 research outputs found

    Interactions between tomato volatile organic compounds and aphid behaviour

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    In the tritrophic system consisting of tomato, Solanum lycopersicum (L.), the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and its natural enemy, the parasitoid Aphidius ervi (Haliday), it has been shown that the release of volatile organic compounds following aphid attack is responsible for attracting aphid parasitoids in wind tunnel experiments. The main compounds involved in these multitrophic interactions have been characterized and quantified. In this work, the possible activity of such compounds on plant direct defences against the aphid M. euphorbiae was assessed in laboratory tests. The selected compounds were applied to uninfested tomato plants, either by evaporation or contact, and performance of aphids, in terms of plant acceptance, fixing behaviour and aphid development, calculated in standard conditions. The results showed that two compounds, namely methylsalicylate and cishex3en1ol, alter aphid performance. These two compounds have been reported to be those eliciting the best response by A. ervi in terms of flight behavior (wind tunnel bioassay) and antennal stimulation (EAG bioassay)

    Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of leaf-spinning moths (Lepidoptera) feeding on Vaccinium uliginosum L. along an ecological gradient in central European peat bogs

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    Parasitoids of leaf-spinning Lepidoptera associated with two isolated central European peat bogs were investigated. Five families of parasitoid Hymenoptera (Braconidae, lchneumonidae, Eulophidae, Pteromalidae and Encyrtidae) were recorded. Three categories were recognised: (1) primary parasitoids, (2) facultative hyperparasitoids and (3) obligatory hyperparasitoids. Ten species of Braconidae, five species and seven marked morphospecies among lchneumonidae, and three species of Chalcidoidea were identified. Despite of some niche-specific (but less host-specific) parasitoids, all these hymenopterans are likely to be generalists and none of them were confirmed to be habitat and/or host specialists. Unlike their eurytopic (opportunistic tyrphoneutral) parasitoids, the Lepidoptera hosts associated with peat bogs are partially highly stenotopic (tyrphobionts and tyrphophiles). The occurrence of parasitoids compared to their potential hosts was structured along an ecological (mesoclimatic) gradient, so most parasitoids were recorded from margins while stenotopic (narrow habitat adaptation) moths were mostly distributed near the centre of the bog habitat

    Dryocosmus kuriphilus (Hymenoptera cynipidae) in Sardegna

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    The chestnut gall wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus was detected in Sardinia in 2007. Two years later its biological control agent, Torymus sinensis, was released and was started the monitoring of native oak gall wasp parasitoids recruited by D. kuriphilus. Five years after its introduction the exotic parasitoid T. sinensis established itself in the study sites and more than 25 morphospecies of native parasitoids emerged from D. kuriphilus galls

    Effects of single or combined water deficit and aphid attack on tomato volatile organic compound (VOC) emission and plant-plant communication

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    Plants release a broad spectrum of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The composition of the released VOC blend is dependent on the physiological status and, consequently, is affected by biotic and abiotic stresses. Stress-related VOCs can be perceived by different organisms, including natural enemies of herbivores and neighboring plants. Here, the responses of tomato plants (emitters) to single or combined abiotic (water stress) and biotic (aphid attack) stresses, and the effect of VOC released by emitters on neighboring unstressed plants (receivers), have been investigated. Emissions of α-pinene and methyl salicylate from plants exposed to single or combined stress, and of camphene from plants exposed to water or combined stress were significantly higher than in unstressed plants. In receivers, only the release of methyl salicylate increased when companion emitters were stressed. The expression of genes related to VOC biosynthesis and plant defense responses was unaffected or declined in water-stressed emitters, and was generally higher in receivers than in emitters. The gene coding for methyl salicylate biosynthesis was particularly active in aphid-attacked emitters and in receivers that were conditioned by the infested emitters. In addition, VOCs emitted by stressed plants induce VOC emission in unstressed receivers, and this increases attraction of parasitic wasps, which may improve protection against aphid attacks under conditions of reduced water availability

    Taxon-specific multiplex-PCR for quick, easy, and accurate identification of encyrtid and aphelinid parasitoid species attacking soft scale insects in California citrus groves

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    Citricola scale, Coccus pseudomagnoliarum Kuwana (Hemiptera: Coccidae), is a serious pest of citrus in California's San Joaquin Valley, but not in southern California where a complex of Metaphycus spp. Mercet (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) suppress it. This has created interest in using these (and other Metaphycus) species for biological control in the San Joaquin Valley. A critical step in assessing an organism's potential for biological control is the ability to accurately identify it. For Metaphycus spp., this currently requires slide mounted adult specimens and expert taxonomic knowledge. We present a simple, quick and accurate method to identify any life stage of the ten major parasitoids of soft scales in California citrus, based on amplification of ribosomal DNA, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Three multiplex-PCR protocols amplify products of taxon-specific sizes, allowing direct diagnosis of taxa accommodated by the PCR, and reducing identification time to a fraction of that of existing methods

    Small volatile lipophilic molecules induced belowground by aphid attack elicit a defensive response in neighbouring un-infested plants

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    In pioneering studies on plant-aphid interactions, we have observed that Vicia faba plants infested by aphids can transmit signals via the rhizosphere that induce aboveground defence in intact, neighbouring plants. The aphid parasitoid Aphidius ervi is significantly attracted towards intact broad bean plants grown in a hydroponic solution previously harbouring Acyrtosiphon pisum-infested plants. To identify the rhizosphere signal(s) possibly mediating this belowground plant-plant communication, root exudates were collected using Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) from 10-day old A. pisum-infested and un-infested Vicia faba plants hydroponically grown. To verify the ability of these root exudates to trigger defence mechanisms against the aphids we added them to V. fabae plants grown in hydroponic solution, and tested these plants in the wind-tunnel bioassay to assess their attractiveness towards the aphids’ parasitoids A. ervi. We identified three small volatile lipophilic molecules as plant defence elicitors: 1-octen-3-ol, sulcatone and sulcatol, in SPE extracts of A. pisum-infested broad bean plants. In wind tunnel assays, we recorded a significant increase in the attractiveness towards A. ervi of V. faba plants grown in hydroponic solution treated with these compounds, compared to plants grown in hydroponic treated with ethanol (control). Both 1-octen-3-ol and sulcatol have asymmetrically substituted carbon atoms at positions 3 and 2, respectively. Hence, we tested both their enantiomers alone or in mixture. We highlighted a synergistic effect on the level of attractiveness towards the parasitoid when testing the three compounds together in respect to the response recorded against them singly tested. These behavioural responses were supported by the characterization of headspace volatiles released by tested plants. These results shed new light on the mechanisms underlying plant-plant communication belowground and prompt the use of bio-derived semiochemicals for a sustainable protection of agricultural crops

    Mitochondrial F0F1 H+-ATP synthase Characterization of F0 components involved in H+ translocation

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    AbstractThe membrane F0, sector of mitochondrial ATP synthase complex was rapidly isolated by direct extraction with CHAPS from F1-depleted submitochondrial particles. The preparation thus obtained is stable and can be reconstituted in artificial phospholipid membranes to result in oligomycin-sensitive proton conduction, or recombined with purified F1 to give the oligomycin-sensitive F0F1-ATPase complex. The F0 preparation and constituent polypeptides were characterized by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis. The functional role of F0 polypeptides was examined by means of trypsin digestion and reconstitution studies. It is shown that, in addition to the 8 kDa DCCD-binding protein, the nuclear encoded protein [(1987) J. Mol. Biol. 197, 89–100], characterized as an intrinsic component of F0, (F0I, PVP protein [(1967) J. Biol. Chem. 242, 2547–2551]) is involved in H+ translocation and the sensitivity of this process to the F0 inhibitors, DCCD and oligomycin

    Foraging behavior of Ganaspis brasiliensis in response to temporal dynamics of volatile release by the fruit–Drosophila suzukii complex

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    The lineage G1 of Ganaspis brasiliensis is a larval parasitoid of the worldwide pest Drosophila suzukii and one of its most effective natural enemies in the native area. Because of its high degree of host specificity, G. brasiliensis G1 is considered a suitable species for introduction in areas invaded by D. suzukii following a classical biological control approach. Indeed, the release of the parasitoid is currently implemented in the USA and Italy. G1 females attack only host larvae developing in ripening fresh fruits on the plant and not larvae that develop in decaying fruits. To date, virtually no information is available on the cues regulating the foraging behavior of G1. In this study, we therefore aimed to find out whether chemical cues are exploited by G1 females to: (i) locate host fruits; (ii) locate suitable host larvae within infested fruit; (iii) discriminate between infested fresh fruits and infested rotting ones. We used a model system composed of blueberries and D. suzukii tested in two-choice olfactometer bioassays (with D. suzukii-infested fruits, healthy fruits, and pure air as odor targets), followed by the collection and the characterization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released by the tested targets. The results showed a clear time-dependent choice made by G1 females of infested versus healthy fruits related to the concomitant development of D. suzukii larvae and fruit degradation. Attraction to infested fruits was recorded during the early stages of infestation, followed by a repellent phase coinciding with fruits largely degraded by larval feeding. We found that the attractiveness of G. brasiliensis G1 towards fruits infested by young larvae was associated with the detection of VOCs released by the infested blueberries, and host’s cuticular hydrocarbons. Conversely, the repellence of older and deteriorated fruits hosting developed D. suzukii larvae was associated with the detection of a fermentation compound produced by microorganisms likely carried inside the fruit by the flies. The response of G1 females to the temporal dynamics of chemical cues emitted by the fruit–host larvae complex was consistent with the high degree of specificity of the parasitoid towards the ripening host fruits and towards D. suzukii

    Combination of the Systemin peptide with the beneficial fungus Trichoderma afroharzianum T22 improves plant defense responses against pests and diseases

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    Trichoderma spp. are among the most widely used plant beneficial fungi in agriculture. Its interaction with the plant triggers resistance responses by the activation of Induced Systemic Resistance mediated by Jasmonic acid and Ethylene and/or Systemic Acquired Resistance, which involves Salicylic acid, with the consequent control of a wide range of plant parasites. However, the benefit they can confer to plants may be reduced or nullified by environmental conditions or fungal ecological fitness. A novel approach to enhance their effectiveness in plant defense is to combine them with bioactive molecules including plant-derived compounds. Here, we show that plant treatment with Trichoderma afroharzianum (strain T22) and Systemin, a tomato peptide active in triggering plant defense, confers protection against the fungal pathogens Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea and the insect pest Tuta absoluta. The observed defensive response was associated with an increase of Jasmonic acid and related metabolites and a decrease of Salicili acid
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